At this time, Tie Miansheng took the words of the Bull Demon God and continued to report: "Master Nirvana, the guild under Misty City has a total of 6 million warriors, and there should be 3 million warriors, and the actual number is 3.1 million warriors."

Alexander was the last to speak: "Heaven Designated, Yixing City has sent 200,000 fearless people this time to participate in the team battle mission against the Earth Demon King."

These people add up to more than five million people.

Such a player group size is definitely an existence of world-killing power.

Fang Han looked at the vast black dots down the slope, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Several overlords of the planes, as the ruler of the city-state alliance, I order you to immediately enter the role of team leader. All the warriors of the guilds under my command who are lucky enough to be selected to participate in the [Earth Demon King] mission, give me all Send out. Find the whereabouts of the [Earth Demon Lord]. Those who find it in advance, I, Nirvana, will reward 100 million gold coins."


The group of players who had already assembled suddenly went into an uproar.

100 million gold coin rewards.

If converted into the currency of a low-civilized world, it would be enough to last for ten lifetimes.

"Don't compete with me. I've already prepared a hundred copies of [Random Teleportation Scroll]. As long as I meet the [Earth Demon Lord], the reward for finding the Demon King will be mine."

"Haha, it also depends on luck. The area of ​​the Demon King's Domain is so large, 300 million miles from north to south, and 500 million miles from east to west. Finding a Demon King in such a large area is a very difficult task."

"What are you afraid of? Millions of players can find a Bos in minutes."

"Don't have the tragic situation of attacking the Elf Spider King last time. With the prestige of [Earth Demon King], it is estimated that this boss is far superior to the Elf Spider King in terms of attack power and violence! Everyone should be careful."

"It makes sense. I remember that when we attacked the Elf Spider King, before the magic was summoned, we were entangled by the voodoo green curse of the Elf Spider King. When we died and returned to the city, our bodies were still green. This memory is too heavy. , I don’t want to experience it again.”

"That's right, but no matter how arrogant the Earth Demon King is, he won't be able to withstand the successive attacks of five million players."

"Ha, I'm really looking forward to the moment when I meet the Earth Demon King, I hope this moment will come soon!"


At this time, after Fang Han issued the task.

Long Yi Zhiyue has already issued the order to the Bloodland Alliance.

The Bull Demon God True God also conveyed the order to Warrior in the Bull Demon Domain.

Send instructions down level by level, and then, in the space of Fang Han's field of vision, countless players use props such as [World Teleportation Stone], [Random Teleportation Scroll], [Map Special Handbook] and other items to leave.

A vigorous search for the Earth Demon Lord Boos has officially begun!

After all the players had teleported away, there was only one beloved general left beside Fang Han, the Bull Demon God and True God.

"God Nirvana, my old cow forgot to ask about one thing just now."

"Old Niu, you can ask. When you're done asking, go back to your team and lead me there."

"God Nirvana, can you leave the selection of the resurrection point to me?"

Fang Han was surprised.

Then, he understood the intention of the Bull Demon God.

After all, there are so many experts sent by the Bull Demon Field.

The number of bull devil commanders, bull devil generals, and bull devil commanders who have cultivated to level 75 or above is several times that of other guilds.

Under such circumstances, the chances of the Warriors in the Bull Demon Domain to find the [Earth Demon Lord] should be several times higher than those of other guilds.

Therefore, the Bull Demon God True God wants to try his luck, go through the back door, and arrange the resurrection point in a position that is beneficial to the bull demon forces.

"If you can find Boos within five minutes, I will give you the resurrection stone to use. After five minutes, even if it is a second, you haven't found Boos. So sorry, I will deprive you of the ability to arrange the resurrection area qualifications."

Fang Han made it clear.

The Bull Demon God True God also readily agreed.

Then there was a flash, and the huge body of the bull demon turned into a flash of white light, and disappeared in front of its master Nirvana with a whoosh.

"This old cow!" Fang Han smiled, and after activating the passive of [Sun Wings], he was also taken to a random place by the Land of Light.

This random area belongs to the territory of Boos Earth Demon King.

But in the territory, apart from some miscellaneous monsters, there was no sign of the Earth Demon King.

When Fang Han was about to use the power of light to teleport, he clicked on the attribute of a monster casually.

【Nine-Headed Demon (Demon)】

[Location: Boos Earth Demon King area]

[level]: lv84

【Race】: Yaozu

[Lord]: Tier 4

[Skills: ground strike, nine-headed annihilation, boundary bite...]

[Talent: Fragmentation of Fang Fang, Boundless Crazy Tail...]

HP: 1027.66w/1027.66w

Devil Power: 419522/419522


"Well, my prediction was really good. Even if there are mobs in the area where the Earth Demon King is located, they are also the same as Boos outside. This tough battle is worth fighting!"

After killing these [Hydra] with a [Crazy Bomb]. Fang Han has a little more understanding of the monsters in the area of ​​the Earth Demon King.

The experience and rewards were all emptied in one volume, and then a spell was used, and the figure had disappeared in the light of the [World Teleportation Stone].

In the distance, the Bull Demon God True God cursed while searching for the location of the [Earth Demon King].

"Guys, there are less than 120 seconds left before five minutes. I hope you can win glory for the Bull Demon Realm and be the first to find Boos among all the guilds participating in the Demon Slayer War!"

"God! We flew away all the teleportation scrolls, and we didn't meet the Boos Earth Demon King. What's the matter?"

"My lord, I can't help it. The earth demon king is in this world, and he didn't tell us where he is in advance. The most terrible thing is that this demon king seems to have surpassed level 100. It is the most peak Boos existence. If you accidentally fly into it Its attack area. It is estimated that it will be slapped to death. Let's find it and cherish it."


The real god of the bull demon got angry: "You generals in the bull demon field, stop talking about such depressing words. Isn't this god looking for the earth demon king with you! This Nirvana god is also true, and he hasn't collected all of them yet. The attributes of the Earth Demon King! After five minutes, even my old cow has no idea!"

The five minutes of searching for the Demon King was about to pass.

At this time, the Bull Demon God found a place to sleep with his Soul Seizing Fork on his shoulder.

He sent out all the Bull Demon Warriors in the Bull Demon Domain.

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