Then, their souls flew to the resurrection area with armor, weapons, and a package of props. Completed Nirvana rebirth.

"Oh my god this feels so good." I am resurrected, I am really resurrected, thank God, thank the earth, thank God Nirvana! "

"It's amazing, the resurrection technique is too great. I love it, I love it! Iloveyou!!"

"Yeah, if you fight like this, I will still sign up next time there is an Earth Demon King."


Fang Han released the resurrection stone in the area with the highest concentration of players in time, allowing those players who experienced death to return to this lawless place that belongs to the restricted area of ​​life without any loss.

They enjoyed the blessing of the resurrection technique, and they threw themselves into battle again and again with passion.

"What I admire the most is the accuracy of God Nirvana's selection of the resurrection point. It is shockingly accurate!"

"Of course, if he doesn't have this bit of technology, how can he be the leader of the strong in the plane? Do you think that those who hold the [Scepter of the God King] are all fools?"

"That's right, God Nirvana has now dominated the guilds of the gods. Some guilds in the Nine Layers of Gods cannot complete tasks that cannot be completed by dispatching all the guilds. God Nirvana can handle it alone!"

"Stop talking, look, God Nirvana is commanding the battle!"


down the hill.

Players who have enjoyed the blessing of resurrection.

At this point it was reorganized.

At this time, facing the mighty Boos Earth Demon King.

The artistic talent of conducting is fully demonstrated in the hands of Nirvana.

"The first team, throw 5,000 [Lightning Spells] around the Earth Demon King to create a powerful lightning barrier to destroy the invading low-level monsters."

"The second team, use the skill [Chain Explosion Flame] for me, don't give those low-level monsters a chance to breathe, find them, attack them, and finally destroy them for me!"

"The third team, I order you to use all the skills of Shield Warrior to create a barrier of isolation, and don't let the earth devil use the death gaze skill again!"

"The fourth team, Iron Face, you lead the team yourself. Your task is to immediately move the resurrected brother to a destination that is out of Boos' sight. Then sneak attack the Earth Demon King!"


Order after order was issued.

Millions of players, in the hands of Fang Han, were commanded in an orderly manner.

Countless skills have been speeding up, and they are greeting the Earth Demon King.

What's even more refreshing is that with the superposition of skill power, this huge Boos Earth Demon King, his name, level, and Boos identity information have been partially disclosed.

【Earth Demon King (Emperor)】

[Boos level 105 (the highest known Boos level)]

【Boos blood volume: 1000000000】


At this time, in a slightly sparser area, the players participating in the extermination mission were shocked and excited, and they roared.

"Look, the attributes of the Earth Demon King have appeared."

"Oh my god, level lv105! It's so fucking perverted."

"I have never encountered such a high-level boss."

"I have never encountered it before. Without a doubt, this is the highest level boss since the opening of the Nine Layers of Gods."

"I really want to take a group photo!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if there is no group photo. We just need to use our smart brains to remember this commemorative moment forever."

"Haha, it's fun! God Nirvana is awesome, long live God Nirvana! If God God Nirvana hadn't told me the news on the guild channel, I'm still killing monsters in the wild. It's so exciting, great, I love Boos Earth Demon King!"

"Hmm... Nima!"

The unlucky player just gave an angry praise, but was slapped to death by the Earth Demon King.

Then his soul was sent to the resurrection point to be resurrected.

A line of small characters is displayed in the player's message area.

【You have been attacked by the Earth Demon Lord "Death Flying Wings", your HP has dropped to 0, you are dead! 】


【You have received the "Resurrection Blessing" of the Resurrection Stone released by Nirvana, and your HP has been fully recovered】

The player returned to the original team at an extremely fast speed.

Then, like all the Mage around him, he used long-range magic to greet the Earth Demon King.

"Look, the Earth Demon King's blood volume of one billion has been killed by us to 980 million now, haha, if we continue to fight like this, it will probably take less than three days to wipe him out."

"However, I heard that the time limit for eliminating the Earth Demon King was limited by Ian to 3600 seconds. What should I do?"

"It doesn't matter, if you are undecided, go to God Nirvana!"


On Fang Han's side, the players were worried about the lack of time limit, and the pressure was naturally put on Fang Han who was the master.

Fang Han bears the brilliance of Nirvana, and is the "god" in the dreams of all players. With God, players can rest assured.

If Shendu is gone, the players will cry to death.

"God Nirvana, it's time to increase the time limit!"

"Okay. Time funnel!"

[You have used a "time funnel" to eliminate Boos and the time has been extended by 3600 seconds]

[You have used "Time Funnel" X2 to eliminate Boos and the time has been extended by 7200 seconds]

[You have used "Time Funnel" X3 to eliminate Boos and the time has been extended by 10800 seconds]


In one breath, Fang Han extended the time limit for eliminating Boos to four days!

Now, this problem noticed by all players, has been solved by their god "Nirvana". The players' hanging hearts finally let go.

Whether it is Warrior, Mage, Shield Warrior, Archer, Lich Luxor, players of all professions are now closely united with the player named Nirvana.

Follow his orders, accept his command, and carry out the annihilation battle against the Boos Earth Demon King wave after wave!

"Oh, this is so cool. Children, the outbreak of the bull demon domain is about to begin. Let me explode with the power you have accumulated. Make the most beautiful blow!"

Under the order of [Bull Demon God True God].

Warriors in the field of bull demons.

At the end of the count to "three, two, one".

The melee skills of thousands of Bull Demon Warriors were released at the same time.

Their goal coincidentally chose [Boos Earth Demon King]!

On the body of the Earth Demon King, a dense array of swords, lights and swords suddenly appeared.

[Your short-range sword stab has hit the Boos Earth Demon King, and the Earth Demon King's HP has been reduced by 512,000]

[Your Flame of Anger Slashing has already hit the Boos Earth Demon King, and the Earth Demon King's HP has been reduced by 691,000]

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