Then, surrounded by the players, Fang Han came to the center of the square where Ian was, and submitted the most important item [Devil's Heart].

"Heaven Designated congratulations, I have received the [Earth Demon King's Heart] you submitted, and you have obtained the mission reward (the reward has been sent to your package, please check it.)"

From Ian, Fang Han got more than a dozen mysterious treasure chests.

This is a good thing.

After exchanging all the mysterious treasure chests, plus the golden treasure chest, special treasure chest, and silver treasure chest that he got before, Fang Han got a total of more than 100,000 points and various props.

Then, Fang Han glanced at the "attribute gems" inside the package, such as fire crystal gems (large, medium, and small), blue sky gems (large, medium, and small), and the like.

He took these gems and the spirit mine that can be exchanged for attributes with him.

Then, under the transmission of the power of light, he entered the exclusive attribute island.

Here, he met his old friend Wharton.

"Heaven Designated, I heard that you recently killed the Big Boos Earth Demon King who is proud of the Nine Layers of Gods. This is really a remarkable achievement. Once, on the island of doom—oh, I should call it the attribute island. Yes, this area The island was once harmed by the Earth Demon King. Therefore, I feel equally honored for you to eliminate the Earth Demon King!"

"Wharton, don't flatter me, I already have enough headaches."

"Heaven Designated, do you want something? Today [the butcher] sent me a few catties of mutton, and it was stored in my cellar. It was supposed to be eaten for the holidays. But you are here, and I plan to make one tonight Hot pot, invite the neighbors to come and have fun with you."

Fang Han didn't expect Wharton, a black-hearted businessman, to change his sex.

He was happy for him and said: "Wharton, thank you. I bought this hot pot, and I will pay you some more gold coins later. However, I have one thing to ask for your help now."

"Oh, Heaven Designated, you are so generous. I like that you often come to the attribute island to create jewelry. May I help you?"

Fang Han handed over all the spiritual mines and attribute gems that could be added.

Wharton looked at it with a magic magnifying glass, and then gave the highest estimate.

"Heaven Designated, these gems and spirit mines of yours can add 24 points of any attribute in total, or 1068 points of magic value, or 1680 points of defense. Which one do you want to choose?"

Fang Han didn't even think about it, so he chose the [arbitrary attribute] at the front.

After all, this arbitrary attribute can be freely deployed.

But there will always be a regret in his heart.

After all, in the properties panel:

ID: Nirvana (team battle glory, world plane leaderboard glory)

[Level]: lv80 (disregarding the world)

[Race]: Human race (flame) "Strong" (Heaven Designated)

【Occupation】: Annihilation Mage

[Lord]: Level 7

HP: 1002.31w/1002.31w

Mana: 757329/757329

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 6362, Constitution 4289...

Defense: 70126 (soul power trigger bonus 48%)

Critical rate: 224%

Anti-riot rate: 199%

Movement Speed: 1900%

Damage Passive: 174%

Group Soul Awakening: 49% (lv3)

Force of Light: 128...

In the place of Power of Light, the value of 128 points of Power of Light is an embarrassing existence.

Because of the contest with the lv105 Earth Demon Lord, Fang Han was weak for a long time.

The power of light has also shrunk partly, and there is still no way to break through the threshold of 150 points.

This made him regret, and it was especially regrettable!

"If these 24 points of any attribute can be added to the power of light, then I can easily break through the limit of 150 points. I don't know what will happen if I break through to 150 points of power of light?"

Fang Han looked forward to it, and then heard Wharton's voice.

"Your arbitrary attribute points are added to the Power of Light area, and your current Power of Light is adjusted to 152 points!"

【Ding! As the power of light increases, you activate the hidden skill "Eye of the Wind"]

[Skill: Eye of the Wind]

[Required level]: lv80

[race]: any

[Occupation]: Any

[Lord]: Level 8

[Explanation of the skill entry: The Eye of the Wind can increase the number of tracking skills of the space flame. When the enemy releases the voodoo skill, it can capture the enemy's position for the main body in time. The capture effect of the darkening energy it has will depend on the level of the main body Depending on the situation, the restriction effect on the taboo border is 20% of the border restriction after each skill is released]

[Talent influence: Poisonous Ice, Sky Ice Magic...]

Fang Han glanced at the entry explanation of "Eye of the Wind", and felt that this skill is a special skill. After all, the magic of boundary "imprisonment" is a marginal effect within a certain range.

But [Eye of the Wind]'s attribute of "tracking skills" makes it have a certain role of reconnaissance and guarding.

To be honest, this skill is quite good.

Fang Han accepted [Eye of the Wind] with great satisfaction and adjusted its rank on the skill bar extremely quickly.

"Okay, another problem has been solved. Now, it's time to challenge [Chaos Time and Space]. I heard that it is very chaotic here. I don't know what the chaos will look like?"

At this time, Fang Han has come to the teleporter who entered [Chaos Time and Space].

"Hi Heaven Designated, do you need any help? You can consign items from me, and you can also buy some supplementary potions from me. Of course, my main ability is more than these... Teleport into some special Time and space will make you feel silky, do you want to try it?"

Fang Han knew that the teleporter was deliberately joking with him.

"Don't be funny, aren't you the teleporter of the newly appeared [Chaotic Time and Space]? You even started a side job, setting up a stall to sell things, buying high and selling low, what a profiteer. Well, I choose to teleport! Before that, please give me an advanced potion (God) X1000"

Seeing that there was money to be made, the teleporter didn't even care about being scolded by God Nirvana until his face was flattened. He laughed along with him and quickly put the medicine into Fang Han's package.


[You have entered the chaotic time and space, I wish you a pleasant journey]

As soon as the transmission channel was activated, the strange storm of chaotic time and space was already whistling in the ears.

What makes Fang Han even more weird is that this time and space doesn't follow the rules!

Because the position he was standing in was still up and down a second ago, which was quite satisfactory.



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