Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 310 The Way To Make Money, World-Destroying Equipment

"Perhaps, none of us have been able to obtain the divine power like God Nirvana. He recently unlocked the power of [Sun Wings]. Plus the blessings of skills such as [Spirit of Team Battle] and [Double Casting S]. I promise, he will be the only exception!"

"Warriors, what are you waiting for? Start placing bets. The odds of buying Nirvana Great God are 1.1 for 1, and buying Nirvana Great God was wiped out by 100 million [evil thunder and lightning demons]. The odds are 1:20, warriors, in Boldly buy before the beast swarm attacks the city, if the beast swarm captures the area of ​​the city-state alliance, you can also be a rich man who escapes—”

Hearing such a tempting business promotion method, many players bought millions of gold coins, but most players bought the high odds.

That way, once you win the purchase, you can really be a "runaway rich man" even if you encounter monsters attacking the city.

Fang Han is worrying about paying the remaining fee for the 'mysterious old man' to help him reverse the attributes of the [God King Staff].

Suddenly, his identity as the ruler of the city-state alliance brought him an exclusive message.

[Yixing City players 1024X876 players bet 1.768 billion gold coins]

[2630X999 players in Misty City bet 3.222 billion gold coins]

[Gold coins have been remitted to the exclusive pool of the ruler of the city-state alliance, and you can withdraw and call them at will with the identity of the "master"]

Fang Han suddenly floated up.

Mom, at this moment I have finally experienced the joy of being the ruler of the city-state alliance!

It's so cool to hit Tianling Gai directly!

A total of 5 billion gold coins has been credited, and after deducting the expenses of other players (who bought Nirvana to win), Fang Han's gains in this super mission are at least 6 billion gold coins!

After all, the rewards for killing monsters, the super rewards for missions, and the "stakes" rewards that players bet on all add up, and the amount of gold coins harvested will definitely explode! ! !

But for the next three consecutive days, Fang Han didn't seem to move at all.

The players began to surge.

On the misty city square.

"Why hasn't God Nirvana moved yet?"

"Why don't you see the news of exterminating demons?"

"Yeah, the guild that made a bet early in the morning sent many players to inquire about the news, and no one saw the existence of God Nirvana in the wild."

"Did he really run away with the gold coins we bet?"

"No, no, God Nirvana doesn't care about your bet..."

Seeing that the players were about to fight, the city lord Tie Mian Sheng came forward to stop it in time.

"My lord, you are very close to God Nirvana. Come and tell everyone, where did God Nirvana go?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"I really want to know, we are serious. Please, the city lord, make it easier."

"That's right, everyone who wants to know the news will get ten gold coins. The quickest will get it!"

Nima, the warriors brought out by God Nirvana are all greedy slaves...

【Ding! City-state announcement, Great God Nirvana successfully reversed the world-destruction equipment "God King's Staff" at 631, 28 mysterious old man in the world's great city of the Nine Layers of God's Domain "Piao Miao City"]

Wow! ! ! ~

All the cities belonging to the city-state alliance are boiling.

No wonder God Nirvana didn't show up for three whole days. It turned out that he went to create exclusive 'world-destroying' equipment.

[God King Staff] All players have heard of it.

This is a tribute from the Warlock Guild.

In other words, this is the equipment that God Nirvana forcibly snatched back from the leader of the Warlock Guild, and it is a symbol of glory and strength.

【Urgent Announcement: Players who want to see God Nirvana off please gather at the South Gate Square of Misty City】

Boom! ! ! A light flickered.

When Fang Han appeared in the square near the gate of the city, the square below the city wall was already filled with tens of thousands of players.

Then, Fang Han heard the never-ending slogan: "Follow God Nirvana, eat ninety meals in three days!!!"

"Ha~ Thank you for your blessings. Brothers and sisters who bet on my Nirvana win, just wait for my good news. Although the odds of betting on me to win are not very high, mosquito legs are also meat, and there will always be gains Be proud of your bright eyes!!!"

As soon as Fang Han's words came out, the female players in the guild all screamed excitedly like a nympho, and the voices rang together, causing a huge sensation.

Under the gaze of countless congratulations, prayers, and hopes, Fang Han turned into a black spot with the help of the [World Teleportation Stone] and disappeared in the main city [Southern City Wall].

"God Nirvana teleported away!"

"Whoever wants to watch the battle come with me."

[Watching level requires lv48 or above]

[Battle spectator equipment requires Star Copper Domain and above]

[The consequences of watching the battle are at your own risk (consequences such as the impact of the beast tide, the crowd stampede, etc.)]

Needless to say, this terrifying mission that Fang Han took over attracted the participation of hundreds of thousands of guild players. But their participating identities are just [spectators] rather than participants.

Therefore, when these players climbed to the top of a huge hillside, they only saw the raging beast tide, and there was no shadow of God Nirvana in the field of vision.

"No way, where is God Nirvana?"

"As far as watching the battle, I still seriously doubt that God Nirvana was scared away by the beast tide."

"Don't talk nonsense, if you talk nonsense again, I will beat you. God Nirvana has integrity, how could he run away."

"That's right, God Nirvana is an existence like [Arrogance]. You little players are not even qualified to carry shoes for God Nirvana, so don't tarnish this name."


Fang Han over there.

"You have arrived at the target area 325, 28 [Sudden S] skill summoning is successful!

"You have reached the target area 627, 89 [Xuntu S] skill summoning is successful!

"You have arrived at the target area 998, the 40 [Sudden S] skill summoning is successful!


Fang Han kept appearing in the wild monster area outside, but wherever there was a horde of beasts, he would rush into the wild monsters after using up his [Scanning Eye] skill. But he didn't attack the group of wild monsters.

He has only one purpose in doing this, and that is to attract the hatred of wild monsters from a long distance. When the purpose is achieved, no matter how far he moves with [Sudden S], the wild beasts will keep chasing him, unless Fang Han escapes suddenly Their vision and the hatred value of these wild monsters will slowly disappear.

[You have absorbed the attention of the wild monster "Evil Thunder Demon LV45", and the hatred value has increased by 98 points]

[You have absorbed the attention of the wild monster "Evil Thunder Demon LV33", and the hatred value has increased by 66 points]

[You have absorbed the attention of the wild monster "Evil Lightning Demon LV51", and the hatred value has increased by 34 points]

[You have absorbed the attention of the wild monster "Evil Lightning Demon LV48", and the hatred value has increased by 102 points]


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