Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 312: God King Staff Exclusive Summoned Beast

"Wow, what a powerful [World Plane Ranking List], Nima, my all attributes have increased by a total of 1256 points!!!"

"My level is not as high as yours, but lv45 can actually increase all attributes by 245 points, I am satisfied."

"Thank you mother, thank God Nirvana, thank the city-state alliance! I will join the city-state alliance in my next life, it's so cool!"

"Damn, ranked No. 1 in the world plane, do you know what it means? This means that every player belonging to the city-state alliance can enter the exclusive area to upgrade! The exclusive upgrade area is so cool!"


In the distance, now Fang Han has conquered X39.68 million monsters.

The level has been promoted to the terrifying lv66, and the title is still (Disdain).

However, the exclusive attributes of [Spirit of Strike] and [Wings of the Sun] both have a certain degree of personal bonus.

[Your level has been promoted to lv66, and the Demon King Palace of the Nine-Layered God Realm'Plane Demon City' has been opened for you]

[All planar powerhouses of the city-state alliance can enter the planar magic city through the special transmission channel of the world's main city—Piaomiao City, but they can only stay in the first-level magic city and the second-level magic city. Super magic city, exclusive to (disregarding) holders]

As soon as the announcement message appeared, some players couldn't bear it anymore.

Immediately formed a team and went to the magic city of the plane.

However, these players quickly returned to the viewing area with mournful faces.

Tie Miansheng saw that these players had lost their level, equipment, and prestige.

Immediately asked curiously: "Isn't the experience of the magic city of the plane very cruel? I heard that the explosion rate is also very cruel. Why are you downgraded instead? What's going on!"

"Master City Master, we were immediately dropped by Super Boos as soon as we entered. I don't know if the Nine Layers of the Gods played a joke on us, Nima, the monster at the entrance of the first floor of the Demonic City of the Plane is no worse than the [Evil Thunderbolt] in front of the Great God Nirvana." There are few demons! There are at least a million of them by visual inspection!!!”

"That's right, Lord City Master, there is only one fate for thousands of players on the map of [Plane Demon City], and that is whether we blow up the monsters, or the monsters blow us up. That's why we are so embarrassed, The demon king inside has been driven out, oh, my level!"

Tie Miansheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyeballs almost fell out.

He scolded "greedy guy" fiercely, then secretly laughed in his heart, thankful that he was not the first to eat crabs, so he was not punished by downgrading, losing experience, and losing equipment.

Boom~! ! !

The power of lightning once again shook the viewing area.

The name 'Nirvana' above Fang Han's head turned into the color of lightning.

The dazzling light that erupted just now was exactly the magic attack effect of the whole area that he superimposed a full 25 layers of [Electric Stimulation Field].

Fang Han was very satisfied with the effect of the superimposed attack this time.

On the pile of [Evil Thunder Demon] corpses, Fang Han looked down on the monsters in the distance and glanced at the count of the equipment slot.

584.46 million/100 million!

"Well, if you do another big ticket, the battle should be over in less than three hours, and then I can go back to the city to receive the reward."

Fang Han wiped the sweat from his forehead, gulped down a few mouthfuls of 'Life Potion (God)', and then hiccupped. While panting, he waited for the monsters to gather again, while admiring the [God King Law] in his hand. Rod]!

I remember that the mysterious old man finally got the final payment of 566.24 million gold coins from him, and only then did he safely hand over the [God King Staff] that successfully reversed the attributes to his hands.

Then, the mysterious old man left Misty City with the wretchedness of the nouveau riche who was afraid that people would divide his property and beat local tyrants.

However, Fang Han created this exclusive [God King Staff], even if it costs three billion gold coins, it is definitely worth it!

Because it adds a terrifying group spell-casting bonus, and an explosively powerful [world-destroying] attribute.

Careful players will also find that every time Nirvana performs [unit attack], a huge monster will appear beside him.

That is not a variant of [Evil Thunder Demon], but a summoned beast of [God King Staff].

In the past, Fang Han thought that summoned beasts could reach the level of the "Lich Castle" human-faced demon king, and that would be considered remarkable.

But the level of the summoned beast randomly summoned by his [God King's Staff] was on the same level as him. In other words, the level of the summoned beast was as high as the subject's level.

In the [World Plane Ranking], Fang Han, who wears the aura of "Nirvana", and his summoned beast will always be the existence of [Arrogance], attracting countless envy.

Fang Han also knows that his attributes are too cool and awesome. After the release of the [World Plane Ranking List], those are also included in the list.

However, if there is a force that ranks after the city-state alliance, someone must be searching all over the world for all his information.

Because of his strength and the privilege of the exclusive title of [Arrogance], it will definitely attract countless envy and hatred! ! !

"Hey, after this wave, the harvest is quite big. It's just continuous seconds of monsters, I'm exhausted, so tired!!!"

Fang Han looked at the color of the dark moon sky, and then returned to the group of wild monsters.

Countless pairs of green eyes poked out from the plain, looking a bit eerie.

Aww~! ! !

Aww~! ! !


Fang Han was disturbed by the noise of the monster.

Stand up and command the lv66 summoned beasts summoned by the [God King's Staff] to attack the [Evil Thunder Demon] who charged at the front but left alone.

This time, a "flame-breathing dragon" was summoned.

【Flame Dragon】

[lv66 level]

[Introduction: This is one of the exclusive summoned beasts of the "Scepter of the God King", with skill entries-fire-breathing strike, fire storm, sky-cracking roar...]

No wonder this summoned beast spreads its long wings, obeys the master's call and enters the herd to show its power. It can use fire every time to clear the way. It turned out to be a flame-breathing dragon! ! !

"Look, it seems to be the existence of a summoned beast!"

"My dear, what a big red-winged flame dragon!"

"This kind of summoned beast seems to be a beast that can only be summoned by the existence of the title of [Arrogance] in the Nine Layers of Gods."

"You have good eyesight, but unfortunately you are too far away, and you can only see the son of Nirvana God clearly with the help of the fire."

"Haha, I saw a huge ice tiger just now, and now I see a flame dragon, it's so exciting, Nirvana God 666~"

"It's a pity, a pity. I knew that I would risk my life to form a team with Nirvana. It would be good to share a wave of experience with him."

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