"Players, don't be impatient. After the tasks you received from me are completed, all the rewards will be given out in the end."

"Ian, can you as a quest sender tell us directly why this quest hasn't been completed so far? I've checked the quest logs. Over 5.5 million players have submitted quest items, isn't that enough? "

Ian finally revealed the truth after being questioned by all the players.

"I'm sorry, Heaven Designated still has the most important props that have not been submitted, so the final reward of the mission can only be approved after Heaven Designated arrives."

"Heaven Designated, isn't it God Nirvana?"

"It turned out to be him, hurry up and look for it, and see where God Nirvana has gone."

"Of course it's in the plane palace."

"Haha, God Nirvana probably went to sleep."

"I have to drag him out of the bed even when I'm sleeping, so I'm just waiting for the reward of this mission to go to Boos to sweep it. If I don't reach level lv80, I'll never go to [Chaos Time and Space] to mess around!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's break into the palace."

"That's right, brothers, how about we go over together and beat God Nirvana?"

"Good idea, it hasn't been this lively for a long time."

"Well, turn on the trial mode, so that you can't beat people to death. If you die, you will also be suspended animation, and you will not lose rank!"

"Come on, head to the most luxurious palace in the city-state alliance!"


At this time, Fang Han was still asleep.

It was already the afternoon of the second day.

The feeling of sweet dreams is so sour.

Fang Han's physical strength, energy, and combat effectiveness have all returned to a perfect state.

But he was still dead asleep.

After all, after coming to Nine Layers of God Realm, he had never let go of everything and had a good night's sleep like now.

A few days ago, when I killed the Boos Earth Demon King, the nightmare feeling of stepping on the second to sleep will always be an irreparable pain.

"Crack!" The palace gate was shattered.

At the same time, the shouts of countless players woke Fang Han up.

"Hahaha, God Nirvana, accept the baptism of magic!"

"God Nirvana, today we're going to beat the shit out of you."

"Sleep, sleep, we will burn you and this Misty City Lord Palace together, hahaha."

Fang Han rubbed his half-awake sleepy eyes, and immediately understood what was going on.

"Ha, I didn't celebrate to my heart's content after killing the Boos Earth Demon King, you guys are all itchy, right? Well, I, God Nirvana, will play with you."

When the players turn on the "Trial Mode" to release the magic.

Around Fang Han, it has turned into a sea of ​​hellfire.

However, his adaptability is not a little bit strong, but rather abnormal.

A huge magic light shield was instantly triggered.

Then he jumped up from the burning giant bed.

As soon as the magic was summoned, there was a green light on the scepter [God King Scepter].

"Boys, the stronger you get, the stronger you get. Today I will show you the might of God, Nirvana!"

【Crazy Bomb】!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

[You killed the player "Shenlong Bloodline" in seconds, and the opponent has entered the state of wandering soul (fake death)]

[You killed the player "Son of the Prosperity" in seconds, and the opponent has entered the state of wandering soul (fake death)]

[You killed the player "Xi Tian Simon" in seconds, and the other party has entered the state of wandering soul (fake death)]

A [Crazy Bomb] has already caused three players around lv75 to give up their lives. Fang Han screamed excitedly.

"Boys, move to the palace square, where all the magic will be more brilliant."


"Hahaha, go to the main city square."

"It's fun! Look, I used [Purple Lightning Art] to lose 10023 points of blood from Nirvana!"

"So funny."

"This kind of trial will come two more times in the future."

"Why does it feel like Chinese New Year!"

"God Nirvana, I want to challenge you alone! Kill, brothers, kill."

"What about the promised solo challenge???"

"Haha, he's gone crazy. But with his attack power, it seems like he's just scratching the boots of God Nirvana. He can't hurt him at all."

"That's right, God Nirvana now has tens of thousands of defense points, and the bonus point is close to 100,000. How many people can hurt him?"



[You were hit by the purple lightning technique of the player "Void Spirit", and your HP was reduced by 10026]

[You were hit by the ultimate blow technique of the player "Heaven, Earth, I'm the Biggest", and your HP was reduced by 71024]

[You were hit by the player "Crossing the Mountain"'s ground-splitting attack, and your HP was reduced by 55428]

[You are hit by the voodoo curse of the player "riding a pig to fight", and the life value decreases by 36587 points every second]


Although Fang Han's defense is close to invincible.

But if so many players release skills at him together, even the city walls can't stand it.

After all, it was a trial, and Fang Han did not activate skills such as [Fake Blood SS], [Sudden S], and [Current Stimulation Field] to defend, or to escape the players' skill strikes.

Isn't it just for fun?

Isn't it just to let everyone see the excitement when his blood tank is emptied?

In this game, I, God Nirvana, played with everyone!

【Ding! You are already in the trial mode, you can instantly kill God Nirvana without injury]

【Ding! You have already contributed 0.025‰ of attack power to kill Nirvana without injury in trial mode]

【Ding! You have contributed 0.0032‰ of attack power to kill Nirvana without injury in trial mode]

【Ding! You have already contributed 0.0049‰ of mana to killing God Nirvana without injury in trial mode]


"Haha, I got the MPV of Nirvana God! It's great, take a screenshot as a souvenir."

"It's fun, God Nirvana really cooperated. I didn't expect that we would lose God Nirvana in seconds."

"It's rare and rare. Nirvana and Kanbaru are also very playful. Like all of us, they also like to play and even play around. I love it."

【Ding! In the player group, your favorability is increased by 23 points]

【Ding! In the player group, your charm value is increased by 102 points]

【Ding! In the player group, your "heroic spirit" has been increased by 457 points]

【Ding! The player "Dongfeng Knight" applied to add you as a friend]


Fang Han felt dizzy all of a sudden.

After six times of suspended animation, the playfulness of the players gradually calmed down. But by this time they were also exhausted. I don't want to summon skills anymore, I don't want to shoot fire anymore, I don't want to use magic and sorcery to control the lovely [Nirvana God].

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