Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 316: Bull Demon God True God

"Magic Mage? The magical aura of this magic Mage is so strong!

Eat him, just to replenish my old cow's kidneys." Thinking of this, [Bull Demon God True God] a "Bull Slash" held up the soul-snatching fork and shoveled towards Fang Han.

Boom! ! !

Half of the mountain was flattened in an instant, and the gigantic [Bull Demon God] stood opposite Fang Han.

Panting heavily, he shouted: "Hey, you escaped unexpectedly, there are two tricks."

Fang Han didn't expect the Bull Demon God to be so mighty, but saw the pair of horns that grew out after he "enlarged". Fang Han involuntarily had doubts about his identity.

After all, not every strongman in the field of bull demons can become huge.

This is a symbol of divine power!

Up to now, Fang Han's ID, Nirvana, has not obtained this kind of violent god ability.

This [Bull Demon God True God] really has some skills.

"I know who you are. You are the master of the bull demon domain, I'm not wrong."

[Bull Demon God True God] Surprised.

"Hey, brother, I want to ask you something, if you can't answer, I will kill you."

So awesome~

So violent?

Just right for me.

"Okay, as long as you can kill, I will stand here and let you kill."

Bull Demon God True God didn't hear the sarcasm in Fang Han's words.

Continue to ask: "I heard that in the realm of your city-state alliance, there is a guy named Nirvana. Where is he now?"

Fang Han smiled.

In fact, when he summoned magic on the hillside just now, the halo above his head was still the word "Nirvana".

It's just that when he saw someone coming, he hid his identity, so the Bull Demon God, who didn't observe carefully, missed the opportunity to see his identity.

"You tell me who you are first."

"You already know my identity, and you still ask! Are you going to tell me? If you don't tell me, Grandpa Niu will go crazy."

This overlord of the bull demon is really domineering when he goes crazy.

If Fang Han hadn't seen him go crazy just now, he leveled half of the mountain with a fork, Fang Han would have believed that he has the ability to dominate the plane.

Now he believes it.

"Haha, the person you are looking for is here. I am Nirvana God!"

Cancel "Hide Identity".

Above Fang Han's head, the halo of "Nirvana" suddenly appeared.

Cooperating with the magical aura burning like fire all over his body, [True God of Bull Demon God] became energetic in an instant.

Under the huge nose ring, there is a huge mouth, which sucks in almost all the air in the surrounding 500x500 meters.

"I'm shoveling!!!" The Soul Seizing Fork exploded again.

This time, [True God of the Bull Demon God] used the skill [Divine Mountain Crash], the area where Fang Han is located, tens of kilometers away, was directly disturbed by the fork of the Bull Demon God. This scene is like being hit by an earthquake. As horrible as lightning turns plowing.

"Well, you silly cow, you really have a little bit of morality."

Fang Han used the [Scanning Eye SS] skill as quickly as possible.

[Bull Demon God True God (Boos/Human Race/God)]

【Ox Devil Palace Guild Master】

[Level: lv66]

HP: 74.5374 million

Attack power: 86657


Fang Han couldn't stand it any longer, this 【Bull Demon God True God】is really not a human being.

This product was actually evolved from a Boos.

After seizing the human race, he was upgraded to the existence of [God].

So in his identity introduction, there will be "Boos/Human Race/God" three race statuses.

Oh, my God, it's really a cow demon~

Mom, I saw a monster~

An unprecedented excitement made Fang Han happy.

He is bound to win this Bull Demon God, and he is reluctant to kill it.

"Hey, God Nirvana, you seem to look down on my old cow. I have plowed the mountain you are on. Why don't you fight back? If you don't shoot again, my old cow will start the 'life deprivation' mode!"

"Don't, don't, Bull Demon God, I know why you came here. You want to seek revenge from your brother!"

[True God of the Bull Demon God] said angrily: "You still dawdle if you know it, eat me fork!"

The soul-snatching fork emitted a soul-snatching light, and the power of the soul began to spread and cover the surroundings. This mysterious force soon completely enveloped the space of about 7000x7000 meters in this area.

Fang Han was also naturally shrouded in it.

[You have been attacked by the power of the demon soul, and your health has been reduced by 11%]

[You have been attacked by the power of the demon soul, the passive protection energy gain is invalid]

[You have been attacked by the power of the demon soul, and the summoned beast with ordinary weapons has been devoured]


What? ? ?

Fang Han glanced at the ordinary staff in his hand. To him, this staff was indeed very ordinary, with only 1025-2177 magic.

Compared with [Scepter of God King], it is far worse.

But for other mages, this staff is the existence of an artifact.

After all, it has its own [Summoning] skill.

A very high-level summoned beast can be randomly generated, whether it is fighting monsters or fighting, it is like an artifact.

Just now he sat on the hillside and used this staff to summon monsters, just to improve the level of the [Summoned Beast], and the rest is to kill time.

But I never dreamed that this hillside located in the plane of the city-state alliance and the plane of the bull demon domain would welcome the cross-border overlord [Bull Demon God True God].

"This old cow is playing so seriously. If I don't take it seriously once, I will disrespect him."

Without saying a word, Fang Han summoned the 【God King Staff】.

Then, a [Crazy Bomb] exploded directly on the face.

【Ding! Your Crazy Bomb hits the Bull Demon God True God, the opponent's HP drops by 1.7%, and their movement speed drops by 36%]

【Ding! Continuous crazy explosive bombs hit the Bull Demon God True God, and the opponent is in a "wooden state" and the attack power is imprisoned for 0.13 seconds]

The Bull Demon God was shocked.

What? ? ?

My master of the bull demon plane was actually imprisoned by this little Mage who can be extinguished with a pinch?

How unreasonable!

For this god, this is simply a great shame.

Must fight back!



"You have been hit by [Bull Demon Shocking Roar], the power of light has decreased by 6%"

"You have been hit by [Bull Devil's Shocking Roar], and the soul of the team battle has dropped by 34%"

"You have been hit by [Bull Demon Shocking Roar], the holy magic attack has been weakened by 12%"

"You have been hit by [Bull Demon Shocking Roar], and your mana has been sealed for 0.37 seconds"

Fang Han's side was also shocked by the magical skill of the Bull Demon God.

"This cow is worth killing!"


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