Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 497 Boos Youying King Is Immortal, And The Conquest Is Hopeless

Immediately put away the [Lu Yin (Gargoyle)] inside the package.

Ready to pack up and return to Camelot City.

Ask Knight King Artoria before making another plan.

Anyway, [Boos Knight Valley Treant] is dead now.

【Boos Youying King】If you lose your support.

It will also come to the knight's field to look for food.

Fang Han has no trouble finding it!

With the harvest, Fang Han rode the flaming red dragon and returned to the city-state where the Knight King was.

"Look, the demon fighting warrior is back!"

"Ah, it's the king's friend, Mage named Nirvana!"

"Honorable magician, please accept my knee."

"God Nirvana, I've been hungry for three days, can you give me a copper coin to buy something to eat..."

Fang Han just entered Camelot.

He was surrounded by enthusiastic people of Wangcheng.

Then, Fang Han is like a king returning from patrol.

He dealt with the people in the royal city.

He never refused anyone who asked for help.

After all, Camelot had just been revived not long ago.

In addition, Knight King Artoria wanted to conscript again, and asked Bedivere to impose heavy taxes.

The people of Camelot, although thank the king for the glory of the city-state.

But he was also overwhelmed by all kinds of heavy burdens.

Young people with a little bit of strength have all gone to apply for apprentice knights.

The remaining people are either old, weak, sick or disabled, or some eliminated soldiers.

Their days are tight.

The old magicians begging along the streets, the performers who were rejected by the palace, and the knights who failed in battles when they were young, made up the entire streets of Camelot City.


"Look, who is so bold that he dares to give alms to beggars!"

"Your Majesty, it's God Nirvana. He doesn't understand the rules of Camelot and the laws of knights, so he helped these poor knights who are homeless and can't eat."

Behind Queen Morgan, a large number of court ladies followed.

They are sitting in a beautiful open carriage today, ready to go out to play in the palace.

King of Knights Artoria has always been very lenient in his demands on his sister Morgan.

After all, Morgan is also a member of the royal family.

It's my sister again.

Has a decisive voice in the royal family.

Arturia can't control her!

"Master Nirvana, it's you! I don't know what the weather is like in the suburbs today? Are you interested in going out together!"

"I'm sorry, Queen, I have to go see Artoria."

Looking at Fang Han's expression, he knew that this was a man who, like a king, was only busy with magic.

Morgan showed a disappointed expression.

Then greet the ruler. The carriage and court ladies passed by like tree shadows in front of Fang Han.

In the palace of Camelot.

Artoria was practicing sword skills at this time.

The partner is Gao Wen who has just recovered from his injury.

And a dozen heavy shield players.

"Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!"

"Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!"

After a round of fencing.

More than a dozen heavy shield fighters were defeated by the King of Knights.

Then there was a roar of cheers.

"Long live my king!"

"Long live my king!"

"Long live my king!"


When Arturia saw a shadow blocking the sunlight in front of him.

Artoria beckoned, and the voices calling for long live stopped immediately.

"God Nirvana, you are finally back. Come on, tell me how the record is? Is [Boos Youying King] dead?"

"I'm sorry, I only killed [Boos Knight Valley Treant], I didn't even see the shadow of [Boos Ghost King]!"


Gao Wen took the first step.

Said to Fang Han: "[Boos Youying King] is immortal, and the battle is hopeless. We spent countless efforts, and the king's order was issued as soon as the king's order was issued. It only took three days for the conscription to come to an end. I originally hoped for this expedition. You can crusade against those knight domains covered by [Boos Ghost King]. Unexpectedly..."

"Don't be discouraged, Gao Wen! Although I didn't find the shadow of [Boos Eagle King]. But I got this!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Han showed Gao Wen the way to the lv139 [Boos Gargoyle].

Artoria saw something like this.

He frowned suddenly.

Gao Wen didn't dare to express his opinion.


Arturia signaled Gao Wen not to speak.

After the silence.

Said to Fang Han: "It and [Boos Eagle King] were originally twins. I found the Boos gargoyle. It is not far from finding [Boos Eagle King]! This guide is very precious. I don't know where you got it from."

Of course Fang Han wouldn't tell the truth.

He just said something casually, and evaded it perfunctorily.

After all, the knight king is only the king of the knight field.

The field of knights is only less than one percent of the area of ​​the city-state alliance.

Now he has contributed enough battles for this force.

It exists as the Nine Layers of God's Realm [Arrogance], which is more noble than the Knight King.

Fang Han wants to take the initiative.

"So they are really twin brothers?"

"Yes, there is no mistake about this. Before Mordred died, he went to see the Boos gargoyle. After returning, he was invaded by demon spirits."

Fang Han knew this section.

Immediately embraced his hands.

Put on a confident expression.

He said with a smile: "So, there is hope for the [Boos Eagle King]? Oh, there is no way out, and there is another village. Ahaha, I feel very happy. It's a pity that Morgan has left the city Otherwise, I will accept her invitation and go on an outing together."

"What did you say, Miss Wang is out of the palace?"

"Yeah, I saw her just now. She, her maids, and dozens of open carriages left the palace in a grand way. What's the matter, Arturia, you look a little abnormal."

Gao Wen, and Bedivere, who was standing next to the soldiers, showed expressions of concern at the same time.

They seemed to be hiding something from themselves.

"Artoria, tell me what happened?"

"Oh, no, probably nothing will happen."

Fang Han turned to Gao Wen.

The other party also avoided his eyes.

Then, Fang Han looked at Bedywell.

He thought Bedwell would be different.

Maybe it will give him a satisfactory answer.

But this guy actually avoided Fang Han's eyes.

Fang Han was furious.

"Artoria, sure enough, you still don't regard me, God Nirvana, as your own!"

"No. It's just this matter, which belongs to the shame of the royal family! I don't know how to tell you."

Arturia blushed, her dignity as the King of Knights seemed to have been eroded.

At this time, Gao Wen showed the cultivation of a royal nobleman.

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