Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 572 [Immortal, Crazy Explosive Bomb]!

The older player [Brother Big Sea] also couldn't tell which pair of [Nirvana] gods was real and which was fake.

He and [Handsome Guy Qing] fell into chaos at the same time.

"You two bastards, don't mess into the battlefield!"

"You two bastards, don't mess into the battlefield!"

"I am God Nirvana!"

"I am Nirvana God!"

"Don't listen to him."

"Just don't listen to him!"

At this time, as long as Nirvana master Fang Han said a word, the opposite Boos [Abyss Ancient One] would also say the same thing to confuse [Handsome Boy Qing] and [Brother Big Sea].

Facing such a weird scene, the two players became numb at once.

"God Nirvana, which one is the real God Nirvana? Please forgive us for not being able to tell."

"Master Nirvana, no matter which avatar you are, [handsome boy Qing] and I are on your side, you can fight the enemy with confidence. We will have a way to distinguish the one pretending to be you."

After finishing speaking, [Big Brother] sent [Handsome Guy Qing] out of the final battle area.

"Boom!" "Boom!"


A space ripple was dispersed, and the two escaped from the fighting area one after the other.

"Aha, they can't help you! You stupid human Mage!"

See Fang Han's two companions, [Handsome Boy Qing] and [Big Brother] who are also robbers, were sent out of the battle zone by Fang Han's magic light wave.

Boos [Abyss Ancient One] burst into joy instantly.

"Don't be so proud, [Abyss Ancient One], you don't know, for a magic Mage like me at the level of [Arrogance], there is no difference between one more assistant and one less assistant!"

After saying this, Fang Han chanted his own magic intently.

A light barrier popped up in front of Boos [Abyss Ancient One].

Then use the [Concretization] magic to erode your own body by "looking in the mirror" to achieve the goal of eliminating Fang Han.

Although Fang Han covered his eyes with the [Sura Mask].

But when he sensed some special sensations, he was still disgusted by the dark magic of [Abyss Ancient One].

"Bastard, it's no wonder that for thousands of years, no one has been able to leave the Lei Ze disaster area alive. The only two human geniuses who were teleported to [Gravity Island] were also driven into lunatics. The root cause is that you Boos is so perverted!"

"Hehehe, God Nirvana, you know too late now. I just want to use this trick to defeat you. Now, the two of you in the same space, in addition to your will, your body, your magic, your All of my skills can be shared by me! And now I have turned into your appearance."

After a pause, Boos [Abyss Ancient One] continued: "To destroy my body is to destroy your [Nirvana Great God] body. In this way, I can easily deprive you of everything! Go to die! "

Boos skill [Concretization] speeds up sharply.

Fang Han felt that his three enhanced magic shields and [Sun Wings] were slowly melting.

A sense of crisis came to mind.

The huge [Eternal Annihilation Magic Will] engraved a [Puppet SS].

But this trick of "confusing the real with the fake" cannot deceive the other party.

[Abyss Ancient One] soon saw through Fang Han's intentions.


【Ding! You have been locked by the "Concrete" magic skill of "Abyss Ancient One", and there are still 7 seconds left before the magic body is completely melted]

【Ding! The "concrete" magic has melted 74% of your body, and the critical point of ablation is 75% (Note: Once the critical point is reached, your magical body will never be restored)]


fry! !

In Fang Han's mind, a ray of will suddenly appeared at this moment.

Like a lost child, he naturally chose to move towards this light.

"The will of eternal annihilation will not deceive me. At this time, I can no longer tell who I am! Maybe I am just me, maybe I am not me, maybe I am just [Magic Will of Eternal Annihilation]!"

"Then let this 'light' guide me to fight Nirvana!"

Out of trust and respect for [Eternal Annihilation].

Fang Han fully integrated his thoughts into the [Light of Eternal Annihilation Will] that appeared in his mind.

Boom! ! ~

As if inspired by the evening drum and morning bell.

A ripple of light suddenly spread in the mind.

In an instant, time and space suddenly drew closer to the battlefield.

When Fang Han opened his eyes again, even though he found himself wearing the [Asura Mask], he could still clearly sense everything on the battlefield!

——He is still deep in the [Lei Ze Tribulation Area] under the [Nine Layers of Gods], and is fighting an evil demon named [Abyss Ancient One], MageBoos!

Like the Eye of Tongtian, after receiving the blessing of the magical light of will, Fang Han saw through the weakness of [Abyss Ancient One] at a glance!

"Re-enact, I can give you everything, including the [Arrogance] title I obtained! However, the "Nirvana God" you re-enacted is just my body. After all, it is a puppet without will!"

As soon as these words came out, [Abyss Ancient One] suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The most enjoyable thing about its skill [Concretization] is that plundering "all" from the enemy has a rumination effect, and the only way to kill this effect is to completely devour the opponent's body at the fastest speed.

"Go to hell, God Nirvana!"

【Ding! "Abyss Ancient One" released the "Swallowing Storm" skill to you, "Scanning Eye SS" has been sealed, please be careful]

Get a reminder that your skill [Scanning Eye SS] has been sealed.

Instead, Fang Han clenched the [Scepter of the God King] tightly in his hand!

On his body, the holy light formed by the will of the [Eternal Annihilation] demon Mage is still being continuously strengthened.

【Ding! Your magic will has been injected into the skill "Soul of Team Battle" (this skill is already activated)]

Open your eyes!

[Asura Mask] was acquired by Fang Han.

Everywhere you look.

A huge group of [Swallowing Storm] has been urged down by the hand of [Abyss Ancient One], and the vortex moved towards him like a cannonball.

——Sure enough, none of this is beyond my master Nirvana's control!

If the Ancient One of the Abyss had a deeper understanding of the magic of me, Nirvana, perhaps, the current confrontation effect would not be like this.

That being the case, then use its weakness to defeat it!

[Fairy Crazy Explosive Bomb]!

——Whether it is successful or not depends on this move!


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