Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 575 Hey, Heaven Designated, You Are Really A Greedy Guy

"That's a must. Hahaha, God Nirvana, my old cow has not drank alcohol for a long time in order to abide by the rules of the plane you set. This time, I must drink to my heart's content! Ahhaha, just think about it. , What a joy!"

Fang Han laughed and joked with [Bull Demon God True God]: "Look at you, Niu Demon God, how far have you practiced in [Crazy Burst]?"


Niu Demon God showed a dodging gaze, and said embarrassedly: "Master Nirvana, I haven't trained for a long time since the completion of the task of plundering Lingxi Xiandao. At present, the skill level of [Crazy Explosive Slash] is still at the same level. It never moved in place."

Fang Han said with a serious face: "I give you ten days to upgrade [Crazy Explosive Slash] to LV12, otherwise you will be deprived of the title of [Overlord of Bull Demon Field]!"

"Ah, God Nirvana, why don't you be so cruel!"

"Level 13!"

"Okay, lv12 is lv12, I, the Bull Demon God, will do what I say."


After finishing all the affairs of the Dominator Shrine, Fang Han brought [Handsome Boy Qing] and [Big Brother] to [Mysterious Old Man].

At this time, Fang Han was talking secretly to the [mysterious old man].

"Heaven Designated, is my mysterious old man a Dharma follower?"

"Well, mysterious brother, you always have foresight in your words. This time I went to the tribulation area, and everything is under your control. After killing Boos [Abyss Ancient One], I still have fear. After all, this is A real world, and I, God Nirvana, am not the only peak existence who knows magic in the world."

"Hahaha, Heaven Designated, why, you are scared by the Boos who hijacked the area like this? Then why are you looking for me? Why don't you just admit defeat to Boos directly."

See [mysterious old man] casually mentioned the name of Boos [convict judge].

Fang Han said with deep fear: "A strong man is a strong man. No matter how many layers of camouflage he wears on his appearance, these camouflages can't conceal his strength! It was a huge spiritual shock. It made me realize something other than magic."

Fang Han spoke his inner words to the [mysterious old man] because of the special relationship between him and the mysterious old man.

So two people don't need to have any scruples when talking about these secret words.

After all, the mysterious old man is either the royal family of the Nine Layers of Gods, or the former ruler of the Nine Layers of Gods.

His identity can only be imagined to a higher level.

Like when he was young, he would never be a mortal.

"Come on, Heaven Designated, in order to boost your confidence in fighting Boos [Convict Judge]. My mysterious old man will have a toast with you."

"By the way, mystic brother, when I killed [Abyss Ancient One] this time, I failed to release the skills of [Battle Immortal Picture Record], what is going on?"

As soon as Fang Han said this, the mysterious old man immediately understood Fang Han's malice.

"Heaven Designated, do you know that people can't become fat with one bite?"

"What do you mean?"

"Open your personal attribute panel!"


The mysterious old man pointed to Fang Han's five-element attribute location:

"Intelligence 8210, Magic Defense 12267, Charm 20594, Light Power 4238, Holy Damage 11596"


"This location!"

"Xianli: 1024!"

The hand of the mysterious old man stopped at the position of "Xianli", pointed to his 1024 attributes and said: "First, you chose the most difficult prehistoric level robbery area, and this robbery area has the ultimate boss. Decades ago, this old man determined that it was the [Convicting Judge]! When I saw the world announcement today, this old man has already confirmed this point!"

Fang Han asked again: "Then is there another second or third?"

"Hey, Heaven Designated, you are really a greedy guy."

After expressing his emotions, the mysterious old man drank another glass before talking to Fang Han.

"Secondly, just 1024 points of immortal power, like Warrior's 1024 points of attack power, what effect can it have?"

Fang Han rubbed his head.

"However, mosquito legs are also meat. I, Nirvana, have never disliked my low celestial power...Oh, I understand!!!"

The mysterious old man showed a "children can teach" expression, laughed loudly and said: "Heaven Designated, work hard, I, like you, also look forward to the arrival of [the fourth level of the Nine Gods Domain]!"

"Wait, brother mysterious, I have one more thing to ask you."

At times like this in the past, whenever the mysterious old man got up.

It was his performance when he was about to be transported to another plane to "fish for gold".

This time, in order for [Handsome Boy Qing] and [Big Brother] to gain overlord strength.

Fang Han is going to spend a lot of money to have the mysterious old man identify two sets of decent armor for them.

After calling [Handsome Guy Qing] and [Big Brother] in and meeting the mysterious old man, the mysterious old man recognized Fang Han's vision.

"Heaven Designated, you have a good vision. Both of them are beautiful jade, and they can become the overlords of your plane with a little polishing."

Fang Han proudly patted his chest: "That's natural, and I don't even look at who I am. I am under Nirvana, and there are no weak soldiers under the strong general!"

【Ding! The mysterious old man has accepted your appraisal task. You have traded the X54 piece of equipment to the mysterious old man. The appraisal result will come out in half an hour]

Fang Han turned to [Handsome Guy Qing] and [Big Brother].

"Mysterious old man! We will be called Mysterious Grandpa from now on! Understand?"

When the two entered the [Mysterious Cabin] filled with various artifacts, they were already shocked beyond belief.

Seeing how the mysterious old man was concentrating on his appraisal, he knew that he had met a god-level master from the Nine Layers of Gods.

Even if Fang Han asked them to call him grandpa, it would be fine.

[Handsome Guy Qing] and [Big Brother] knew they had encountered a miracle, so they nodded in agreement.

"Hahaha, mystic brother, I entrust the matter of these two bastards to you. After half an hour, I will come to see your masterpiece."

A burst of magical light flickered out.

Fang Han has left [Mysterious Wine House].

Came to a news sea restaurant in Misty City.

【Ding! The news is that the boss of Hai Restaurant has accepted your task commission, and the commission message has been released, please pay attention to correct]

[News Hai Restaurant Announcement: Anyone who knows the news of [Convicted Judge] will be rewarded by Nirvana God ranging from tens of thousands to millions of gold coins. There is no cap on rewards! 】

Fang Han also worked hard to get the Boos information of the [Convict Judge]!

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