[The player "Once Promise" entered the Yuanling space, was accidentally hit by Wuyingtianmo's Boos skill "Bullet Flash", and died back to Yixing City]

[The player "Let me love you" entered the Yuanling space, was accidentally hit by Wuying Tianmo's Boos skill "Hailstorm", and died back to Yixing City]

[The player entered the Yuanling space with a "gentle hug", and was accidentally hit by Wuyingtianmo's Boos skill "Da Ling", and died back to Yixing City]


These players who have returned from the dead are now in a state of soul drift, almost crying and lamenting their loss.

"Mom, if I had known that the Shadowless Demon was so terrifying, I would be fine if I didn't go in."

"Damn it, I just went in and came out dead. I didn't even see what the Shadowless Demon looked like. It's wrong to fall to this level."

"The Shadowless Heavenly Demon is too powerful. Magical attacks and physical attacks are in a state where there is no escape. I thought I could hang on for a while. But I was found in the corner, and I was immediately returned."

With the "crying" of these few players who returned to Yixing City after death, the rest of the players who were eager to try were also very witty and silent.

Now, their only hope of accepting the task of Alexander's castellan seems to be on a super existence—God Nirvana!

"I really don't cry when I see the coffin. You guys go to the boss area to upgrade, and leave the shadowless demon to me."

"Thank you God Nirvana!"

A few players in the state of wandering souls were quickly rescued by Fang Han's resurrection prayer, and then, with their downgraded lives, they happily went to the not-so-dangerous Boos area to level up and fight monsters to become stronger again .

"God Nirvana is really kind to us."

"Well, he can help us resurrect in advance and complete the physical tempering. I should really thank him."

"But we dropped from lv70 to lv69 all of a sudden, it really hurts to think about it."

"Also, we were too impulsive. It's just that we didn't listen to God Nirvana."

"Don't talk about it, let's level up, and try to fight the Great God Nirvana again when the Earth Demon King is refreshed next time!"

"Yes, when I think of the exciting battlefield scene of killing the Earth Demon King last time, my blood boils."

"Well, thinking of the scene of playing Boos for three days and four nights in a row, I have strengthened my confidence!"

"Come on, let's form a team and improve the level..."

These lovely players are paying the price for their previous impulses.

However, after being redeemed by Nirvana, they encouraged their courage.

In the Boos area, several strong players joined in the consistent endless loop sequence of finding monsters, gathering monsters, and killing monsters.


Fang Han was at the city manager's place and replenished some potions.

Then upgrade [Life Potion (Small)] to [Life Potion (Medium)], and finally merge into [Life Potion (God)] X1000 packs.

Fang Han used a [World Teleportation Stone] and teleported himself to Yuanling Dimension.

As soon as he entered this space, he felt a bone-piercing ripple. It was not cold, but magic breath!

This kind of magic breath induction, when plundering [Earth Demon King]. Also been induced!

"Well, in addition to eliminating [Shadow Demon], I also have to find Alexander's soul and take it out to complete the task. It seems that this task is really not easy!"

Following Fang Han's vision, he landed on his blood bar.

He could clearly see that the blood on the blood strip was slowly falling down.

Then, on the personal attribute panel, in the blood volume display column, he saw a series of values ​​decrease, increase, decrease again, and increase again.

There is only one reason for such a reverse cycle, and that is the supernatural magic breath in this space, which is weakening the life value of all creatures entering here.

【Ding! Your health is affected by the magic breath, and it is reduced to 10.0825 million]

【Ding! Your health is affected by the magic breath, and it is reduced to 10.0416 million]

【Ding! Your health is affected by the magic breath, and it is reduced to 10,019,800]


Although in terms of Fang Han's current defense power, every time he was affected by the magic breath, the reduced HP did not reach millions or tens of millions.

But if you fall like this, even if you drink a few bottles of [Life Potion (God)], you won't be able to withstand it.

After all, with such a large dose of medicine, the life energy provided per unit time is also limited.

It is impossible to ignore time and infinitely add life to the target.

This is the rule of this world.

In the second level of the Nine Layers of God's Domain, no one has ever been able to change the rule of increasing health since it was opened.

"Well, very good! Shadowless Demon, I can already smell your stench!"

After seeing the blood bar suddenly weakened explosively for a while, Fang Han sensed something strange from this obviously changed state.

Compared with the conventional "Magic Breath Locking Blood", the instant health value was greatly weakened just now, and it was impossible to be an accident at all.

The result is only one.

That is, he was attacked by Boos with [ignoring the law of space and distance]!

When Fang Han scolded [Shadowless Demon].

In the space, a voice finally came.

"Hey, prey, your strength makes me feel excited. Come on, let's see if I, the Shadowless Demon, will deprive you of your blood first, or you will scratch me until you die!"

"You mean that my attack power is only suitable for scraping your skin???"

Fang Han was a little angry.

Haven't met yet, and fell in love with this big Boos big devil.

What's more, the arrogance of this demon king is just like kicking his nose in the face.

It dared to mock that its magic was not strong enough.

Insulting Fang Han's attack power is only worthy of "tickling!"

This is really too disrespectful to the existence of [Ao Shi (No. 1 ranking in Jiuchong Shenyu)].

Fang Han decided to take action and teach this big devil a lesson.

Now he's in the southeast corner.

This angle belongs to a corner of [Yuanling Space], which only occupies about 1/50 of the entire space. Whether it is big or small, it is under the effect of [World Teleportation Stone]. Through non-stop teleportation, it is completely possible to carry out a face-riding attack at the moment the plane reaches the Shadowless Demon.

In order to create a fatal blow effect for the opponent, Fang Han even pinched the [Electric Stimulation Field], and the magic scepter in his hand emitted a dazzling brilliance at this time.

That is the energy of [current excitation field], which is constantly gathering, retracting, and restricting the light.

[World Teleportation Stone]!


[You have been teleported to Yuanling Space 1025, 4682]



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