Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 581 [Fusion Ss] Full Static Casting State!

This guy entered Taoism with the body of Boos, peeked at the laws of the world, and has already cultivated into the immortal body of the [Nine Layers of Gods] world!

See Fang Han returned to his original position immediately after releasing the magic.

[Boos Judge] immediately uttered the strongest mocking sound to Fang Han.

"Hahaha, God Nirvana, your magic skills are like tickling my convict judge. In the eyes of this Boos, it is basically useless. I advise you to give up resistance. Here, reject my [Boos Convict Judge]'s will!"

at this time.

The horn sounded suddenly.

There was a loud bang in Fang Han's mind.

It was like my mind was frozen in an instant.

Then, a crack was blown open by a certain force!

It belonged to [Boos Convict Judge]—the charging horn!

No, it wants to summon [Skeleton Blood Emperor], [Consonance Monk] and [Magic Wing Knight]!

Sure enough, Boos's convict judge's prop [Charge Horn] blew.

The three Boos summoned monsters, and they descended instantly from the space.

These three monsters are consistent with the monster information that Fang Han got in advance.

they are, respectively:

——[Skeleton Blood Emperor] with unlimited blood volume!

——A refining monster with powerful attack power [Consonant Monk]!

——[Iron Wing Knight] who has the ability to fly and can blitz and instantly kill enemies!

Every monster is above lv150.

The level is only higher than Fang Han named Nirvana Great God, not lower!

"I see, I know why [Boos Convict Judge] was able to intercept and kill so many players who challenged it with one person. The powerhouses of the Nine Layers of Gods are too conceited. They didn't investigate [Boos] as clearly as I did. The strength of the Judgment of Conviction] hurried in to challenge, and finally brought disaster for myself!"

Fang Han's mood at this moment is like being crushed by something, crushed, and then thrown into the dust in the air, becoming illusory and powerless!


The line of Fang Han's jaw suddenly tightened.

A fire of eternal annihilation will that burns from the heart, and finally turns something full of coercion into strength again!

Meanwhile, [Boos Convict Judge] over there.

"Subordinates [Skeleton Blood Emperor], [Consonant Monk], [Iron Wing Knight] pay homage to the judge!"

"Well, you three. Go share [Nirvana] Great God's magical energy. If it's nothing serious, don't bother me to transform [Lion Heart Ridge] into a judge!"

These words are extremely overbearing.

Like a sharp sword.

Penetrated Fang Han's magic robe.

——It turns out that [Boos Convict Judge] has already regarded Shixin Ridge, one of the geographical indications of the Nine Layers of God's Domain, as his territory!

This is indeed an ambitious Boos who wants to rule the entire Nine Layers of God Realm!

Fang Han took a long breath.

Reluctantly accepted [World news: Boos's conversion map "Lion Heart Ridge" was successful, and Lion Heart Ridge has become the dominant territory of the Convict Judge (the last challenger of Lion Heart Ridge needs to be eliminated to complete the perfect transformation)]

Nine layers of God's Domain, the main urban areas of the major planes.

"Look, there is another world news."

"The last warrior? Could it be God Nirvana?"

"My God, God Nirvana is not dead yet."

"What, the challenge that God Nirvana just launched to the [Boos Convict Judge] is good."

"My God, the last hope is pinned on the last challenger."

"That's right, if the Judge of Conviction transforms [Lion Heart Ridge], then his ruling will will descend on the entire Nine Layers of God Realm. We will all become his prison!"

"God Nirvana, you are our last hope."

"God Nirvana is immortal, Nine Layers of God Realm is immortal!"

"Yes, we're all going to grow up."

"Brothers, go to [God's Domain Prayer Tree] to pray, we must send more spiritual power to God Nirvana. Let him represent all players and defeat the Boos judge!"

"Go! When the homeland is about to be destroyed, don't be stingy with the gold coins, superb equipment, and god-level props in your hands!"

"Vision prays to the sacred tree, please accept my sacrifice."

—— "Ding! Your equipment "Dragon Slaying Blade" has been thrown into the prayer vortex, increasing the power of prayer by 6856 points!"

—— "Ding! Your prop "Spiritual Power Magic Stone (God)" has been thrown into the prayer vortex, increasing the power of prayer by 8492 points!"

—— "Ding! Your guild point "X8723" has been put into the prayer vortex, increasing the power of prayer by 8256 points!"


At this time, the Lionheart Ridge battlefield.

"Boy, I'm afraid you don't know how powerful I am [Skeleton Blood Emperor]!"

"[Rainbow Demon Saber Slash]!"

【Ding! The Boos summoned beast "Skeleton Blood Emperor" releases the magic skill "Slash" successfully, and your "Sun Wing" loses 32% of its defense power]


"Hahaha, [Skeleton Blood Emperor] is stepping down, it's time for me [Spirit Monk] to step up!"

Another voice sounded.

After Fang Han's lightning faded away.

Immediately healed his [Sun Wings] with [Bright Divine Power]!

Turning his gaze to the newly transposed 【Consonance Monk】, Fang Han immediately had a feeling of "this Boos seems to have met before".


Fang Han shot to deny the opponent's attack.

Consonance Monk also behaved very generously.

He said coldly: "God Nirvana, there is no escape for you. If you are willing to swear your knee to Lord Boos at the Lion Heart Ridge, then I [Consonant Monk] may be able to intercede for you and let the Judge Accept you as the fifth summoned beast. Conquer the fused fourth world of the Nine Gods Domain for the adults!"

This nima consonant monk, did you misunderstand me?

Fang Han flatly refused: "No, [Consonance Monk] You have understood my meaning beyond the sky!"

"What do you mean by that?"

Consonance Monk made a quick gesture.

The evil aura on his body, like a strip of light snakes, was circling around its whole body.

What's more, the top of the monk's head is almost bright.

"Consonance Monk, did you become a monk with the title [Xian] from Consonance Immortal Island?"

"Ah, you—how did you know?"

"I am the recipient of the title of [Immortal King]. I can sense that you have certain grudges based on the refinement of aura! Therefore, I can conclude that the place where you grew up must belong to the second world of the Nine Gods Domain The 【Consonance Immortal Island】!"

Fang Han moved away the hair that covered his title.

Immediately, under the handsome hair that covered half of the head, a gray font of "Immortal King" appeared.

——This guy is indeed a 【Immortal King】!

Consonance Monk was shocked! There was no reaction for a while.

Consonance Monk actually stopped there.

Motionless, like a statue!

Fang Han finished displaying his [Immortal King] title.

At this time, Fang Han used his three-inch tongue again.

His intention is obvious, that is to fool the consonant monk into his command.

"Consonance Monk, I am the [Immortal King], and of course I can be regarded as the master of [Consonance Immortal Island]. Any fairy beasts, fierce beasts, and brutal beasts on the Consonance Immortal Island are under my control. You were once an immortal Transformed from spirit beasts cultivated on the island."

"And now I still have the title of [Xian]. Naturally, I can be regarded as a Warrior under the command of my great god Nirvana. Come back, Lingxi monk! Let us fight together and deal with [Boos Convict Judge]!"

"You are not qualified to summon me!"

Boos [Consonant Monk] folded his palms together, his whole body exuded a dazzling golden light, his head was bald, like a golden mango.

However, Fang Han's attention was not on him.

And on the eyes of [Consonance Monk]!

【Ding! Your skill "Scanning Eye SS" penetrated the Consonant Monk]

Boos: Consonant Monk

Boos level: lv170 level

Boos Race: Human (Magic)

Boost skills: [Dark Destroying Thousand Hands Fist], [Buddha’s Radiance], [West Pole Hell]...

Boos talents: golden light recovery blood, unintentional karma, dense mantra, vajra glaring...

"Oh oh oh, there's something about this Boos."

Fang Han is very concerned about the glory that Boos [Consonance Monk] has gained. Every skill on him can be called a unique skill in the [Nine Layers of Gods] world.

"Are you sure you want to be the enemy of my great god Nirvana? Maybe, I admire you very much. But your physique is based on the human race, and you obtained the Boos ability through enchantment. What makes me even more disapproving is that what you have learned Miscellaneous but not specialized... But if you can return to my command, I can use [Eternal Oblivion] magic to purify you and make you a [Consonant Monk] with the title of [Xian]."

Fang Han's comments made [Spirit Monk] a little ashamed.

He felt that Mage, the Eternal Annihilation Demon, seemed to have a pair of clairvoyant eyes.

It turns out that the deepest part of my heart has been seen through by this [Nirvana] god!

This feeling, uncomfortable!

"Presumptuous, Great God Nirvana, you dare to be so presumptuous in front of this little monk, let me see how you feel."

【Dark Destroying Thousand Hands Fist】!

【Ding! You have released the puppet body SSX2 (under the blessing of your powerful fairy power, the strength and toughness of the puppet body has increased by 36%, and you have obtained the qualification to trigger the "immortal puppet body immortal" skill)]

Changed into two puppet bodies to deal with [Spirit Monk] Fang Han.

Hear the news in your mind.

Suddenly, an imperceptible expression of approval appeared on his face.

Accidental trigger of skill [Immortal Puppet Body Immortality].

It gave him more confidence in defeating [Consonant Monk].

It's not difficult to defeat [Spirit Monk], and it's not difficult to kill him.

The difficulty is how to control the rhythm of the battlefield.

Let Fang Han, who uses [Eternal Annihilation] as the cultivation of magical will, be able to complete absolute control of the battlefield without being injured.

Therefore, Fang Han did not regard [Consonance Monk] as an enemy.

And the master of [Consonance Monk], [Boos Convict Judge], is Fang Han's qualified opponent.

There is no doubt that the Convict Judge unleashed these three ferocious demon-level summoned beasts to deal with Fang Han.

Just to weaken Fang Han's strength.

Then, at the time of the final duel.

I was on the field, fighting Fang Han, and easily won Fang Han named Nirvana God!

The arrangement of this strategy is not unsophisticated.

Only in Fang Han's eyes.

This strategy of [Boos Judge] is outdated!

——"If [Consonant Monk] weakens me, the Convict Judge can do it. But I also have a way to force him to fight me in advance."

Thinking of this, Fang Han summoned a sealed space with the 【God King Scepter】.

Under the blessing of two "immortal puppet bodies".

Fang Han has time to decorate this space.


【Ding! You have entered the "Demon Space"]

"Boom!" "Boom!"


In the almost translucent inner demon space.

Fang Han saw two "immortal puppet bodies" being destroyed by the Consonant Monk successively with [Dark Destruction Thousand Hands Fist] and [Buddha Light Universal Shining].

In the next second, Fang Han's expression became stiff.

【Consonance Monk】Under the gaze of a pair of magic eyes, he forcibly broke into the 【Demon Space】 specially prepared for him by Fang Han!

"Come in, this guy came in so quickly. I'll go! Don't you know that the influence of the inner demon space on you is fatal???"

"Welcome in, Consonant Monk!"

As a summoned Boos controlled by [Boos Convict Judge], Consonant Monk became enchanted as a human being, and then cultivated immortality as an enchanted body, and then got the help of his master [Boos Convict Judge], and finally completed a Boos physique that is indestructible. practice.

But he also has weaknesses.

Now, the weakness of Consonant Monk has been exploited by Fang Han!

From the moment the consonant monk entered this "inner demon space".

Consonant Monk felt a bad mood he had never felt before!

"what is this!!"

All I saw was hell on my head, on my feet, and wherever my eyes could see!

Even with his eyes closed, the consonant monk could still smell a smell that drove him crazy in the "Demon Space"!

"Well, this is hell! Every scene here is a scene that only exists in hell. God Nirvana, you are affecting my state of mind!"

——"You are right, Consonant Monk, since you haven't experienced the 'Hell of Inner Demons', I summoned this space with the magic of eternal annihilation to give you a chance to purify well in this hell Take a look at yourself."

Boom! ! ~

Afterwards, Fang Han flew out of [Demon Space] by himself.

The [Consonance Monk] was trapped in the [Inner Demon Space]. The evil beasts that appeared in the space and the scene elements that make up the hell scene were all encountered by the Consonance Monk and left their hearts in their minds. Something that is branded by the devil!

In just a few breaths, Monk Consonance seemed to be insane. He went berserk in this space, as if he was crazy, and he released his immortal skills again and again against things that didn't exist.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"


[Boos Convict Judge] let out a wild drink.

But that didn't stop the consonant monk.

He watched helplessly as he summoned the Boos consonant monk and entered the 【Demon Space】 carefully prepared by Fang Han!

In order to prevent [Skeleton Blood Emperor] from being "framed" by Fang Han after summoning Boos, [Boos Convict Judge] came up with a good idea.

"God Nirvana, you are not going to kill the Skeleton Blood Emperor in one go, are you?"

"Then, judge, do you have any good suggestions?"

"I think it's my turn now to show you some color."

[Boos Convict Judge] took out the [Ring of Destruction].

Under Fang Han's watchful eyes, I don't know what kind of power was used to trigger the [Space Annihilation] of the destruction ring!

【Ding! You have been hit by Boos Convict Judge's "Space Annihilation" skill, and the magic power of Eternal Annihilation is being crazily squeezed—]

At this time, the spatial annihilation mana almost annihilated Fang Han and all the equipment on his body, even including the frozen necklace, petrified ring, god king's scepter, and the helmet that can change fate against the sky. Lose!

The first battle is the decisive battle, we must not let the [Boos Convict Judge] decide the life and death of me, Nirvana!

——【Fusion SS】!

This is a contest between the peak and the peak.

After Fang Han was forced to release the [Fusion SS] skill.

In the eyes of the 【Boos Judge】.

Immediately, I felt the scene of two "suns" entering my field of vision! ! ?

One of the "suns" is naturally the mana of [Ring of Destruction—Space Annihilation]!

What about the other one?

Could it be...? ? ?

"This guy is actually merging my [Space Annihilation] skill!!"

The [Boos Convict Judge] who discovered the truth.

I was stunned for a moment.

Nirvana master Fang Han's Jedi counterattack operation like dancing on the blade made [Boos Convict Judge] realize the extraordinaryness of this person.

"It's no wonder he was able to get the approval of the Nine Gods Realm and became the first owner of the title [Arrogance]. No wonder he was able to kill the powerful Boos in the Lei Ze Tribulation Area. He actually acquired the lawless [Fusion SS] skill!"

In order to interrupt Fang Han's fusion process.

【Boos Convict Judge】want to draw back the mana of 【Space Annihilation】.

In the imagination of the judge, even if his magic cannot be completely withdrawn, at least it can be stopped in due course.

However, [Boos Convict Judge] tried three times in a row, and each time, he failed to interrupt his magic——[Space Annihilation]!

【Boos Convict Judge】Get nervous!

The hair all over his body exploded! ! ~

- This Nirvana! ! ! !

--This is impossible! ! ! !

—what is he going to do! ! !

——People will die, and I who released "space annihilation" will also be implicated...

However, in the hands of Nirvana master Fang Han, the reverse operation that made the [Boos Convict Judge] break out in a cold sweat did not seem to have any intention of stopping.

At this moment, Fang Han has entered the fully static casting state of [Fusion SS]!

This is a state of realm magic that is more powerful than [Flow Magic].


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