Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 336 The Retired Knight Of The Demon City

What a powerful attack!

After this mecha magic was evolved by these races playing supernatural magic, it can achieve such a terrifying attack power, which is considered an anomaly!

"You can't escape. See how my mecha magic cannon will destroy you!"


There was another loud bang.

As a high-energy existence of the Mech Demon Clan, Dingsha Demon uses both skills to cover almost all space in long-distance attack and close-combat.

Violent roars kept ringing around, and the explosion of the magic cannon caused an avalanche in the distance of the ice valley, and the ice and snow were rushing towards the battlefield at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oh, is it useful to play this hand with me?"

【Frozen Ray】!

Fang Han, who came out of the invisible state, immediately released a immobilization skill.

After that, he suddenly appeared next to Ding Shamo.

Defeat magic with magic!

Use ice skills, deal with ice skills!

With a bang, several layers of frost seemed to form on Dingshamo's body.

His mech arm suddenly failed.

Then, the movement speed is completely stripped.

In the eyes of the two chicken thieves, there was an expression of horror in an instant.

"God Nirvana! I was... locked by you???"

Fang Han smiled lightly, and accelerated the strike speed of the second [Frozen Ray].

Boom boom boom! ~

From head to toe, the huge Dingsha Demon's body was covered with nine layers of frost.

These freezing forces are very powerful, and after the coverage area increases, Dingsha Demon's entire body falls into a state of dead silence.

In addition to being able to talk, the rest can't do anything.

So, its fears are conceivable.

"Dingsha Demon, no, you are not the strongest existence of the Mecha Demons! Although you are a boss, you are too weak. I want to make you into a magic transceiver to attract more powerful planes of the Mecha Demons. Master come over and let me destroy it!"

After saying these few words, the terrifying [Crazy Bomb] blasted out.

Ding Shamo watched Fang Han cast a spell, his whole head was in a daze.

Then, its mech demon body was completely destroyed, and even without the effect of the power of frost, the Dinsha demon could not move.


Half an hour later, Fang Han flew to the top of the snow mountain from the place where the ice valley snow mountain collapsed.

Looking at the "magic receiver" Fang Han in the ice valley that was half filled with snow, he was very satisfied.

With the looted experience points and some equipment, Fang Han returned to Misty City and submitted the task entrusted by the player [Ling Yun].

"Thank you, God Nirvana! This revenge is finally avenged."

After Ling Yun presented tens of millions of gold coins as a reward, he happily walked out of the crowd and went to the Boos area of ​​the city-state alliance to practice leveling.

At this time, a person came out of the crowd.

"God Nirvana, when will you challenge the third layer of the Plane Demon City? I heard that if you break through there, you can connect to the hell of the God Realm! Some people say that the Plane Demon City is connected to the sky city. We all want to see it experience!"

"Okay, when the time is right, I will take you there." Fang Han said lightly.

"God Nirvana, it's time to lead the brothers to expand the territory!"

A proud voice came.

It's the [Ox Demon God True God] holding a chicken leg in one hand!

This guy is really a foodie.

He has just returned from fighting in the Bull Demon Field.

I heard that there was a rebellion in that place, and some bull demon leaders wanted to rebel while the Bull Demon God was away, and then, the Bull Demon God True God took the Soul Seizing Fork and wiped them out!

Now, the Bull Demon God appeared in Piaomiao City again with great vigor.

"It's good to open the rein and expand the soil. This is my favorite. But the magic city of the plane has not been penetrated yet. I have to collect some mission information about the magic city of the third floor."

"Let me go with you." It was Long Yi Zhiyue's voice.

The master of the Bloodland Alliance has now caught up in level.

After its power covered the disaster of the mad witch, it became the largest force in the distance of the city-state alliance.

Among the masters under Fang Han's command, he has a very powerful right to speak.

"Okay, let's split up. Collect mission information on the third floor of the Demonic City of the Plane. When the time is right, let's take the boys from the guild to penetrate the third floor!"


[World Teleportation Stone] immediately brought Fang Han to a mission island.

Here, Fang Han met a knight.

【The retired knight in the magic city has a task for you】

After the task was triggered, the knight said to Fang Han: "Heaven Designated, you came just in time, I have a task here, do you need to accept it?"

Fang Han said: "Knight, I want to inquire about the third floor of the magic city of the plane. If the task is helpful to this goal, then I will accept it."

"Well, Heaven Designated, you really have a good eye."

Then, the knight put forward a task request to Fang Han.

"The sea is full of water, and liars are full of mouths. Ever since I came to the magic city and island with limited gold coins to start a business... It has been hundreds of years, and the monster of the demon clan who promised to give me food has still not appeared, and neither have I." Wait for the food I got in exchange for gold coins. I am very hungry now, please ask Heaven Designated, can you help me go to the east of the island to find a hunting group and buy some meat?"

"I would."

[The task is accepted successfully, the task completion degree is 0, and the hunting group animal meat is 0/8]

For Fang Han, this task is actually quite simple.

But for other players, it is not so easy.

After all, this is a forbidden island, and only players with the title of [Arrogance] can ignore the forbidden and walk freely on the island.

Soon, with the help of the [World Teleportation Stone], Fang Han placed eight pieces of animal meat neatly in front of the knight.

"Oh, Heaven Designated, you are really fast. You helped me prepare the things I needed so quickly. I am very grateful to you."

【Ding! The retired knight in the magic city has accepted your materials, an experience value reward has been distributed, and you have obtained the scroll X1 from the task office]

Fang Han clicked on it, and then there were some bits and pieces of news about the third floor of the magic city of the plane.

Then, the knight issued a second mission to Fang Han.

"Heaven Designated, because I am too old, some things are easy to forget. I seem to have entrusted the player to help me get some meat to eat, but I didn't pay attention to how to deal with the meat. Can I ask Can you help me take [unprocessed meat] to Kafka Butcher on the Magic City Island for processing?"

This is very simple.

After Fang Han accepted the mission, he flew directly to the mission coordinates provided by the retired knight.

Finally, he saw a butcher with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Heaven Designated, I haven't seen you patronizing my business for a long time. You are here to handle the beast meat for the knight. Give it to me and wait outside for a while. I will take care of it."


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