Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 580 Mysterious Brother, You Hide From Me, God Nirvana, You Hide It From Me

After listening to Fang Han's introduction.

[Boos Convict Judge] nodded and confirmed to Fang Han: "That's right, it's him, it's him. Unexpectedly, when I, Convict Judge, appeared in Lionheart Ridge, the mysterious old man who was a dark-born royal family also appeared "Darkborn royal family? You said that the mysterious old man was already a dark descendant royal family of [Nine Layers of Gods] hundreds of millions of years ago? Are you serious? "

Fang Han was stunned.

Absolutely shocked by the news of [Boos Convicted Judge].

I really didn't expect it.

He investigated the identity background of the mysterious old man overtly and secretly countless times, and today in front of the [Boos Convict Judge], he finally obtained the true identity of the mysterious old man!

"Mysterious brother, you are hiding from me, God Nirvana, it's hard to hide from me!"

Fang Han couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

Then, suddenly, Fang Han pinched a piece of equipment on the back of the magic robe.

——Equipped with [Fairy Doomsday Judgment]!

This artifact came from the [mysterious old man].

When the icy touch of the artifact came from his hand, Fang Han resolutely determined to kill [Boos Convict Judge].

"Fart, God Nirvana, I [Boos Convict Judge] will not believe your nonsense."

After being intimidated by Fang Han's "prophecy".

[Boos Convict Judge] showed a certain degree of fear.

However, the greater its reaction, the more effective Fang Han's threat was.

"I don't care if the mysterious old man's prophecy is true or not, but the Boos that I, Nirvana, wants to kill is the one you convict the Judge!"

Fang Han directly exposed his target of beheading to the opponent.

[Boos Convict Judge] Listen.

Immediately happy.

"Hahaha, mere 'Nirvana Great God', the mere curse of Lion Heart Ridge, I will not pay attention to the convict judge. When I complete the progress of dominating the area to 50%. At that time, the entire Nine Layers of Gods All the worlds will submit to the feet of my judge. God Nirvana, at that time, I will ask you, do you accept or not! Hahahaha!!"

"That's enough, there's no point in saying this anymore. [Boos Convict Judge], let's have a duel."

"Oh, decision? No way. God Nirvana, with your mere human body, you dare to invite me to a duel. You are very brave!"

"So what? Mage can also hold up half the sky of the Nine Layers of God Realm. Don't underestimate Mage, you stupid old Boos!"

The judge who convicts is the Boos who destroys the world.

When absorbing the professional will of countless players, the most frequently heard player curse is: "You are just a stupid old Boos!"

Therefore, the last thing [Boos Convict Judge] wants to hear is the word "faint"!

Fang Han happened to be on its reverse scales, and caressed it once in reverse without politeness.

Immediately, the vicious eyes of the [Boos Convict Judge] were immediately revealed.

"God Nirvana, if you want to die, then I [Boos Convict Judge] will help you. Poor guy, you dare to challenge me without even understanding my skills. You are looking for death!"

"No way, the skills of your [Boos Convict Judge], counting and counting, aren't they the same? What are the 'Iron Fist from Heaven', 'Fist of Justice', 'Boundless Barrier', and 'Brand of Immortality' all of them? For the skills to deal with waste, that's all!"

Fang Han actually exposed all the main skills of [Boos Judge] in one go!

And it was exposed in front of Boos!

The judge of the crime was not calm for a moment.

"Brat, where did you get the news about my Boos skill?"

Of course, Fang Han would not tell the other party that he had bought the news in the message sea by posting "hero posts" in Misty City.

With a cold snort, he poked his finger and shouted: "Isn't it easy to scan your skills? I am the god of eternal annihilation, Mage Nirvana! My [Scanning Eye SS] skill is specially designed for a rough-ass like you. Prepared with meaty Boos."

Boom! ~

Fang Han manifested another [Scanning Eye SS] magic skill.

Can't help but [Boos Convict Judge] don't believe it!

However, Fang Han managed to confuse this old Boos who lived for hundreds of millions of years.

"It's weird, it's said that after devouring the other challengers in Lionheart Ridge, I [Boos Convict Judge] has been promoted to level lv180! And this human demon Mage is only between level lv140-lv150. He How to scan to my Boos attribute by leapfrogging?"

This question immediately troubled the judge.

At this time, Fang Han's brewing magic skill [Crazy Bomb] was already activated.

Look away from Boos.

Fang Han finished singing the magic of [Crazy Bomb].

In an instant, with a group of explosive bombs that ignited the space.

Fang Han stepped on his head, and flashed to the side of the old Boos who had lived for hundreds of millions of years.

Mouth opened, exhaling fragrance: "Convicting Judge, go to hell!"

"Well done, I'm going to tear you apart. Little human Mage!"

As the existence of a strategy type Boos, the strength of the Convict Judge has grown. After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, he has cultivated his [Magic Defense], [Boos Physique], [Dodge], [Stiff Resistance] and other attributes to the Dzogchen situation.

At this time, the [Boos Convict Judge] can easily deal with the [Crazy Bomb] spurred by Fang Han's Mutated Demon Fire without the need for [Frenzied Transformation].


! ! ! !

Sure enough, after this [Crazy Bomb].

Fang Han judged that he could kill at least one-tenth of the opponent's health.

But after the magic was released, it returned to the position where it was cast, and once again stood in the battle field of Lionheart Ridge.

Fang Han saw a different world.

I saw that after the flame of [Crazy Bomb] detonated around [Boos Convict Judge], it was actually blocked by some mysterious attribute of this Boos, blocking the magic fire beyond the lifeline.

More output is nullified!

【Boos Convicted Judge】Used his defense power to the extreme!

[Crazy Explosive Bomb]'s attack Weimang was completely immune to it!

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! !

Players who have not personally activated the [Crazy Bomb] skill will definitely not experience this feeling.

Fang Han at the moment.

I finally realized why [Boos Convict Judge] would live as a more terrifying existence than [Earth Demon King], [Bahamut], [Hell Demon Lord] and other world-destroying Boos!

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