Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 335 Your Relative Has Been Boiled

【Boos Dingsha Demon (Mecha)】

[level]: lv99

【Race】: Mech Demon Race

【Occupation】: Become a Warrior

[Lord]: Tier 5

[Skills: Transformation Strike, Flying Flame, Fist of Darkness, Tear Space...]

[Talent: Vajra Magic, Random Ice Armor...]

HP: 17725.26w/17725.26w

Attack Power: 49882/49882


Boos with more than 100 million HP, for Fang Han, he had already experienced it during the first level of training in the Nine Layers of Gods.

In this world now, there are existences far surpassing the first level of the Nine Levels of God's Domain.

Whether it is the number, level, state, or combat power of the strong planes, they are all incomparable to the former.

Because of this, the Nine Layers of God Realm needs a proud existence like [Nirvana] to cleanse the Boos here.

Fang Han heaved a long sigh after scanning the identity of Dingsha Demon.

"Hey, Human Race, what are you sighing for? Are you sighing because you are about to die at my hands?"

"No!" Fang Han replied: "None of the Mecha-Demon Boos I met before, or some miscellaneous soldiers, could split [transformation skills]. In other words, the Mecha-Demon Boos I killed before , the level is too low, the experience is too little, I am very disappointed. And you, Boos, are worth my shot!"

When Ding Shamo heard this, he was stunned at first, and then laughed wildly.

[Dingsha Demon transforms! 】

Dingsha Demon roared, and the battle form was immediately loaded on him.

What is amazing is that besides the extremely powerful mech in the form of streamer, his body is also unexpectedly covered with a layer of magical energy.

After all, it is a demon mecha, a perfect fusion product of magic and mecha!

"Well, I'm very interested in your set of transformation equipment. If you have a chance, plunder it and play with it yourself!"

Fang Han was actually commenting on his transformation equipment with such an expression. Ding Shamo couldn't bear it anymore.

He raised his magical mech arm and shouted to Fang Han loudly: "Human boy, what reason do you have to be mad in front of me? The plane of mecha demons I am in has countless strong people, and I, Dingsha Demon, only Can barely rank after one billion."

"As for the unrivaled power of the mech demons, if they come to the Nine Layers of Gods, they will probably be able to blow up you and your city-state alliance plane!"

"if not?"

Fang Han pointed to his nose and said, "You try to beat me, God Nirvana, first?"

"I will!"

Ding Shamo raised the arm of the mecha, a magic slid down the arm, and then, a "magic war blade" appeared in his hand.

"Jie, this sword is really well-made. It is probably the best product of a low-level civilization, die-cast by stamping."

"Well, you are very discerning. Listen clearly, this sword is called Star Magic Blade! Look at the sword!"

The Dingsha Demon assumed a slashing posture, and then drove the summoned magical energy to form a magical sword energy flying across the ice, attacking Fang Han.


The huge magic shield moved towards his body, and Fang Han was already protected by the shield shape. A ray of light energy was blocked from the shield and collided with the magic sword energy released by the magic blade.


In the surrounding airspace, except for the ice on the ground of the ice valley, all the space was filled with a sharp whistling sound.

Even the cold wind from the grain position was not so violent.

The energy of this mecha magic is really powerful. It was able to make Fang Han's [Sun Wings] passive protection trigger silently.

【Ding! You were attacked by the mecha magic blade, the sun wings and the mysterious magic shield blocked part of the damage, and your life was deprived of 451,330]

"Hey, it's not bad! This combo cut actually made me lose one-thirtieth of my vitality."

On the side of Dingsha Mo.

He still maintains this slashing posture.

However, his eyes were already a little restless.

It is said that this slash can penetrate the ice valley.

But it works on this human power called 【Nirvana】.

It seems that the damage effect in the prediction has not been seen.

This was a bit embarrassing for him.

"The knife just now doesn't count, let's do it again!"

Fang Han sneered: "So what if you do it ten more times? But I promise to connect you with ten cuts, and you have to agree to one condition. That is, for every cut, you must transform into a form to sacrifice!"

This condition, I wish for it!

Ding Shamo immediately agreed.

He thought to himself: Human Race, you will pay the price for your arrogance and arrogance!

Mecha, transform!

Magic, add body!

Mecha magic fusion! ~


Ding Shamo's body was covered with another layer of gold, and then his form changed.

The mecha form formed by this transformation turned into a crab!

Except for the fact that the head appeared above the "crab's" eyes, the rest of the form was exactly the same as the big Boos [Claw Full Form Metal Crab King] that Fang Han killed in Bone Crab Ridge.

Seeing this scene, Fang Han suddenly realized.

"Yo ho, it's interesting. If I'm not mistaken, this transformation of your Boos should be somewhat related to [Sharp Claw Full Form Metal King Crab]!"

"Oops, this human race is really powerful. Even this can be seen."

Ding Shamo was secretly amazed.

Then he opened his mouth and asked Fang Han: "After I destroy the city-state alliance, I will go to Bone Crab Ridge to visit a relative, human race, and I will take your magic scepter as a gift for Claw King Crab."

Hearing Ding Shamo's words, Fang Han almost didn't laugh out loud.

Seeing that there was something wrong with his expression, Ding Shamo shouted viciously: "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you, the Claw King Crab has already been boiled by me, you can't see him even if you go to the Crab King Palace!"

Dingsha Demon was furious.

"Human Race, say it again!"

Fang Han said flatly: "It's already dead. Even if you go to the Crab Palace, you won't see that dead crab anymore. If you say it two or three times, I will still give you the same answer!"

How unreasonable!

The Dingsha Demon in the form of a giant crab summoned a light-shaped crab claw with the powerful mecha magic energy, and flew towards Fang Han.

This crab claw seems to be bigger than the fist of [Bull Demon God True God].

Hard top, I'm afraid it's not very convenient.


A gust of wind was born under Fang Han's feet, and the figure seemed to enter another space, appearing in another direction of the ice valley at a speed that the Dingsha Demon could not capture.

The opponent's giant magic crab claws naturally fell through, hitting a horseshoe-shaped depression on the ground of the ice valley, with a diameter of 400 meters!

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