Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 409 Can Ice Turn Into Flames?

"Then, if I'm as arrogant as you understand, are you willing to memorize my magic skill [Electric Electric Field], and kill me gently... gently???"


Why does it feel so a little disgusting!

This is the Great Demon King.

Why should I use a playful mentality to treat this Hell Demon Lord who is full of "master breath"!

Perhaps, this is called watching people order food!

"Well, in the world of the Nine Layers of God's Domain. A wise man once said this sentence. I am not me, you are not you, I am you, and you are me!"

Fang Han frowned.

In the low-level human civilization, some afterimages of this civilization can still be found in his memory.

It seems that, hundreds of millions of years ago, a wise man said the same thing on the ancestral planet belonging to the human race.

Does this represent a leap of thought or realm that does not depend on physical boundaries?

If so.

Then it means that every life is a harmonious individual.

It doesn't need to look outside.

will be able to run on its own.

Including himself, including the guild he once belonged to, including the city-state alliance plane he now masters, are all included in it.

This whole is extremely small, but also infinitely large, broad and profound, and all-encompassing!

"Drown, Mage, the human demon! Before my [Throne Flame] breaks out, please connect your hands to your feet and get out of my 18th floor demon palace. Because I don't want to kill you now, I just want to be here On the battlefield, wipe out your city-state alliance plane together!"

"Oh, then I'm always welcome."


In the next second, Fang Han couldn't control his ambition to test the [Throne Flame].

"Hell Demon Lord, before I leave, can I make a small request? If you meet my request, I can turn around and leave now."

"you say."

"I want to use the skill [Crazy Bomb] to exchange your [Throne Demonic Flame] skill. The former is my Nirvana God's nirvana. The latter is the nirvana of your Hell Demon Lord's cultivation. Strong exchange, you It's not a disadvantage. Moreover, if you are willing to exchange, this is also a manifestation of self-confidence, what do you think!"

"Hahaha, God Nirvana, you are very good at joking. Unfortunately, this deity will not agree to you."

While the devil's mask was shaking, the hell devil solemnly rejected Fang Han's request.

He felt that he was offended.

After all, Fang Han added some personal attitudes to this request.

It's a very subtle complex emotion.

Fang Han seemed to have captured the change in Hell Demon Lord's demeanor.

"Then, I can refuse your 'get out' request! I will refuse you now. Hell Demon Lord, I will not go. I will kill you. Bring your Demon Lord's head to every monster of the Demon Race to see !"

"How dare!"

The Demon Lord of Hell retreated to his throne like a tornado.

Two huge magic sleeves were placed on the only chair in the magic palace.

Then, he slowly covered his demonic hand on half of the demon king's mask.

Tear hard!

Two [Hell Demon Lords] appeared at the same time, divided into left and right, sharing this huge throne!

The one on the left [Hell Demon Lord] has red eyes.

The one on the right [Hell Demon Lord] has blue eyes.

Fang Han looked a little confused now.

If it is now to summon [Crazy Bomb] to attack.

Which [Hell Demon Lord] should be the target subject?

It is to hit the Hell Demon Lord on the left first.

Or hit the Hell Demon Lord on the right first.

Or two Hell Lords attacking together?

"Is it brewing for so long? Your [Throne Flame]!"

During the conversation.

[Crazy Bomb] by Fang Han.

Already bouncing in the hand.

Like a balloon out of hand, it flew into the air, then fell, and was finally kicked by Fang Han, kicking the power released by [Crazy Bomb] towards the big "parent" of the hell demons.

"Well, your manipulation of different fires has reached the point of perfection. However, it seems that you have very little understanding of the fire element in the devil world."

【Ding! You have been despised by the Demon Lord of Hell]

【Ding! You have been despised by the Demon Lord of Hell X2]

【Ding! You have been despised by the Demon Lord of Hell X3]


Then, in Fang Han's temptation.

In the scene seen by the field of vision.

The fire of his [Crazy Bomb] was swallowed up by the strange fire beside the Great Demon King Hell Demon Lord.



The flame of [Crazy Bomb] completely failed.

In the next second, there was only a mass of distorted air, which became the last trace of energy that disappeared after the [Crazy Bomb] was released.

--How is this going?

Fang Han showed a thoughtful expression.

Could it be that the other party's Demon World Flame is really stronger than his own Human Race Flame!

This Boos.

Sure enough, there is something.

"Hey, even if you can swallow the flames of my [Crazy Bomb], it doesn't mean you can resist my all-attribute fire skills!"

Finish this sentence.

Fang Han summoned the Fire Beast King.

Then, he put the Fire Beast into a "resting state" and ran in front of the Demon King's throne. Use the "Fire Fusion Attack" that is not in the state of cavalry combat!

"Flame Knife! How?"

When Fang Han spit out these words.

【Ding! Your skill "Flame Knife" has been summoned by the eternal annihilation magic]

【Ding! The flame knife has locked the Boos Hell Demon King]

【Ding! The Demon Lord of Hell is immune to your "Flame Knife" successfully, and the damage of the skill "Flame Knife" to the enemy is reduced by "0"]

——Blind, it turned out to be an ineffective attack!

Has this Hell Demon Lord evolved to the realm of invincibility?

In Fang Han's mind, a very terrifying phantom appeared.

And then.

Fang Han decided to try other elemental flames.

"If it's an ice-type flame, maybe even the Demon Lord of Hell may not have seen it before!"

As soon as the words came out.

The Demon Lord of Hell finally had a slight expression on his face, and said with a sigh of relief: "Are you kidding me, ice can also turn into flames? You are not playing me!"

"Don't worry. Hell Demon Lord is not the only one who likes to play different fires. My Nirvana is definitely not the only one who can play different fires well. But at present, those who can enter fire with ice can reach this level." If you are a strong person in the plane of the realm. Look at the entire Nine Gods Realm. It seems that I am the only one, Nirvana!"

As soon as the words came out.

Ice magic fire.

Already brewing in the hands of Fang Han.

And then.

In Fang Han's hand.

A group of magic fire exuding the power of ice crystal elements was brewed successfully.

Under Fang Han's magical blessing.

Except for the shape of the flame being in the form of ice crystals, the rest of the flame is shaped like a rhombus shaped like a diamond...

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