"Envy it! It's useless. Only a god like Nirvana can withstand the attack of so many [Evil Thunder Demons]. We will be sent to the west. Therefore, some special treatment can only be enjoyed by people with superpowers, who made us only have the life of eye addiction~"

Players are envious of Fang Han who wears the aura of Nirvana, but Fang Han is now sleeping soundly.

With confidence, he handed over the task of destroying the [Evil Lightning Demon] charging around to his summoned beast.

[Your summoned beast lv66 flame-breathing dragon killed the evil Thunder Demon X7.8654 million, and has reached the upgrade requirement of the summoned beast skill 'Mighty Fire Ring']

[Your summoned beast 'Mighty Fire Ring' skill has been successfully upgraded]

[The efficiency of your summoned flame-breathing dragon killing monsters per unit time is increased by 20%]


After half a day of killing monsters, it was already dawn.

The plain where the monster area under the hillside is located is full of [Evil Thunder Demon] corpses.

Seeing that the huge monster-gathering area has been almost destroyed by [flame-breathing dragon].

There were thousands of monsters left, and Tie Miansheng led the team to wipe them out within ten minutes.


[World: Congratulations to God Nirvana for completing the task of killing monsters entrusted by all guilds of the city-state alliance forces. The number of monsters killed is 100 million/100 million]

[Task rewards are being issued]


Fang Han, who received the reward, felt his face awakened by a familiar slap.

Open your eyes and take a look, it turned out to be iron-faced.

The guy laughed like a porcupine, and shouted fawningly: "God Nirvana, God Nirvana, get up quickly, you have completed thousands of guild commissions. You have wiped out 100 million evil thunder demons!"

"Really? No way, I was clearly asleep."

At this time, a raised voice sounded.

[Your summoned flame-breathing dragon has nothing to kill, it has entered the space of the 'God King Staff']

Then, Fang Han opened his package and saw various rewards issued by the system.

[You have obtained the exclusive reward for killing monsters, and it will be distributed in the form of a treasure box]

[God's Domain Treasure Chest: X5]

【Mystery Chest: X37】

[Golden Treasure Chest: 124]

[Silver Chest: X779]


[You have obtained 999,999,900 experience points as exclusive rewards for killing monsters. Explanation: This is the maximum range for the main city of the five-star world to gain experience. 】

【Your level has been raised to lv68】

Then, Fang Han opened his own attribute panel, and he was shocked when he saw it.

Because in his attribute panel, now there is an exclusive title.

ID: Nirvana (team battle glory, world plane leaderboard glory)

[Level]: lv68 dominates the world)

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Tier 6

HP: 856.31w/856.31w

Mana: 657329/657329

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 5862, Constitution 4216, Agility 3917, Energy 5519, Charm 3740

Attack: 34573 (30% bonus for team battle souls)

Defense: 60126 (soul power trigger bonus 29%)

Critical rate: 189%

Anti-riot rate: 156%

Movement Speed: 1710%

Damage Passive: 141%

Group Soul Awakening: 21% (lv3)

Light Force: 18


Seeing this strength, Fang Han's blood boils...

With a full harvest, Fang Han returned to Misty City.

[One of the main cities in the world, the "Misty City" building has been successfully upgraded, and your city-state alliance master points have increased by 1024]

[The world plane of the Nine Layers of the Gods where you are is detected by the forces of the main city planes of other worlds——]

[The channel of the main city of the Nine Layers of Gods has been opened, and you can enter the main cities of other worlds through the attribute transmission channel]

[Dimension magic city mission completion 0/3]


Finally the news came into Fang Han's field of vision.

He has long wanted to play in the magic city of the plane.

At that time, I was dealing with the [Evil Lightning Demon] herd, and there was no way to go away, so I had to give up temporarily.

But now, his strength is enough to enter the [Plane Demon City], it would be good to see this terrifying magic city.

"Iron-faced student, go ask Alexander if any of his guilds want to enter the Plane Magic City. If so, let him bring these guild forces to Misty City to gather."

"God Nirvana, you mean..."

Fang Han said unhappily: "Is it a dinner treat? Of course it is to attack the magic city of the plane! Go!"

Iron Miansheng was overjoyed.

Needless to say, when they were in the status of "spectators" and went to watch the ruler of the city-state alliance, Nirvana, the Great God single out the beast tide, Tie Miansheng had already had the idea of ​​bravely entering the magic city of the plane.

But seeing so many players teleported in and then came out dead, I felt a little nervous.

Once you recognize your gap, you will know where to change.

It is an eternal pain in the heart of every open world player not to conquer the magic city of the plane once.

Tie Miansheng realized that the opportunity to erase his regrets had come, and happily went to Yixing City.


Outside the magic city of the plane, the players died once, and they were all scared.

Even when they come, they dare not enter the magic city.

Until someone brought out the news of Nirvana, the players dared not set foot in this creepy space.

"God Nirvana has wiped out the monsters at the entrance, we can go in."

"It's not true!"

Whoosh! Players who dare to eat crabs have flashed into the teleportation array.

It's been a long time since the news of [XX player was eliminated by XX monster in the magic city of the plane, and the level dropped by one level] came out, and the players were finally completely relieved.

The light of the teleportation circle kept flickering, and countless players entered the depths of the magic city with the help of this teleportation power.

Half an hour later, Fang Han's side.

Seeing that there were already Lixianguan, Duzhan Tianxia and other guilds of his own who were recruiting and fighting monsters, Fang Han greeted the players appreciatively and prepared to go to the second floor.

【Ding! Your team has eliminated the "Sky Splitting Flame Beast" and received equipment X5 rewards]

【Ding! Your team has already eliminated the "Splitting Sky Flame Beast" and obtained 4,517,700 team experience rewards]

[Monster "Sky Splitting Flame Beast" drops the equipment "Valkyrie Ring"]

[Monster "Sky Splitting Flame Beast" drops the equipment "Star Silver Domain Necklace"]

[Monster "Sky Splitting Flame Beast" drops the equipment "Level 2 Iron-Blooded Shield"]


"Oh, what a high burst rate."

"The experience is also several times outside."

"It's cool, it's so cool. In the future, our city-state alliance's guild will dominate the entire plane magic city!"


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