But he was sleeping soundly in a temporary sleeping nest.

The sound of the cow's moo was so loud that it attracted all the monsters in the surrounding area to this side.


The Bull Demon God suddenly saw a huge shadow cast towards him in his sleep.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be the troll Boos with the name [Earth Demon King] on his head.

Although the five-minute time limit has passed, if the Super Boos is discovered after five minutes, Nirvana will still give super rewards.

The Bull Demon God, the True God, went crazy with joy!

"Earth Demon King, let me find you."

Soul Seizing Fork attack.

Before the giant wings of the Earth Demon King could attack him, he swung the Soul Seizing Fork and pierced the Demon King's eyes.


【Ding! Your body of the Bull Demon God (giant) has been hit by "Gaze of Light"]

[You are now imprisoned, and the imprison time is 3/1 second]

[You are now imprisoned, and the imprison time is 3/2 seconds]

[You are now imprisoned, and the imprison time is 3/3 seconds]

[The confinement is over! 】

"Mom, I, Lao Niu, never thought that I could conquer the Earth Demon King, but such a powerful Demon King is too terrifying!"

The Bull Demon God let out an exclamation, and after the confinement ended, he hurriedly fled to the border of the hillside with his life.

The Earth Demon King used the [Gaze of Light] skill just now to hold him in the air for up to three seconds. There is no doubt that if the Earth Demon King attacks him, even if the Bull Demon God has 250 million blood, he will not be able to withstand the Earth Demon King's attack. Hit with all your might!

Along the way, the Bull Demon God encountered the corpses of countless players.

There is no doubt that these players were all killed by the demon king's power after discovering the earth demon king!

Fortunately, the skills used by the Earth Demon King just now cover a very wide range.

The Bull Demon God and True God were not the only ones imprisoned.

So let the Bull Demon God grab this escape window and successfully leave the [Gaze of Light] area of ​​the Earth Demon King.

dozens of miles away.

The Bull Demon God True God stroked his chest and panted.

"Ah, my old cow has finally escaped!"

At this time, in the message area, there was an inquiry from God Nirvana.

[Lao Niu, have you found the existence of the Earth Demon King? 】

[Bull Demon God True God] Reply immediately.

After sending the coordinates 10392 and 44680 to the Great God Nirvana, in just one breath, an indomitable existence of God has come to the side of the Bull Demon God.

Holding the [Scepter of the God King] and wearing the [Wings of the Sun], the majestic Nirvana appeared, and even the mighty Earth Demon King all looked at him.

After all, the Earth Demon King has killed so many powerful people from different planes.

But there has never been a prey that can emit such a light as Fang Han's body!

This player, he is very powerful!

Driven by magic, the half of the Earth Demon King's body buried in the soil was able to drive his huge upper body to "swim" towards the side of the hillside.

At this time, Fang Han happened to meet its eyes.

As soon as the shadow of this Boos entered Fang Han's field of vision.

Fang Han felt that this battle would be an extremely painful one.

Because he had already noticed the shadow cast by the upper body of the Earth Demon King on the ground, even though the opponent was ten miles away from here, the shadow of the Earth Demon King had already been cast towards this side.

This means that this demon king is not only extremely huge, but also has high mana, which is definitely not easy to deal with.

"Master Nirvana, have you seen that I, Lao Niu, was the first to discover the Earth Demon King, haha, the reward for the first discovery is mine!"

【Ding! You have received a reward of 100 million gold coins from Nirvana, the master of the plane of the city-state alliance]

[Plane news: "The Bull Demon God True God" has received a first prize of 100 million gold coins]

Then, after these two messages.

Fang Han added one.

[Coordinates 10392, 44680, please gather all players on the city-state alliance plane to this coordinate, the Earth Demon King has appeared, the Earth Demon King has appeared! 】

After receiving the news, other guilds of the Bloodland Alliance and the City-State Alliance began to take action one after another.

Countless players have teleported to this target area with the help of the magic power of the teleportation item.

As the number of people increased, the Earth Demon King seemed to feel threatened.

Its pair of huge horned wings waved towards the direction where the players gathered.

【Gaze of Light】! !

【Create an ever-expanding death stare space, the cursed light will bring out the ring of lightning, and instantly imprison all nearby enemies】!

"No, I can't move."

"What's going on? The strong men in our guild can't move anymore!"

"This is Boos attacking."

"My God, I haven't had time to see Boos's level and overall picture clearly! Is it not worth it to just die like this?"


On Fang Han's side, because the Bull Demon God True God did not report to Fang Han the dominance of the Boos skill [Gaze of Light].

Fang Han wasn't prepared either.

Then, he was also briefly imprisoned.

A ray of light passed by, like the hand of time, setting Fang Han on the hillside.

But the combination of his [Sun Wings] and the power of light instantly released the confinement magic issued by the Boos Earth Demon King.

However, in the next second, these tens of thousands of imprisoned players fell to the brink of death in an instant!

A huge "Death Storm" has already fanned out from the horned wings of the Earth Demon King.

【Ding! You have been hit by the magic breath storm, and your HP will be reduced by 13% after being hit]

【Ding! You have been hit by the magic breath storm, and your HP will be reduced by 26% after being hit]

【Ding! You have been hit by the magic breath storm, and your HP will be reduced by 39% after being hit]


Bull Demon God True God suddenly remembered this matter.

Immediately told Fang Han the secret of the Earth Demon King's confinement technique.

But now, it seems to be too late!

Fang Han instantly flew to a place with [Sudden S].

Then, under the watchful eyes of all the players who were about to die, [Resurrection Stone] was released!

【Ding! The magic of the resurrection stone has come into effect. Within a unit time, all city-state alliance players in the 1024x783 area can enjoy the preferential treatment of resurrection. The number of resurrections is unlimited, and the resurrection is not limited...]

Born to be the light of resurrection!

Attracts the attention of all players who have teleported to the battlefield.

Those players who are about to die become especially excited.

Because they can enjoy the blessing of [Resurrection] right now.

Don't be afraid to die!

Just follow Nirvana Boss!

He will beat the devil to the ground!

The excited players greeted the arrival of death one by one.

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