Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 369 Shadowless Demon (World Destruction Boos)

[You have been teleported to Yuanling Space 5769, 7380]


【You have been teleported to 3362 and 4652 in Yuanling Dimension】


In these few teleportations, Fang Han's luck seemed to be pretty good.

At least, he sensed that the Shadowless Demon's position was getting closer and closer to the random area he teleported.

According to the rules of the World Teleportation Stone, after injecting mysterious elements.

This teleportation stone will extend the master's will.

That is to say, in the current Yuanling space, near the coordinates of 3362 and 4652, there must be a shadowless demon!

[World Teleportation Stone]!


【Ding! You have been attacked by the Shadowless Heavenly Demon's "Earth Shattering Strike", and your HP has been reduced by 1.026 million]


Seeing that this warning disappeared, Fang Han was not angry but happy.

First use [Puppet Body SS] to avoid the next second [Magic Breath Lock Blood] and Shadowless Sky Demon's skill attack.

Then, several bottles of big medicine [Life Potion (God)] were poured down like a drink.

Now, Fang Han's health has returned to its peak state in an instant.

Even though there were several million-level blood reductions, it did not affect Fang Han's will to fight at all.

"Come on, Demon King, let's fight. I'm ready, and I'll give you a present before the fight begins."

Fang Han released the [Electric Stimulation Field] brewed to the limit in front of the shadowless demon, and released it to a predictive area where Boos was invisible.

Compared with other worlds, the Boos rules of the Nine Layers of Gods have been improved by an unknown number of levels.

The difficulty of the task is often beyond imagination.

Especially when killing those world-class bosses.

Sometimes even a task of finding monsters can make players cry.

I remember that when killing the [Earth Demon King], a certain beautiful player scolded the shameless [Earth Demon King] to God Nirvana.

It turns out that this beautiful player is also a Mage.

When his magic value was emptied, he urgently needed medicine to recover.

But if you want to save your life, you must have a shield before you can look for medicine.

However, Big Boos [Earth Demon King] seems to have played a cruel joke on her.

A certain passive Boos voodoo curse skill can allow the player who has been recruited to consume mana points day and night.

In the end, the beautiful player who sacrificed her precious cardamom life because of the lack of a magic shield, completely withdrew from the team battle to kill the [Earth Demon King], which became a lifelong regret.

Now, Fang Han seems to see the shadow of this regret in Wuying Tianmo's body again!

Because the Shadowless Demon is a Boos in an invisible state.

If you don't deprive it of its invisibility, or limit it to be invisible all the time, even a strong man who disdains the title, it is estimated that it will be difficult to destroy [Shadowless Demon] through blind typing!

Fortunately, with the violent power of [Electric Electric Field], there is no home match for Boos [Shadowless Demon] to be disappointed!

【Ding! Your Scanning Eye SS has successfully scanned, and the attributes of the Shadowless Demon have been displayed, please check]

【Shadowless Demon (World Destruction Boos)】

[Boos level: lv106 level]

[Boos belongs to the faction: Yuanling camp]

[Boos skill entries-reeling silk fire, shadowless strike, grasping the light of extinction, instant killing...]

[Boos talent entry-magic breath enhancement, magic listening to the heart, thunder magic invisibility, ignoring defense, ethereal disaster...]


Fang Han saw this, and his eyes stopped on the skill [Thunder Demon Invisibility].

Invaded with magic power and took a look, and found that the reason why the Shadowless Demon can remain invisible is that this talent has been activated all the time——

Fang Han was shaken all over.

It seems that the opponent's handle has fallen into his own hands.

[Wuying Tianmo] will soon be given a death package that Fang Han specially matched for him!

"This demon king is really perverted. Even the famous [Earth Demon King] is only lv105, but this [Shadowless Sky Demon] has cultivated to lv106."

"At this level, I don't think it's surprising that those players who are around level 70 will be caught in seconds when they come in.

At the beginning, when killing the [Earth Demon King].

Thanks to the large resurrection points drawn by the [Resurrection Stone], it helped players complete the gorgeous "rebirth!"

Then, the leading melee Blood Ox, long-range Archer, long-range Mage, wizard and other professional players, under the command of Fang Han, cooperated seamlessly and completed the plunder of the [Earth Demon King].

Now, Fang Han alone had to face an existence more powerful than the [Earth Demon King].

His will to fight has been fully released.

"Because of your existence, my blood and life have been burned up, thank you Wuying Tianmo Big Boos!"

Hearing Fang Han's chants, [Wu Ying Tian Mo] thought Fang Han was moaning magic again.

If so, after being plowed by [Electric Electric Field] once, the Shadowless Heavenly Demon became angry.

After all, the [Current Excitation Field] accumulated to the limit.

Released a field-through energy that was six times more powerful than usual.

Wuying Tianmo's [Thunder Demon Invisibility] was forced out.

It's no wonder Boos isn't angry!

The power of this [Electric Stimulation Field] directly destroyed the 50 million HP of Big Boos in seconds.

Up to this moment, the blood shadow of [Shadowless Demon] finally became clearly visible from a looming state.


Oh My God!

Either I am dazzled.

Either this is crazy!

How can you be so awesome?



3,002,867,300 HP, that's exactly twelve times that of the Bull Demon God, the world's number one Blood God!

After all, if exchanged, the Bull Demon God True God only has 250 million HP. And for this monster, the length of the overall vitality bar is ten times that of the Bull Demon God!

If he told the truth about the true God of the Bull Demon God [Wuying Tianmo], his confidence would be instantly critized to the point where he couldn't regroup.

"This is a Blood Emperor Boos! Amazing!"

Fang Han gritted his teeth and said.

"Hahaha" After Boos' health returned to its peak state, the [Shadowless Demon], whose invisibility had been broken, still sneered at Fang Han.

"Human race, I can see into your heart! I know what's going on in my heart right now. Fortunately [Bull Demon God True God] didn't come with you, otherwise I would kill him before he sees my blood volume. He had no temper at all. I was able to get him to lie flat before dying limp."


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