"Then go and finish it, and we will bless you."

Then, a teleportation channel appeared in front of Fang Han.

Fang Han patted the Frost Tiger again, and said softly, "Little brat, it's time to move!"


The Frost Tiger shook violently, its beast light burst out, squatted and jumped, it had already entered the transmission channel, and disappeared into the secret realm leading to the abyss together with its master Nirvana.

After scanning through [Scanning Eye SS], the glow finally locked on a huge ice valley.


A faint light appeared at the edge of this huge ice valley.

On the left, there is a huge landslide, above the landslide, there is a faint light of blood. It turns out that at this moment, he is already on the battlefield of Boos Valley.

"The ice beasts here are really powerful, and they already possess intelligence similar to [Scanning Eye SS]. It's really not easy."

Fang Han and the war beast that stepped down are crouching under the ice slide at the moment.

Look up at the few high-level beasts in the ice valley that are close to this side.

In the past, Fang Han had killed so many Mech-Demon beasts, but their states were different from the beasts in front of him.

First of all, in terms of appearance, these ice armored beasts are closer to ancient wild beasts.

The part belonging to the mecha seems to have degenerated, accounting for less than 1/3 of the entire animal body.

"Wow! That's really interesting."

Fang Han let out a joyful exclamation, and then, the royal beast flew up the ice valley.

In the huge ice valley, a bloody light formed a huge battlefield.

The race formed by the fusion of these mechas and war beasts is fighting in the ice valley.

Seeing the intrusion of foreign enemies, both sides of the fighting stopped.

Their animal eyes are looking at this alien species with strange eyes.

Then, the sound of the herd of beasts attacking Fang Han sounded, and the mecha beasts adjusted their war direction at an extremely fast speed, instantly surrounding the intruders.

"Well, are you all here?"

Fang Han didn't panic at all. Seeing that this group of mecha-demon beasts had gathered together, there was a magic flame in his hand at some point.

【Crazy Bomb】!

In the ice valley where a large number of mecha ice beasts were raging, the beasts suddenly howled. Feeling the threat, the same kind also howled in the distance, and the sound of wailing was endless.

Boom! ————

After [Crazy Bomb] was released, these ice beasts were immediately shattered. Fang Han killed more than thirteen of them in one go.

【Ding! You have successfully killed the ice armor monster and gained 4.4835 million experience]

【Ding! You have successfully killed the ice-armored monster and gained 4,067,700 experience]


The experience is not bad, but I thought that when I arrived in the ice valley, I would be able to see the enemy that the player [Ling Yun] offered a reward for the first time.

But now it seems that, apart from some high-level ice armored beasts, there seems to be no great power of the mecha demons in the surrounding area, except for a vast ice field.

After withdrawing the mana that released [Frozen Ray], Fang Han looked around for a while, and then slapped off his mount.

"This place has been killed, change to another place! Find a more powerful existence to practice!"

The Frost War Tiger roared ferociously, stood up, and jumped down a huge ice ladder with its master flying.


After about ten minutes, I finally reached the bottom of the ice valley.

Here, Fang Han seems to have found something.

Not far away, there is a huge cave. The cave emits a light blue light. There is no doubt that this is a natural cave formed by cold ice.

Judging from the aura of Youguang, this should be a cave where Boos is located!

"Oh oh oh, I said why I can't find the great power of the mech demon anywhere. It turns out that it is hiding in the ice cave and sleeping!"


The Frost War Tiger disappeared.

In Fang Han's hand, there was already an extra staff.

He held up the [Scepter of the God King] and muttered words.

Then, under the influence of summoning magic, layers of fire and rain from the sky quickly fell outside the cave!

[Fire and rain outside the sky] The energy of meteors is densely covered. After countless ice surfaces melt, a huge steam is formed and rushes into the inner hole.

Boos was quickly awakened.

Then, as the ice layer melted, a huge building on the ice was exposed.

The Boos opened its eyes and let out an unpleasant growl. Obviously, it had sensed that a provocateur had come to the door.


Quenching! Quenching!

Quenching! Quenching!

Surrounded by the sound of shattered ice flying, the unknown Boos suddenly flew out of it.

The huge wingspan was a hundred meters long. It looked at the enemies at the bottom of the valley, and then flew all the way from the bottom of the valley to the ice field.

Fang Han also summoned [Sun Wings], chased from the bottom of the valley to the ice, and just as he landed, he yelled: "You killed the player from the city-state alliance plane, I'm sorry, he is my Nirvana It's covered by a great god. You - you're doomed!"

[Mecha Dingsha Demon]!

The Dingsha Demon let out a loud roar, and then made a human voice, taunting Fang Han: "A small human race dares to challenge me, Dingsha Demon, you may not even know how your head moved!" !"

"That's right, I hunted and killed 90,000 human races instead of 100,000! But among these prey, it seems that there has never been a single one with such a powerful aura as you! I am very interested in your aura!"

Fang Han frowned.

This guy has such a big tone, it is estimated that his ability is not simple.

Let's use [Scanning Eye SS] to see his abilities first.

Unexpectedly, Ding Shamo seemed to have penetrated his mind.

The voice said in a strange voice: "If you are really strong, you probably don't need to do this. After exploring each other's details and then fighting, wouldn't that be a lot less fun?"

"It makes sense!"

Fang Han really turned off his [Scanning Eye SS].

Then, a cluster of [Crazy Bomb] brilliance gathered in his hand.

His eyes were fixed on the transforming Dingsha Demon, and he called out, "I would like to borrow a word from you."

"you say"

Ding Shamo said politely.

"How many human races have you killed before, and how many mech races have I killed before! You are probably a great power of the mecha race in a certain plane. I have never heard of your name before. But since you are Boos For the sake of this, let me give you a chance to be beheaded by me!"

When Ding Shamo heard this, he almost cried out of anger.


"How dare you say such things to me, Dingsha Demon!"

"Then I will let you know how powerful I am before you die."

Ding Shamo revealed his Boos attributes in front of Fang Han.



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