Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 573 Nirvana Great God Successfully Crossed The \"Lei Ze Tribulation Area\"!

Fang Han's original [Immortal Crazy Bomb], whose power is fused with fairy power, is naturally more explosive than ordinary [Crazy Bomb].

There is no doubt that this is a new magic that is instantly integrated and comprehended.

The [puppet body] in the state of being [puppet] can only plunder Fang Han's previous magic skills. This puppet is in an absolutely unfamiliar "untransplantable" state for [Xian Crazy Bomb].

"God Nirvana, what did you do to yourself? Don't you know that attacking your puppet body is attacking yourself?"

"I'm sorry [Abyss Ancient One], I have seen through your [Concretization] magic trick, now, it's time to compete with you!"

[Fairy Crazy Explosive Bomb]!

Glory - [Soul of Team Battle]!

The former is a destructive magic skill, while the latter can unleash the power of team battle skills on the battlefield, and at the same time, can absorb the same type of magic elements that belong to the fusion state!

In other words, the two skills released by Fang Han at this moment are definitely not aimless.

In addition to avoiding the opponent's death looting, he also wanted to absorb all the magical energy of the other "self" engraved by the [Concretization] skill!

This is a very ambitious decision!

Whether the decision is successful or not is not only related to whether Fang Han can achieve a breakthrough, but also related to his life and death!

——This great Nirvana is simply a madman!

Seeing that Fang Han poured out all the majesty that the magical will can show, the part of the magic that was evaded, in a backward compatible way, reversely harvested and plundered belonged to him, but it was not created by him [puppet body] , This genius style of play made [Abyss Ancient One] tremble.

"I have no choice but to try again, come back, God Nirvana!"

【Ding! Boos "Ancient One of the Abyss" used the magic skill of "recovering the puppet body" on you, and the skill becomes invalid by X1]

【Ding! Boos "Ancient One of the Abyss" used the magic skill of "recovering the puppet body" on you, and the skill becomes invalid by X2]

【Ding! Boos "Ancient One of the Abyss" used the magic skill of "recovering the puppet body" on you, and the skill becomes invalid X3]

【Ding! Boos "Ancient One of the Abyss" used the magic skill of "recovering the puppet body" on you, and the skill becomes invalid X4]


"Why? Why is this happening?"

Abyss Guyi showed a fearful expression.

Fang Han stretched his left hand out of the piercing.

Also shouted loudly, and sang the magic way to his "puppet body": "I am Nirvana God, and you are also Nirvana God! We have the same magic elements, return to the common body of you and me, puppet body!!"

Boom! ~

There was a sound like tearing space.

Fang Han's "Nirvana God" puppet body turned into torn and crushed magical energy, which entered Fang Han's body in a dark way.

The violent magic elements instantly flooded the power of the five elements on Fang Han's body.

In Fang Han's mind, he received a message that was crazy and made his blood boil!

【Ding! You have obtained a 35% intelligence bonus looted from the body of the five elements "puppet body"]

【Ding! You have obtained a 47% power bonus looted from the body of the five elements "puppet body"]


The power of the five elements was forcibly expanded by half in an instant. Fang Han had never encountered such a domineering cultivation experience even when he was comprehending fusion skills like [God's Fury Slash]!

Boos [Abyss Ancient One] Stealing chickens is not enough to lose money.

Those who release the power of the elements produced by [Concretization] magic.

All are illusory elements composed of the real magic energy of [Abyss Ancient One].

These magical elements were all absorbed by Fang Han, and the same kind of elements were fused in an instant.

Boos Abyss Ancient One, instantly numb!

"Ah, give me back my elemental power! No, it's impossible. God Nirvana, you can't plunder the elemental power that belongs to me, the No. 1 Dharma God in the Abyss Tribulation Area!"

"Really? It's too late. Ancient Abyss, you can still enjoy the moment of peace before death! This is the only benefit I bestow on you."

"God Nirvana, I will not let you get your wish!"

Boos Abyss Ancient One, who came back to his senses, finally realized where he had lost.

But he hasn't given up yet.

before falling into despair.

Boos [Abyss Ancient One] shouted sharply in the direction of the void: "Judge the judge!"

Then, the magical energy in the whole body exploded towards the space where [Lei Ze Tribulation Area] was located.

boom! ~

Space is destroyed.

The entire tribulation area turned into a strange glow.

Countless flames swallowed up this mass of space...


After several hours.

Next to the guide in the Transcending Tribulation Area.

"Heaven Designated, God Nirvana, congratulations on completing the first [disaster-level] tribulation test!"

"Thank you!"

Fang Han turned to the two newly recruited friends beside him, and asked the guide, "What about them?"

[Big Brother] and [Handsome Guy Qing], who were still asleep, were still at a loss as to what had happened.

In their minds, they are still in the flames of transcending the catastrophe formed by the collapse of the space in the Lei Ze tribulation area, which cannot be waved away for a long time.

"Heaven Designated, I'm sorry. Except for you who successfully crossed the [Lei Ze Tribulation Area], the rest of the players who came out of the robbery area cannot enjoy the recognized treatment. Because they exceeded the time limit required for crossing the tribulation!"

So this is ah!

Fang Han used his usual technique to wake up [Big Brother] and [Handsome Guy Qing].

"Ah, we are..."

"No way, we actually came out."

"Ah, guide! Here we come out. Hahaha, have we obtained the title of [Xian]? God Nirvana, look, there is a faint group of glowing words above your head, that is your new title. "

"[Nirvana (Immortal King)] The first two characters are in a normal state, and the last two characters are in a gray sealed state.

This small difference was discovered by [Handsome Guy Qing].

It's a pity that the two of them are still in the joy of unknown circumstances.

"Hey, guide, here is 10,000 gold coins. You must accept it. Please explain to them the truth about their failure to cross the tribulation."

Then, Fang Han crushed one [City Return Scroll (Piaomiao City)]. With the flickering of magic light, Fang Han returned as king and returned to the main city of his own plane, Piaomiao City!

【Ding! Announcement on the plane of the City-State Alliance: Great God Nirvana successfully crossed the "Lei Ze Tribulation Area" and killed the strongest Boos "Abyss Ancient One" in the robbery area to obtain the title of "Immortal King". "After that, you can activate)]


The news of Fang Han's return to the city spread instantly throughout Misty City.


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