Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 337: The Third Floor Of The Plane Magic City

"Thank you!"

"Ding! You have received 【Processed Beast Meat 8/8】"

"Heaven Designated, you can now take it to the retired knight to submit a quest."

"Thank you!"

Fang Han quickly returned to the knight with the quest materials.

"Heaven Designated, if you don't come, I'm going to starve. Oh, thank you so much. I'll take it to the back and cook the meat. Would you like some?"

Fang Han also wanted to taste the delicacies of the mission knights.

Then there was a plate of cooked meat in the package.

This animal meat is processed by frying steak. It is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It is also covered with a layer of pepper, but not much.

"Well, it would be nice to have a little more pepper. It still tastes good."

Fang Han finished eating the animal meat, and his favorability for the retired knight increased.

【Ding! You got the quest reward from the Retired Knight, 8,879,900 quest experience, quest message scroll X1]

【Ding! You have lunch with the retired knight, and the friendship between the two parties will increase]

【Ding! The retired knight will give you an additional "Magic City News Fragment" X1]

[Reminder: You now have a total of X3 mission message scrolls]

[Introduction: A collection of 1X20 message scrolls can be synthesized into a magic city log]


The original task is like this!

Fang Han glanced at the message board with satisfaction, and then chatted with the retired knight for a few more words.

Finally, he got another chance to trigger the mission from this retired knight.

"Heaven Designated, thank you for your help! Oh, I'm done eating. But I want to entrust you to the [mill] to buy some wheat for me. I want to change the taste of my next meal."

What kind of sub-task is this?


Since it was requested by the retired knight, of course Fang Han had to take over the task.

【Ding! The Retired Knight quest (2) has been triggered, the quest target is at coordinates 732.654 of Magic City Island, please go to]

[World Teleportation Stone]!

Boom! ~

Fang Han came to a place with a big windmill. Here, a beautiful woman was picking wheat.

Behind her is a mill driven by a big windmill. The windmill was blown by the sea breeze, making a creaking sound, and the whole mill was full of life.

Following the mill owner's instructions, Fang Han returned directly to the retired knight after completing the task.

【Ding! You have submitted the quest material Wheat X100, and the reward you got from the retired knight has been distributed]

After more than half a day, Fang Han has now completed collecting the materials for synthesizing the magic city log.


Boom! A light flickered inside the package.

Then, a message appeared above Fang Han's field of vision.

"World: The third floor of the Plane Demon City will be open in half a month! All players can enter the Plane Demon City area through the main city transmission channel. (Note: Mobile scrolls are prohibited in the Demon City area, [World Teleportation Stone] 】except)

As far as Fang Han's current ability is concerned, the hints at the end of the message can be completely ignored.

Because not only does he have the precious [World Teleportation Stone] in his body, but also the [Sun Wing] can exert the transmission power of light energy. Let him reach the area where any light exists.

The news of the opening of the magic city on the third level has already caused a sensation in the entire Nine Layers of God Realm.

In Misty City, the main city square.

"Look, the magic city of the third plane is finally opening!"

"want to go!"

"Aren't you afraid of death? The monsters and Boos there are beyond imagination."

"Yes, I have been to the first floor of the Demon City of the Plane, and I have a chance to escape after dropping two levels."

"Then you are too unlucky."

"It can't be helped, but if we form a team, we still have a chance to follow Nirvana and break through the third floor of the magic city."

At this time, Fang Han has arrived at the lobby of his city-state alliance building.

This hall is even more magnificent than the tough city lord's hall.

Because it is the gathering place for high-level players of the entire city-state alliance plane.

Here, Fang Han sometimes assigns missions himself, and as for some low-level missions, he hands them over to his subordinates.

"Oh! God Nirvana, after half a month, are you going to gather all the plane guilds and go to the third floor of the magic city of the plane to make a fortune?"

Tie Miansheng drove up to Fang Han with his masters.

They just completed several guild missions and got a lot of experience points. Then I saw the world news that shocked the Nine Layers of Gods.

Now they all know the news that the third floor of the Demonic City of the Plane will be opened in half a month.

This undoubtedly made the players in the Boos area, the main city players, and the players doing quests all over the world happy!

After all, the experience of the first floor and the second floor of the magic city is dozens of times that of the outside Boos area.

Every guild wants to dominate the magic city of the plane.

But no guild has such strength.

"Go, of course. Not only do I want to take you there, but the city-state alliance must book the venue."

"Well, I haven't heard such a domineering voice for a long time. God Nirvana, I'll go down and prepare. When the time comes, all guilds under the city-state alliance will go to the third floor."

"Well! Prepare well, every player who enters the map will have the opportunity to win super rewards."

Tie Mian showed a dazed expression.

"Super reward? What do you mean, God Nirvana!"

He glanced at Fang Han beggingly, wondering what that super reward was.

"It's a special ring. Let me tell you this, whoever owns this ring can have the secret power of [Petrochemical]. As long as you wear this ring, when fighting the enemy, you have a certain chance to kill the opponent." petrified, understand?"

"Understood! God Nirvana, thank you for telling me the good news. At that time, I will do my best to help you get this ring, God Nirvana."

After learning that this was top-secret news, Tie Miansheng shouted with excitement.

If the plane guild can help God Nirvana complete this task, there is no doubt that Fang Han will open the door of rewards, so that all guild players can get a super reward.

But a special ring like this must be worn by a capable person.

Otherwise, it will only bring endless disasters to the players.

Just half a month passed quickly.

[World: There is still 00:12 left before the opening time of the third floor of the Magic City of the Plane, players please get ready]

[The third floor of the magic city of the plane has been opened. Players in need are invited to enter the magic city area from the main city teleportation array, and reach the third floor through the first and second floor passages]



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