After all, this place is not the [War Field] where the guild battle is located, and the players who are killed will not receive the infinite penalty of "death".

Only level, experience, equipment, glory, props in the package, etc. will be lost.

But if both sides are so bad that you can live and die, both sides can unconditionally turn on the "death" mode.

Once killed by the opponent, it will die directly, which belongs to the life deprivation mode.

The players also cherish their lives in [Nine Layers of Gods].

Therefore, this mode is rarely turned on.

Unless you reach that point and have to open it, you will fight with your life. If the first iron fails, it will be lost forever.

Although Fang Han had a very bad impression of the players in [Bull Devil Realm], after all, they were the ones who bullied the city-state alliance guild first.

But the Bull Demon Guild also has a limit, they did not open the "life deprivation" mode.

They only rob, rob monsters, and second each other's level. Although their behavior is bad, they will not lose control.

"I'm sorry, the vice president was actually killed. Brothers, turn on the "life deprivation" mode!"

Several veterans of the Bull Demon Palace Guild, who were filled with indignation, were all lv57-60, and they actually activated the "life deprivation" mode to challenge Fang Han.

Fang Han directly accepted the opponent's challenge.

[Mode Switch: Life Deprivation Mode]

[Note: In this mode, once the life of the player and the opposing player is deprived, it cannot be recovered and will be directly killed]

[You still have three seconds to enter life deprivation mode]

[Three, two, one, you have entered life deprivation mode! 】

Plane Magic City announcement: Player Nirvana has entered the life deprivation mode, located in the area-A513, and the coordinates of the Plane Magic City are 178900,655782.

Go to war!

With this mode turned on, Fang Han will go all out to join the battle even if the opponent is an owl.

After all, in this mode, there is only one life. If it is dropped in seconds, it will be lost forever.

Even though Fang Han knew that he was very powerful, he was number one on the plane score list, the plane powerhouse ranking, the plane guild power ranking list, and so on.

But he punched the old master to death.

In case of unfortunate encounter with a ghost and being killed, all you have to do is cry.

In this mode life is precious and only once.

You must unconditionally concentrate your will to fight, either the enemy will die or you will live.

"I explode!"

Fang Han [God King Staff] summoned a [Tianyan Phoenix].

The master and the summoned beast attacked at the same time, and when they were approached by [Sudden Rapids] and approached several enemy veterans in "Life Deprivation" mode, [Crazy Bomb] and [Frozen Ray] were thrown out at the same time.

[Skyfire Phoenix] also killed the other two elders without giving in.

【Ding! In the life deprivation mode, you have successfully deprived the life of "French Miracle", and the opponent's life value has been reduced to zero, and the level has been reduced to 0]

【Ding! In the life deprivation mode, you have successfully deprived the "Lord of Thunder Sky" of life, and the opponent's life value has been reduced to zero, and the level has been reduced to 0]


"Which one of you wants to play "life deprivation" mode with me?"

Eight elders were killed in one breath!

And all of them are the elders of the [Ox Devil Palace Guild] above level 57, and all of them are awesome existences in this plane.

But in front of Fang Han, they were legally deprived of their lives without resisting even one round!

"'t dare."

"God Nirvana is mighty!"

"We're just here to make soy sauce. (Oh my god, I'm scared to death)"

Fang Han coldly warned these [Ox Demon Palace Guild] players: "Be more honest with me in the future. If you see you bullying the city-state alliance plane, you will be directly deprived of your life! In addition, go back and tell me You guild masters, the strongest masters of the bull demon domain, let them carry their heads to the city-state alliance to apologize, otherwise the city-state alliance will kill you once when they see the players of the bull demon guild, until you lose all levels and equipment, Points gone!"

Good - so ruthless!

Several [Ox Demon Palace Guild] players pinched off the "Teleportation Scroll" in their hands one by one and flew out from the Demon City of the Plane.

Needless to say, they escaped. And with extreme fear, he ran away.

【Bull Demon Domain】

The most powerful guild【Ox Demon Palace】

The lord of the hall, Da Ma Jindao, is sitting on the throne, embracing left and right, eating demonized "meat" and drinking fine wine to enjoy.

"Master, it's not good, the big thing is not good!"

"Fuck you, the Nine-Layered God Realm ranks first in the Bull Demon Realm and is invincible in the world. What's wrong? What's wrong? I [Bull Demon God True God] will sooner or later send the younger ones to rule the other positions in the [Nine-Layer God Realm] Face, become the strongest master of the plane!"

The subordinates reported with tears in their eyes: "The vice president [Bull God, you can't] and the eight elders were all given away by a plane overlord called "Nirvana God". They are already dead, if you don't believe me, look!"

[The latest victims of the Bull Demon Palace Guild: Bull God, you can't do it, the magic war miracle, the lord of Thunder Sky...]

Then open the member list of the Bull Demon Palace Guild, and scroll down to the position of "Vice President".

I saw [Bull God, you can't (death)] in gray font. It can now be confirmed that the vice president has indeed been slaughtered!

[Bull Demon God True God] was furious instantly.

He pushed the beauties away and shouted, "Bring out my Seizing Soul fork!"

"Several beauties, you wait for me in the bull demon domain. After fighting and killing Nirvana, I will come back to drink with you."

"President, you have to come back early, we are waiting for you here."

"Master Niu Demon God, for the sake of us, you must win against Na."

"Husband, although I haven't passed the door yet, I'm already yours. You said that you want to snatch a plane and let me be the female overlord. You must keep your word."

【Bull Demon God True God】Being fascinated by several beauties.

Amidst the loud laughter, he pinched the [World Teleportation Stone] and teleported through more than a dozen passes, and finally entered the junction of the City-State Alliance and the Bull Demon Realm.

"Ah, I [Ox Demon God True God] have never been here since a mysterious force triggered the opening of the [Plane Demon City]. It’s much more enjoyable to stay in the Bull Demon Realm. I [Ox Demon God True God] swear that I must occupy this plane and dominate everything here~”

"Hey, where did the mad cow dance here?"

【Bull Demon God True God】While holding the weapon and twisting his body, his happiness was interrupted by a voice.

Afterwards, the narrowed-eyed Bull Demon God True God saw a tall, thin man with a [Nirvana] halo on his head, standing on the hillside to summon magic.

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