Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 422 How Did This Holy Beast Escape The Chains Of Hell

"Asshole, don't come near me!"

In the vortex circle, the Boos were watching the battle while fighting broke out.

At this time, on Fang Han.

Under the blessing of three layers of shields.

The Summoning Holy Light of the [Scepter of the God King] has also opened the way for the return of the summoned beast.

【Ding! The summoned beast, the Boos Fire Beast King accepted the call of the master Nirvana, and has successfully arrived in the "chaotic space-time"]

"Jie Jie..."

The Fire Beast King running from a distance shouted "Master, I'm coming!" and ran towards Fang Han who was fighting the cat blade.

"Baby Huo, you came just in time. This cat, you can shoot it to death. Why let my [God King Scepter] attack it, you say yes!"

Catblade is battling God Nirvana.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly summoned a fire beast king.

Looking at the shape of Boos's figure and huge limbs, as well as that angry fire-breathing eye, one can tell that this beast is not an ordinary beast.

"Fire Beast King, transform!"



A "Bright Armor" appeared on the Fire Beast King.

This is after the fusion, the "Bright Armor" formed is more majestic than the "Holy Beast Armor" that Fang Han equipped the Fire Beast King in the early days!

This proves that Fang Han did not hesitate to upgrade the Fire Beast King to the lv9 ultimate beast form.

Equipped with this pair of armor, the Fire Beast King already has the energy to share his master's "power of light".

In this state of being bathed in holy light, no matter how arrogant Mao Ren is, he still has to stop his offensive posture, stand aside, and look at this fire beast king whose level, realm, and attacking beast skills are unknown!


The aftermath of magic died down.

Fang Han has already mounted the Fire Beast King.

The whole body exudes the magical holy light of eternal annihilation, coupled with the protective holy light of stepping down the holy beast, in the eyes of Boos cat blade.

This is a table of "glowing communion!"

"Slippery!~" Boos cat blade, drooling, licked his cat's mouth around!

"Fusion - Holy Shield of Light!"

Protecting Fang Han from head to toe.

I am not at all afraid of Boos cat blade's attack skills.

Just wait for the opponent to explode!

Even opening a shield is a fusion skill!

Just ask if Boos is afraid of the cat blade!

【Spin kick in the air】!

【Ding! You have been hit by the Boos cat blade attack skill "Aerial Spin Kick", and the fusion of the Holy Shield of Light has been weakened]


A circle of rebounding sparks exploded.

The Boos cat blade doesn't seem to be getting any benefits.

The disadvantage is that there are a lot of them!

After all, when Boos Catblade noticed that the "dog skin plaster" was hit by a spinning kick, the electric sparks bouncing off Fang Han's shield fused with the holy beast actually ignited its limbs. On the cat's face, strong cat chest muscles, fragmented flames everywhere!

A hot burning sensation sent Boos Cat Blade into frenzy.

"Unforgivable! How dare you hurt me, Mr. Boos. Then release the [Time and Space Judgment] skill directly!"

[Boos skill: Judgment of Time and Space (God)] [Skill Required Level]: Lv120 [Skill Race]: Boos (none) [Skill Occupation]: Combat-type occupation [Lord Requirements]: Level 8 [Skill Explanation Entry: This skill is the exclusive ultimate skill of Boos cat blade. When it is released, five chains from hell will appear, and at the same time ignore the five elements of the target to perform a powerful binding. The imprisoned target will lose all freedom within 120 seconds, and the attack immunity will be automatically reduced to "0", and the magic immunity will be automatically reduced to "0"...]

See it clearly.

This is the ultimate Boos nirvana!

After releasing the [Time and Space Judgment] skill.

Boos the cat blade, showing a brand new smile.


On Fang Han and the holy beast, together with the fusion magic shield. Together, they were bound into zongzi by five "hell chains"!

If so.

There is no need for 120 seconds of imprisonment time.

Three seconds is enough for a powerful Boos like Cat Blade to instantly kill Fang Han!

【Ding! You have been hit by the Boos Cat Blade Time and Space Trial, your movement speed has dropped to "0" and your attack power has dropped by 66%...]

A series of bad news like a thunderbolt appeared in Fang Han's ears at the same time.

However, don't panic.

Being imprisoned, eat a sore first...

"Ho Ho Ho, Master, are we going to die?"

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, Fire Beast King, you want more sunshine, not so dark. It's so ugly that you can't die!"

"Then... why don't you think of a way, master."

"I'm waiting for you to figure out a way!"


【Ding! The fire beast king has read your "fighting will" and evaluated it as "lazy" and your loyalty has dropped to 49%]

【Ding! The Fire Beast King has released the binding relationship with you and completed the "wild transformation" of the holy beast]

【Ding! The fire beast king brewed the "wild" skill "wild beast"]

【Ding! The brewing progress of the "wild beast" skill is 14%]

【Ding! The brewing progress of the "wild beast" skill is 32%]

【Ding! The brewing progress of the "wild beast" skill is 44%]

【Ding! The brewing progress of the "wild beast" skill is 76%]


Just when Boos Catblade was thinking about whether to devour the holy beast or Fang Han first after God Nirvana was hit by "Judgment".

Holy Beast - Fire Beast King.

Unexpectedly completed the binding.

Then, under the protection of the Holy Shield of Light, he independently completed the brewing of the "wild beast" skill.


The Fire Beast King swelled instantly.

tie! ~

After a very crisp sound.

The body of the Fire Beast King swelled up like a tall building.

A ferocious beast with an evil spirit was already standing in front of the cat blade.

Huge body, huge claws of the holy beast, huge flames of the holy beast...


The Fire Beast King finally extended his giant claws towards the attacking area of ​​the Boos cat blade.

At this time, Fang Han held the [God King Scepter].

After summoning the "unban" magic.

The five "hell chains" on his body have already collapsed step by step.


Fang Han aimed the 【God King Scepter】at the Fire Beast King.

When the Fire Beast King launched his attack, he was still blessed by magic from his master, Fang Han.

【Ding! Your eternal annihilation mana was successfully injected into the holy beast, and the Fire Beast King received 1024 points of eternal annihilation mana blessing (unbound)]

【Ding! Your eternal annihilation magic power was successfully injected into the holy beast, and the Fire Beast King gained 7287 points of eternal annihilation magic power (unbound)]


The Boos cat blade is numb!

This situation.

Something seems wrong.


120 seconds of [Time and Space Judgment] imprisonment time.

Will it be disintegrated so quickly?

How did this holy beast escape from the chains of hell? ?


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