Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 408 The Demon King's Eyes Are So Deep

The 18th floor of the magic palace seems to have regained its calm.


This is just the brief calm before the storm.

The Demon Lord of Hell has already sensed the coming of some threats in the process of being interrupted from a certain continuous state.

"Ho ho ho ho!"


Fang Han found that the four pillars around him, the stones supporting the magic palace, were square like totem stone pillars, and they were sinking towards the ground of the magic palace.

"What does he want? Have I been discovered?"

With this question.

[Xuntu SS] Fly away.

Then, the next second.

Fang Han was already standing behind a certain demon king.

when he appears.

The demon king was still facing away from him.

However, a circle of blue magic fire suddenly appeared around.

This magic fire revolves around the periphery of the Demon King continuously.

The speed seems to be unstoppable!

——Hell Demon Lord!

Yes, this Demon Lord is the Supreme Demon Race betrayed by the defected Demon Soldiers!

"God Nirvana, you have finally come to the palace of this seat! This seat will definitely entertain you well. After all, for thousands of years, the Prince of Boos, Bahamut, who has never met an opponent, was killed by you. Yes! You robbed it, didn't you?"

"Hell Demon Lord, if you only have such a small structure, then I don't need to fight this battle, I already know the result, and you will definitely lose."

Fang Han said sarcastically.

"Really? According to you, I must put down my hatred for you before going to war, right?"

Hell Demon Lord still didn't look back, and asked Fang Han in a master's tone.

"I'm not you, I don't know what advice I should give at this moment, let you defeat me! However, you are right about one thing. If you can't forget hatred, then even if you start a war, some of your magic cultivation realm , will also be affected."

"Let me tell you this. When I practiced [Crazy Bomb] to the highest skill level, at that time I was only thinking about how to improve my skill level. The result was repeatedly frustrated."

"However, when I got a certain opportunity, I completely forgot my goal. People are not in this mountain, but my heart is immersed in this mountain. Then, I got an epiphany, and suddenly I realized everything! [Crazy Bomb] My skill level has been raised to MAX, which gave me an unprecedented sense of accomplishment!"

"That's the situation, that's the thing, that's the thing!"

"Are you teaching me?"

"Don't dare!"

Fang Han took a step back.

Then take out the 【Scepter of the God King】.

Show off the skill [Crazy Bomb] again, and show it to the Great Demon King Hell Demon Lord.

"This is the situation where [Crazy Bomb] triggers the highest level of Max skills. You are a smart boss. I believe you will understand what kind of cultivation state this is!"

[Crazy Bomb] In Fang Han's staff, it revolves around like a fire dragon.

Although the color of the flame is mixed with various colors, each color is very pure, as if it has been tempered, it is such a healthy color!

The Demon Lord of Hell was shocked!

"You actually merged with the power of the strange fire from the demon world!"

"Can I understand that this is your compliment to me?"

Fang Han raised his head leisurely and asked back, and put away the [God King Scepter].

In fact, he was a nine-layer God Realm powerhouse who had cultivated to the level of him and Hell Demon Lord.

At this time, all the hypocrisy can be stripped off.

It's time for a "master class" conversation!

Even if it's just a little bit of useful spiritual supplies, or a little bit of cultivation elements from the opponent.

For myself, it will be an extremely wonderful journey of harvest.

Because Fang Han sensed that the Boos level of Hell Demon King is several levels higher than the super big Boos [Earth Demon King] that was eliminated before!

The Hell Demon Lord also sensed Fang Han's strength and terror.

Because he is the first human race who has cracked the mechanism of the 18th floor of the magic palace for thousands of years!

Moreover, in the eyes of the demons, Mage exists like a crispy skin.

But the other party is not crispy! ! !

At least, being able to enter the lava hell has already proved Fang Han's strength.

Then, Fang Han broke through the lava rift to the obstacles of the eighteen-story magic palace, and finally entered in front of this throne.

Just by this mighty power, one can see how wild and powerful this Mage, the eternal annihilation demon of the human race, is!

"You can see this, which means that your eyesight is already very strong."

"you flatter me!"

"By the way, what do you think is the biggest difference between the different fires of the demon world and the different fires of the human plane?"

Fang Han's "A Master's Question" to the other party is bloody, but existence is reasonable!

After all, his duel with Hell Demon Lord will begin soon.

But until now.

Fang Han is not sure yet.

That is, has the Demon Lord of Hell succeeded in cultivating the [Throne Flame]?

Or in other words, how far the other party has cultivated [Throne Flame]!

Ask your soul.

Just to understand the other party's understanding of [Different Fire].

From this, some other things can be deduced more deeply, which are used to measure the strength of the demon king [Hell Demon Lord]...

"The essence of the strange fire in the demon world lies in how many soul fragments it absorbs. Most of the strange fire of the human race escaped from the crater of the devil world or lava hell, and after thousands of years of evolution, it finally formed Different fire form!"

At this time, the Demon Lord of Hell, like a mentor, said such a thought-provoking sentence.

Fang Han made a comment.

Feel shocked.

Unexpected ah unexpected.

This hell devil's understanding of the strange fire.

It has actually reached the point of being a god...

"Hell Demon Lord, you know that I respect you very much. That's why I didn't even bring a single brick when I entered your 18th floor demon palace."

"What's the meaning?"

"I'm sorry, this is just a stalk of the strong human race. Bringing a brick is to kill the other party. I don't want to kill you. I just want you to leave with respect. Before you die, I also want to keep you as the devil dignity!"

"God Nirvana, have you really become so arrogant without the permission of this deity?"


Hell Demon Lord turned around for the first time.

Face Fang Han with the face of the demon king wearing a mask.

That aura of disdain for the world.

Immediately fill Fang Han's heart.

It's like dropping a bomb into a calm lake.

Fang Han could no longer keep calm.

The devil's eyes are so deep...!



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