Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 423 Come On, I've Been Waiting For You For A Long Time

How did Mage, the eternal annihilation demon of the human race, complete the gorgeous state transformation?

What a hell!


Catblade has discovered the changes in the battle, beyond his expectations.

The ultimate combat skill of level 120 Boos did not trap the eternal annihilation demon Mage to death.

In this situation, the Cat Blade's Heart of Boos was destroyed almost instantly.

"For the time being, it might be better to use [Shuriken] to hit it for a while!"

Think here.

Boos cat blade continuously released "shuriken" to attack the Fire Beast King, and behind the Fire Beast King, Fang Han who was holding the 【God King's Scepter】!

"Do not avoid!"

"I don't avoid it."

Beastfire can counter "Shuriken!"

The furious claws of the Fire Beast King, who had gone berserk, were now less than five meters away from the cat's blade.

Huge body, huge double claws, huge slapping power, exploded at the same time!



Around, a piece of compressed broken space exploded loudly.

Then came the wrath of the Fire Beast King, which knocked down the Boos cat blade, which was also huge, and the sound of being suppressed was heard.

In the space-time vortex.

Boos such as Desert Reaper, Sea Shark King, Alien Pegasus.

All look silly!

Boos skill, and it is Boos nirvana.

Can it be lifted?

Can it be dispelled after being hit?

Are you stupid!


"Human race, you did not abide by the battle rules of the second world of the Nine Layers of Gods!"

Boos the cat blade while roaring.

While scolding Fang Han.

At this time, the fire beast king's "wild beast" pounced and sent the cat blade flying, spinning many circles in the air before finally landing on the ground of [Chaos Time and Space].

Wait for the Boos cat blade to hit the ground.

Look at the way it hunches up like a cat.

Anyone know, the Boos cat blade is injured!

【Ding! Your beast (status: unbound) Fire Beastmaster, the beast strike skill hits the Boos cat blade successfully, the status of the cat blade is: weak]

"God Nirvana, you cheated!"

"God Nirvana, this battle is not fair!"

"God Nirvana, in the name of Chaos Space-Time Boos, I protest against you!"

Hahaha, protest is invalid!


Boos cat blade.

Stop the Boos in the chaotic vortex.

It made Desert Reaper, Sea Shark King, Thunder Demon, and Alien Pegasus all stop criticizing Fang Han!


He glanced at Fang Han.

"You broke the rules."


It was obviously this guy who was injured, but it is still so crazy!

Fang Han showed an innocent expression.

"Mao Ren, where did I violate the rules?"

"Hasn't the Fire Beast King already unbound from you? How could it obey your call and sneak attack on me?"

Mao Ren scolded Fang Han.

"You probably misunderstood. Unbinding is not betrayal, it will only reduce a certain degree of loyalty. This will not affect the relationship between the summoned beast and its master at all. Understand?"

Fang Han's explanation.

Make a few boosts.

All fell silent.

They get stuck in the "Boos state of thinking" and then:

So, are you really going to fight me to the death?

Mao Ren stroked his chest and leaned forward, stood up and challenged Fang Han.


Fang Han called out.

The Fire Beast King returned to the warm [Holy Shield of Fusion Light].

Then, Fang Han rode up.

In an instant, he waved the [God King Scepter] to summon some kind of magic skill.

"Great God of Light and Supreme, please accept my call and give Boos the power to heal wounds."

bang bang bang!

The magical healing technique quickly applied to Boos' cat blade.

This Boos cat blade with hundreds of millions of HP.

The injuries on his body are recovering rapidly at a visible speed!

The desert god of death waited for Boos, and was stunned for a moment.

They don't understand why Nirvana, who is the enemy, has such a showy operation.

" human race!"

Cat Blade let out a dull moan.

Then, when the injured part is fully healed.

It still declared war on Fang Han!

"I know that you are an arrogant and arrogant Human Eternal Annihilation Demon Mage, but, as your enemy, I will tear you apart without hesitation... just give me a chance!"



【Spin kick in the air】!

[Trial of time and space]!

Several cat blade skills were released at the same time.

In the end, the cat blade threw all the "hell chains" that could be transformed into Fang Han at one time.

This attack was particularly ferocious.

It was like a duel to the death.

Both sides put all their fighting energy into it.

【Xuntu SS】!

Fang Han first evaded the opponent's Boos skill [Shuriken].

Then, at the fastest speed, he entered the state of riding and fighting.

Mage's holy shield wiped out [Aerial Spin Kick] without any flaws. This skill is very powerful, but it just slipped past Fang Han's magic shield.

The feeling of using the wrong force makes the Boos cat blade a little "slip!"

Its expression became extremely ugly.

Wait until the Boos catblade releases the [Time and Space Judgment] skill again.

The chains of hell shot from the five space-time directions are about to hit the target.

But at the last second.

[Puppet SS]!

Fang Han released a full five fake bodies.

Of the five avatars, none were real.

Each fake body attracts the moment when a "hell chain" is bound, and the moment when the fake body and chain disappear.

When Fang Han, the Fire Beast King riding a tall horse, stood on a certain high ground in [Chaos Time and Space].

Boos cat blade.

Only then did he readily admit that he had miscalculated the current situation.

It revealed a pair of cat eyes and said goodbye to the Boos brothers behind it.

"I must kill this human race! It despises me, and I feel despised by it!"

After Mao Ren said these few words, he was ready to use his final action to maintain his Boos dignity!

"Brother Cat, do you want to be so intense?"

"How about, let's kill this human demon Mage together."

"However, we are now imprisoned in the vortex of time and space. We can't do anything except step on the beat and gain experience."

"Damn, hate, hate!!"

Boos such as Desert Reaper, Thunder Demon, Sea Shark King, etc.

After expressing sympathy for the Boos cat blade.

I can only watch the Boos cat blade fulfill its long-cherished wish of fighting.

"Come on, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Fang Han standing on the high ground of [Chaos Time and Space].

With the mana of "light transmission".

Roll up the Boos cat blade high.

Not long after, this LV120 level cat, Boos, successfully appeared in front of him.


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