Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 576 Only By Knowing Yourself And The Enemy Can You Be Undefeated

After all, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in all battles.

This big Boos, which is related to the life and death of the plane, Fang Han will never allow himself to make any mistakes when attacking it.

Therefore, it is also very necessary to understand the information of Boos [Convict Judge] first.

"God Nirvana, I have heard some news about [Convict Judge] from my grandfather's grandfather. I only know that he has a punch that emerges from tearing space, which seems to be called [Space Iron Fist], and the punch is very powerful. It can produce effects such as 'burning, freezing, shattering'. I don't know if this counts as news?"

Fang Han appraised the value of this news, and under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he immediately shouted: "Reward a million gold coins!"


The news immediately flooded the sea restaurant.

The crowd began to boil completely.

Just providing a piece of information can earn half a month's income for ordinary players fighting monsters, which is really a bargain.

At this time, the news sea restaurant was surrounded by water.

"Master Nirvana, I also heard some news from the ancestor of the guild about [Convict Judge]. I heard that this [Convict Judge] is the living Demon God Boos from the Nine Layers of Gods. It likes to box and enters boxing with the body of a Demon God. , I heard that the body has become so strong that time and space are annihilated. I wonder how much gold coins this news is worth?"

After being evaluated by the news evaluators, this player also received a reward of 500,000 gold coins.

Then, a fool arrives.


"Punishment! The news you provided, 'Hand of the Wisteria', is false. Misty City can't tolerate a liar like you. Come here, and send this liar to the prison of Misty City!"

"Ah! God Nirvana is really powerful. My 'hand of wisteria' was planted in the hands of God Nirvana, and I am convinced."

After the fraudulent player was turned away and sent to prison—there was a burst of warm applause from the onlookers.

At this time, the owner of the News Sea Restaurant immediately announced a new rule: Those who provide false information will be finally appraised by Nirvana, and transferred to the prison of Misty City.

"Well, that's a good rule."

"It's fair and acceptable."

"This kind of thing, of course, must be true and reliable."

"Yes, if God Nirvana believes in false news, the loss will be great."

"The liar is shameful. Whoever dares to provide false information about the [convict judge], I suggest killing this liar."

—— "Quiet, quiet! The boss of Hai Restaurant announces that the activities will continue as usual!"

"I, I know some Boos news about [Convict Judge]."

A player named "I'm not Pan Tuo" raised his hand and broke into the vision of Nirvana master Fang Han.

"This player, you have obtained the permission of God Nirvana, please tell me what you know about Boos."

Boss Hai said the news of hosting the event.

"God Nirvana, this news is top secret. I will only tell you."

Then, the player "I'm not Pan Tuo" delivered a top-secret message to Fang Han.

Fang Han clicked to accept.

Then, Fang Han waved his hand: "Five million gold coins reward him!"


"Hula la!"


"Five million gold coins!"

"This guy must have provided Nirvana with top-secret information about Boos."

"What a shock!"


"Wait, reward him with 50 million gold coins, and give him a qualification token to join the first-class guild of the city-state alliance plane."

Fang Han waved his hand, and the reward was multiplied dozens of times.

This player was so excited that he vomited blood, and was helped down by several big men who hosted the event.

In order to encourage players who can provide accurate information about Boos [Judge], Fang Han decided to disclose the information provided by "I am not Pan Tuo".

"Everyone, 'I'm not Pan Tuo' provided the names and special strengths of the three parasitic Boos under [Convict Judge]. They are in order: Skeleton Blood Emperor, Consonant Monk, and Magic Wing Knight! After my Nirvana appraisal, this The news is true! Therefore, I, Nirvana, rewarded me for not being Pan Tuo! Welcome to provide more non-repetitive Boos news!"


"Nirvana is amazing!"

"God Nirvana is sure that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward, haha."

"My God, God Nirvana's arrangement is wonderful, God Nirvana, I love you."

"Sure enough, as I expected, God Nirvana has started to make a unique move!"

"Ahaha, I'm so envious of that kid, he got the token to join the first-level guild all at once."

At this time, news of Hai Restaurant.

The event is nearing its end.

"God Nirvana, wait... I am so thirsty... Can you give me a bowl of water first."

A player breaks in.

It seemed that this player had run for a long time before arriving at the event location.

Judging by his condition, he was indeed very thirsty.

"Come here, arrange food for him. Good food and good wine!"

Fang Han ordered to go down.

The owner of Xinhai Restaurant thought that since God Nirvana ordered it, even [beggars] should still be arranged.

With a big wave of his hand, a delicious food X1 and fine wine (magic wine) X2 were served in front of this player. The player uses swallow power.

Boom! ~

As soon as the magic light disappeared, a plate of delicious food and magic wine was immediately swept away.

The player finally regained his strength.

"God Nirvana, a [time traveler] from my ancestors obtained the strength information of this peerless Boos in an accident!"

As soon as this player's words came out, the scene immediately boiled.

"Wow, could what he said be true?"

"It won't be a lie again."

"In the Nine Layers of Gods, there are not many people with special identities like [Time Traveler]."

"Well, not much, but the possibility still exists. What he said may be true!"

"Then let's listen to what he said first. Anyway, God Nirvana is there, who is lying to ghosts, who is providing real news, God Nirvana will know immediately!"


"Say it!"

Nirvana master Fang Han shook his neck, suppressed the strong excitement and impulse, and calmly watched the informer.

With the efforts of Fang Han.

Finally got another source.

——【Ring of Destruction】!

——【Charge Horn】!

——[Savage Power]!

——[Time and Space Shoulder Armor]!

——[Astrolabe Horcrux]!

This is the super equipment owned by [Judge] who is the strongest Boos in Nine Layers of Gods.


"Well, it's no wonder [Convict Judge] can become the adjudicator of the second world of the Nine Layers of Gods, convicting any strong person. In terms of strength, no matter which piece of these pieces of equipment is twisted out alone, it's a slap in the face Facing the strength of the strong!"

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