Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 496 Killed The Boos Knight Valley Treant

[Boos Knight Valley Dryad] finally couldn't take it anymore when its dryad hair became barbed.

"You are obviously a fire dragon, but it's raining. What a disgrace to our orc clan!"

"What did you say? Monster!"

The Demonic Dragon hovered in the air.

Then he turned his angry pair of longan eyes at this giant tree with a height of one thousand meters.

"I said you are not worthy of being a dragon of the fire department!"

[Boos Knight Valley Dryad] Finished speaking.

Suddenly launched a strike against the summoned dragon.

The two branches were as flexible as roots, forming a 100-meter-long rope, which was tied to Fang Han's summoned red dragon.

The gigantic 【Boos Knight Valley Treant】. It can completely locate the position of the flame dragon, so it doesn't have to worry about the attack being missed.

The only thing to consider is the true rival, Nirvana the Great!

His shot is the most critical and deadly.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

Countless tentacles flew from the sky, and the dragon had not had time to breathe fire.

Two sections of the dragon's body have already been found, which have been bound by giant ropes.

Flame Dragon wanted to struggle, but [Boos Knight Valley Treant] was so powerful.

With a flick of the two tentacles, the flame dragon's huge body was suddenly thrown from the air to the ground.

"[Scepter of God King] Received!~"

When the dragon was about to be crushed to death by the thousand-year-old dryad, Nirvana, as expected by [Boos Knight Valley Dryad], made a move.

[God King's Scepter]'s resident beast space.

Successfully took the flame dragon in.

At this time, Fang Han has already seen the enemy's plot.

And immediately, it was completely blocked.

After the flame dragon was sucked into the space of the [God King's Scepter], the dryad's methods were exhausted!

It was very angry about returning without success.

After all, it was only a second away.

[Boos Knight Valley Dryad] can kill the summoned flame dragon.

"Damn, hate!"

The Knight Valley Dryad turned the wooden tentacles hanging in the sky into two fists, and slammed vertically towards the 500-meter distance where Fang Han landed.

"You don't mind turning yourself into a drowned chicken, Dryad!"

The heavy rain fell like crazy, blocking part of [Boos Knight Valley Dryad]'s vision.

But this can't change its hatred of Nirvana.

【Ding! Boos Knight Valley Dryad has increased his hatred for you, the value is X65536]

Fang Han was taken aback.

This tree spirit is really extraordinary.

If hatred is worth more than ten thousand.

It's already quite powerful.

And it can reach more than 50,000 hatred points.

It means that [Boos Knight Valley Treant] can not only explode several times the hatred attack, but also lock the target person, and will not die endlessly under the influence of hatred value!

"I have [Xuntu SS], if [Xuntu SS] doesn't work, I still have [Melee Flashing S]! So, in the Valley of Knights tens of miles from Fang Yuan. You can't kill me. "

【Xuntu SS】!

【Xuntu SS】!

"I'll flash again!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The entire Knights Valley can stand on the edge of people.

Instantly smashed to pieces by [Boos Knight Valley Treant].

Coupled with the onslaught of heavy rain.

Formed a series of mountain torrents.

Rush countless undead corpses from the Valley of Knights into the sunken area in the valley.

Immediately, Knights Valley turned into a Shura hell again.

Looking at the corpses of countless undead knights in the vortex.

Fang Han fell into deep thought.

"It's impossible for this kind of sin to continue any longer. In order to give you a chance to redeem your sins, I decided to let the flame dragon greet you with [Dragon Spray Flame]!"

[Scepter of God King] Pointing forward in Fang Han's hand.

The summoned beast Boos [flaming red dragon] appears again!

After accepting the instructions of the master Nirvana God.

The heavy rain in the sky was suddenly stopped by this 10,000-jin dragon.

Then, the flaming red dragon breathed out the torch.

[Dragon sprays flames]!


The thousand-meter-long tongue of flame attacked the tall and mighty ancient tree, [Boos Knight Valley Treant] thought he could use [Tree Root Lock] to control the great god Nirvana and its summoned beasts.

Unexpectedly, the countless tentacles that moved forward and shook the opponent head-on, were instantly ignited when they encountered the fire-breathing flames of the red dragon.

The parts that were not hit were also taken back.

"Ah... damn it, the skills of the flame red dragon can actually restrain my demon power!"

[Boos Knight Valley Tree Spirit] let out a loud roar, and very unwillingly moved the thousand-meter-high tree body to the back of Knight Valley to avoid the attack of the flaming red dragon.

"Hahaha, running away won't solve the problem! [Boos Knight Valley Treant], your doomsday has come. Tell me, where is your master [Boos Ghost King]?"

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"

The flaming red dragon chased the dryad and breathed fire.

The tree spirit spread rapidly on the tree.

When all the breath of the undead is exhausted.

[Boos Knight Valley Treant] made a singing sound.

"My lord [Youying King]! Where are you! I'm dying! Help me!"

Fang Han was furious.

"It's a thief to grow old and not die. [Boos Knight Valley Treant], you are already dying, and you still think that [Boos Ghost King] is keeping a secret. It's disgusting. Fire-breathing red dragon, destroy it!"

The flame red dragon heard the master's new order.

He raised Dragon Fire to a new range-extending damage without hesitation.

After the burning power is improved.

The dragon fire has turned blue.

Immediately, the thousand-meter-high tree body of [Boos Knight Valley Dryad], from leaves to branches, from branches to trunk, and from trunk to roots.

All blue dragon fire!

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"

"Peng!" "Peng!"


The thousand-year-old tree spirit, which was a thousand meters high, after hundreds of explosions, finally turned into a wisp of dust and was completely burned out by the dragon fire!

【Ding! You killed the Boos knight Valley Dryad and got a reward of 588.4671 million experience points]

[Since the level of the Boos you killed has set a new record, the Boos gargoyle has been scanned by you]

【Boos Gargoyle】

【Boos Level: Level 139】


"Wait, what's going on here?"

Fang Han was dumbfounded.

What he wanted to kill was 【Boos Youying King】.

What I was looking for was also 【Boos Youying King】.

How did he get an irrelevant gargoyle as a reward? ? ?

Fang Han was shocked.

However, lv139 Boos.

Still worth a kill!

With lingering doubts.

Fang Han looted all the rewards for killing [Boos Knight Valley Dryad]...

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