But in the next second, Fang Han found that he was sideways, standing at a certain coordinate in time and space, and he was still flying at high speed.

Around me, from time to time, something would appear like the shadow of a tree receding.

Among these things, some were monsters who were seriously looking at him, some were players who were playing Boos, some were scenery that Nine Layers of Gods had never seen before, and some were areas where some hidden missions were located... Fang Han suddenly became numb.

"Ah, [Chaos Time and Space] really doesn't lie to me, it's so chaotic."

Fang Han was a little dumbfounded.

At this time, Sorata is difficult to master.

With his ranking that disdains the Nine Layers of Gods, unexpectedly in this time and space, there is no way to straighten his body.

Sometimes I have to walk on my feet, and sometimes a row of dark clouds will swish and fly past my feet, which feels extremely weird.

"Stop kidding me, okay? [Chaos Time and Space] is too weird. Mom, I want to fight the boss."

Fang Han closed his eyes and let out a loud cry.

When he opened his eyes, he suddenly found that in the chaotic time and space, everything seemed to have settled down.

He himself was also at a certain position in the space, his body standing straight.

A "Boos vortex" appeared ahead.

Several Boos were sizing up the intruder with "bad eyes".

"Look, there is a prey there."

"Kill him, absorb all his magical energy."

"He is my prey, don't snatch it from me."

"He is mine, I order you to destroy him, and then let me devour all his energy..."

These monsters were trapped in the space-time vortex, and they couldn't break free at all.

The space-time vortex made these monsters seem to be walking in space non-stop.

This is so silky smooth!

But the provocative words of several Boos angered Fang Han.

"Hey, are you idiots trying to challenge my authority? I am the god of the Nine Layers of Gods! I don't know, I thought I was just a passerby, or a prey in your mouth. In fact, I am even a level 105 earth demon king. They can all be eliminated. Just you idiots, you still want to devour my magical ability, it's just delusional!"

"Listen, he's mocking us."


"kill him!"

"This guy is so crazy. Doesn't he know that we have been practicing for more than 10 million years in this space-time vortex?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's eliminate this intruder. I don't want to share the position of the space-time vortex with him."

Hear conversations with these Boos.

Fang Han took these Boos seriously for the first time.

He saw five Boos heads with different names on them.

[Ghost pawn, level lv100]

[Blue Sky Wolf King, level lv99]

[Green Poison Eye, Lv100]

[Venom Zerg, level lv100]

[Red-eyed human bat, level lv101]

Among the five Boos, the most arrogant one is the red-eyed human bat.

For this Boos, Fang Han is definitely impressed.

Because Fang Han had seen this type of monster before when he eliminated the forces of the Lich Castle.

But the red-eyed human bats he had eliminated were not as high as lv101.

In other words, the red-eyed human bats here are really like what they said, they have been cultivated for thousands of years!

"Oh, I encountered a piece of forbidden magic! It's so cool!"

Regarding Fang Han who found happiness, he immediately laughed happily.

With his IQ, he has already seen clearly the essence of these five Boos.

They trigger certain prohibitions due to greed, or Infinite Plundering.

Then it was brought to this chaotic time and space by a mysterious force.

Since then, he has been imprisoned in the vortex of chaotic time and space, and can only "stand in line" forever in a certain position. Unless he finds a replacement, he can kill the opponent, gain all the abilities of the opponent, and break through the restrictions of chaotic time and space to return to the world. Nine Layers of Gods!

What the hell, it turned out to be a cell with countless Boos!

It's not a prison cell, but a time and space that is definitely more terrifying than a prison cell exists!

Knowing the truth, Fang Han is now more and more interested in killing five Boos.

"Look, what is this brat doing?"

"He seems to be using skills such as [Scanning Eye SS] to size us up."

"No, looking at his eyes, it seems that there is a murderous intent."

"Hmph, let's let it go as a Boos, are we still afraid of this little life?"

"Nirvana? Why is this name so familiar?"

"Stop talking nonsense. Use suction, suck him in!"

At this moment, the five Boos finally brought out their long-distance absorption skills. Started sucking Fang Han in the direction of their loss of control.

A flash of light flashed in Fang Han's eyes.

He stroked his handsome hair, showed a surprised expression, and said provocative words to the five Boos: "I am a great god named [Nirvana]! Have you five Boos washed your necks clean? My 50-meter broadsword is already hungry and thirsty."

"Damn it, we've been ridiculed again."

"[Light of Space]! I suck it!"

"[The Chanting of the Star Gatherer]!"

"[The Eye of Seduction]!"


Five Boos, those with remote absorption skills, burst out their skills one after another. Start passively moving Fang Han in their direction.

Skills such as Light of Space, Chanting of the Star Gatherer, and Eye of Seduction. There is a unified skill banner, that is "Drain!"

This property is very powerful.

Those who are recruited will generally approach the target more or less.

If the opponent's level, magic power, skill enhancement, and these related factors have reached a terrifying level of suppression, then the suppressed person will be sucked in at the speed of light.


When the five Boos used the "Drain" skill at the same time, although Fang Han's feet became silky smooth, his movement speed was as slow as a snail. This distance of less than 30 meters has been sucked for a long time, but it only moved 0.5 meters.

But in Fang Han's field of vision, he saw these five Boos, already tired.

Seeing that such a long time has not played a "absorption" effect.

In the Boos group, there was another confusion.

"What kind of occupation is this human race? How can it be carried so well?"

"I'm sorry, as a Boos, I'm very depressed. Could it be that my Star Gatherer can only absorb 0.5 meters?"

"Ah, he is a human race, he is indeed a human race, but it doesn't matter. As long as he approaches us again, I will be absolutely sure to destroy him. Then I will plunder his ability and gain the power to return me to the Nine Layers of God Realm. "

"he's mine."

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