Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 582 The Fourth Space World Fusion Successfully

After entering this state, there are some things that even Fang Han himself cannot control.

At this time, the "sunlight" in the hands of Fang Han, the Great God of Nirvana, is like the holy light that can destroy the entire Nine Layers of God Realm, and it is constantly gathering and absorbing the energy of [Annihilation Space].

And in the next few seconds, another energy body of light diffused from this ray of light—annihilation energy!

Anything irradiated by the Annihilation Light was instantly petrified, unable to move.

At this time, including Fang Han with the ID "Nirvana".

Including the consonant monk in the "inner demon space" penetrated by the annihilating light.

As well as the [Boos Convict Judge] in the distance, and the other two Summoning Boos under his command.

All were swallowed by the light of annihilation...

Buzz buzz! ~

The ball of light surged, and when the annihilation energy was brewing to a certain critical point, the state was finally broken, and with a trillion times the power, it released the magical energy that annihilated the entire space.


! ! ~

It's very light, very quiet, but full of magical energy that can annihilate the entire world. At the speed of a shock wave at the speed of light, it instantly irradiates the entire [Second Layer of Nine Layers of God's Domain] world!

[World Announcement: The power of annihilation accidentally triggered the mana of the "Space Fusion Voucher". The second world of the Nine Layers of Gods is in the process of merging with the triple world and the quadruple world...]

——I don’t know how long it has been!

——Long years, long time and space waiting...

【Ding! The space fusion is successful, and your current location is the "Ancient Tribulation Remains" in the fourth world of the Nine Layers of Gods]

A moment is eternity, and eternity is a moment!

After the frozen memory is activated.

The moment Fang Han opened his eyes, he found that he had been successfully swallowed by the fused fourth world of the Nine Layers of Gods!

He came to this world with him, and his enemy, 【Boos Convict Judge】!

no doubt.

[Boos Convict Judge] has also regained consciousness at this moment.

Even now the air they breathe is already the air of another world.

But when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous of this cosmic truth.

It is still vividly reflected in the body of Mage Nirvana, the eternal annihilation demon, and [Boos Convict Judge].

It's too late to enjoy the freshness brought by the fourth world of [Nine Realms of God].

After it was too late to carefully observe the evolution of the surroundings from time and space, everything before became the existence of [Ruins].

Fang Han tried to throw a [Freezing Ray] towards the [Boos Convict Judge] without hesitation.

"Well, the magic has awakened. I can continue to use magic to attack this Boos! Go to hell, [Boos Convict Judge]!"

"God Nirvana, unexpectedly, after hundreds of millions of years of time and space, we have come to the fourth world of the Nine Gods Domain, and we are still mortal enemies! Then let me send you to hell! The power of the wild!"


[Boos Convict Judge] Blessed himself.

With the blessing of wild power.

The judge of the crime instantly became huge.

Then, he actually summoned a prop - the astrolabe horcrux!

This thing, like a transparent star-shaped Amber, is dotted with countless small stars. It looks very cute, but in fact this Horcrux is extremely dangerous!

You can know the power of this Horcrux just by seeing the countless "death stars" densely covered on it, and it will never lose to the star magic of [Star Luo Witch].

"What does he want to do?"

Amidst the voice of doubt, Fang Han changed the shooting direction of [Frozen Ray] to attack the [Astrolabe Horcrux] in the opponent's hand!

"Since my sixth sense tells me that this thing is a great threat to me, God Nirvana, then let's destroy it first. Let [Boos Convict Judge] have no more astrolabe horcruxes to use!"



Fang Han's tactics worked.

After being warmed up by [Frozen Ray].

[Boos Convict Judge]'s face showed a rigidity that should never have appeared.

"Damn it, the great artifact of the Death Star Clan was actually frozen by this thing."

The judge swung violently, but did not activate the awakening power of the Death Star that was frozen like iron.

"Master, why don't you ask me for help! Let me awaken your astrolabe horcrux."

It's the consonance monk!

I saw that under the gaze of Fang Han, the consonant monk summoned Boos, used the skill [Buddha's Light Zengzhao], instantly eliminated the "freeze" on the astrolabe horcrux, and made the horcrux burst out with powerful magic again. Light.

This time, it was Fang Han's turn to suffer.

"Come on, I'm ready for the ultimate duel with you [Boos Convict Judge]!"

——"It's the [Fusion SS] magic skill that incorporates his magical will!"

[Boos Convict Judge] who found something wrong.

Immediately put away the Horcrux.

"Master, why don't you attack God Nirvana!"

"[Spirit Monk], how much fighting spirit do you have left?"

"Less than 200 points!"

"I'm the same as you...I believe Nirvana is the same. His magic power must have been weakened by the fourth world of the Nine Gods Domain. Now, I can't kill him, and he can't kill me either."


Fang Han used inner vision magic to check his personal attributes.

ID: Nirvana (team battle glory, world plane leaderboard glory) [level]: lv180 arrogant (title unawakened) [race]: Human race (flame) "Lie" (Heaven Designated) [occupation]: Annihilation Mage [lord ]: 12th step...

【Magic Power】: 216/400216


Seeing 【Magic Power】: 216/400216, Fang Han couldn't help but shoot a glance of approval at 【Boos Convict Judge】.

He appreciatively shouted to the other party: "Judge, I really didn't expect you to be so smart. That's right, those of us who have been sucked into the fourth world of [Nine Gods Domain] have been weakened."

"God Nirvana, even if all the magic and fighting skills are useless. But I, Judgment, can still kill you! Don't forget, I, Judgment, have Summoning Boos like 'Skeleton Blood Emperor', 'Consonance Monk', etc. In addition, there is a whole body of muscles! Even if you use the most primitive dueling method, it can still make your brain burst!"

——"Nimma, the judge of the crime, open your Boos dog eyes and show me clearly."

Fang Han held up the 【God King Scepter】.

Then there were hundreds of summoned beasts one by one, all of which were summoned by Fang Han.

These summoned beasts that entered the new space.

Although it has lost its strength and is in a state of [Weakness] just like Boos such as the master and the Convict Judge.

However, the "primitive dueling method" mentioned by the judge is still effective on summoned beasts.

"Master, I [Fire Beast King] is here!"

"Master, I [Iron Rhinoceros] are here!"

"Master, I'm [Ice Phoenix] reporting!" "Master, I'm [Cat Blade] revived!"


With the existence of hundreds of summoned beasts, the master, Nirvana, was immediately praised to the sky.

[Boos Convict Judge] I was instantly frightened and dumbfounded.

After Fang Han landed, the area that had been turned into a ruin had long since lost the Convict Judge and Consonance Monk.

"Well, I, God Nirvana, must get ahead of the enemy and get familiar with everything in the fourth space world of [Nine Gods Domain]!"

Put all the summoned beasts back into the summoning space of [Scepter of God King].

Fang Han infused [Sun Wings] with a small batch of magic.

【Ding! You have blessed "Sun Wings" with 20 points of magic power, and the Sun Wings have recovered part of their functions]

Hurrah! ! ~

Like the wings of a bird or beast, after several tentative flappings, Fang Han finally flew again.

At this time, Sunwing took Fang Han and flew into the sky.

10 meters high!

50 meters high!

100 meters high!


Because Fang Han has already tried to use the [World Teleportation Stone] to return to the city. But [World Teleportation Stone], like other props, is in a "gray" inactive state.

Therefore, [World Teleportation Stone] cannot be used immediately in the fourth space world of the Nine Layers of God's Domain - it must be activated before it can take effect!

After flying for about fifty days, Fang Han finally returned to Misty City.

However, [Piaomiao City], which is the second space world of the Nine Layers of Gods, has now become the "Piaomiao City Ruins!"

The prosperity of the past has long since declined, and countless ruins have appeared in the inner city of [Misty City].

After endless years of baptism, not only Piaomiao City has become such a vicissitudes of life, but even the main cities of the Nine Layers of God Realm such as [Yixing City], [Sand Dune City], and [Luo City] have also become ruins.

【Ding! You have landed in the "Misty City Ruins" 4893.2160 area]

Fang Han didn't have time to go around the familiar [Piao Miao City] to check the ruins.

Immediately in the city, look for the existence of the breath of life!

Finally, in the main urban area, at the original [commercial district] location, I met an old man who was "in his dying years".

"Heaven Designated, you are back again! Hahaha, after hundreds of millions of years of calamity, you have returned to Misty City! The ruler of Misty City is back!"

This old man belonged to the existence of the [Great Rich Merchant] in the era of the [Nine Layers of Gods] Double World.

He survived by constantly devouring countless pills and various treasures with supernatural powers, and successfully survived to the present moment after the opening of the [Fourth Level World of the Nine Levels of Gods]!

And, like Fang Han, he also retained his past life memories.

At a glance, he recognized the master of Misty City, the master of the plane of the city-state alliance, who was once brilliant but now turned into a vicissitudes of life.

[Old Man] The excited look on his face made Fang Han look very excited too.

After some exchanges.

The old man told Fang Han.

"Heaven Designated, everything is gone! My memory tells me that when the second world of [Nine Layers of Gods] was annihilated, I, like everyone else, took a look from the inside of the store I was running to the outside, and only saw the sky in the sky. It's all supernatural vortexes, and then there are big storms, big tides, big lightning, and big thunder."

There was a pause.

The [old man] continued to introduce to Fang Han: "At that time, people were terrified, thinking that the [Nine Layers of Gods] world was about to end. Misty City suddenly turned into a city of disaster, and the chaos reached the extreme..."

"So, didn't you receive news from the world of the Nine Layers of Gods? For example, the Nine Layers of Gods reminded that the world of the fourth layer of space is about to open..."

"No, we haven't received any news. After the chaos in Piaomiao City, players have been looking for your [God Nirvana]. But it's useless... Players from the south to the north of the city, from the east to the west of the city, all said no God Nirvana exists. Then, they all fell into despair..."

Fang Han was stunned when he heard this.

"Then have you seen my overlord [Bull Demon God True God], [Iron Mian Sheng] and [Alexander] City Lord?"


[Old Man] Showing a thoughtful expression.

Then shake your head.

Fang Han took several steps back before he calmed down.

"My God, Nirvana, never expected that after entering the fourth space world of the Nine Layers of Gods, there would be such a scene!"

"Yes, Heaven Designated, this fourth world is so desolate!"

while they were talking.

The appearance of a new world news, like a rooster crowing, appeared in the main city where all the surviving players and plane powerhouses were located.

I saw a line of golden characters floating in the sky:

【World Announcement】

【Ding! The fusion of the fourth space world of the Nine Layers of Gods was successful]

【Ding! World generation Boos area 65684 successful]

【Ding! The world generated Boos554.5675 million successfully]

【Ding! The world has successfully generated 10,278 main urban areas]

【Ding! The world has successfully generated 156,468 secondary main cities]

【Ding! The world has successfully generated 6.5721 million third-level main cities]

【Ding! The world generates 'local forces', 'task issuers'...successfully]

【Ding! A total of 713,200 copies of 108 professional skills were generated in the world...]


For Fang Han, the fourth world of [Nine Layers of Gods] did not designate [Piaomiao City Ruins] as the main urban area. This is the biggest regret after the fusion of the worlds.

However, as the world changed, Fang Han quickly adapted to this brand new Nine Layers of God's Domain space.

"Heaven Designated, the world of Nine Layers of Gods, and other areas have been generated. Only the [Second Layer of Nine Layers of Gods], which belongs to the city-state alliance plane, has become a ruin. Do you feel a little regretful?"

Fang Han originally wanted to say yes to the [old man].

But then I saw a few strange faces appearing in the ruins of Misty City.

Fang Han immediately vetoed such an idea.

"No, I like Piaomiao City as much as you do. Even if I enter the fourth space world, I will change Piaomiao City from a ruin to a main city of the world again!"

"Hehe, Heaven Designated, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny—hey, a stranger is coming over there. Can you buy me some bread from the stranger. I'm already dizzy from hunger."

"No problem at all."

Fang Han found that his mana had recovered to 1245 points.

Rushi unfolded the wings of the sun and flew to these strange players.

"Hey, why has someone already been here?"

"So, we are not the first batch of players to enter the prehistoric ruins of Misty City?"

"Look at this kid's occupation?"

"Okay, let's go together."


Four players come in a team.

They wear the most vulnerable equipment.

Claw ring (attack 0-1, defense 0.1, movement speed 0), mouse leather gloves (attack 0, defense 0-2)...

Fang Han couldn't help showing a shocked expression when he saw this.

[Nine Layers of Gods] The fourth world has turned against the ancestors!

The attack power of these new players generated by the world is so low that it makes people scream.

With such a small amount of attack power, I'm afraid it wasn't a group of enhanced magic flames that could wipe out a guild!

"Hey, boy, what are you staring at with such big eyeballs? Didn't you see the few of us hunting for treasure in the ruins? If you don't give way, I will kill you carefully."

A player whose level is only level 2.

Wearing equipment with a full-body attack power of less than 30 points.

Threats are being made to Fang Han.

"Hand over your food!"

"What did you say?"

"Hey, do you want bread? I have 20, but I won't give it to you."

"This brat looks like he's here to rob."

"Kill him! Loot him, and let's escape from the world of ruins!"


The four players are weak, but their attitudes are very arrogant.

Fang Han recovered thousands of mana.

A group of [ice wind] blows past.

The four players were instantly frozen.

Like a fossil, he stood in place, looking in horror at this tall and thin young man in a magic robe.

【Ding! You have looted "Bread X5" from the player "Tribal God of War"]

Fang Han thought for a while, and continued to "search" until:

【Ding! You have looted "Bread X10" from the player "Tribal God of War"]

Only then did he return to the [old man] with confidence.

"No, it's outrageous to rob us of the bread and give it to an old beggar in the ruins."

"That's right, these twenty breads can be sold for twenty gold coins in the world of ruins. It's too cheap for this old beggar."

"Who is this guy? Why can he freeze us with a magical whirlwind?"

"I don't know, it may be a great power."

"Hey, all of you have gone to the Boos area outside the Jiuchong Shenyu relic world. How could you come to such a desolate place that grandma doesn't love and grandpa doesn't love?"


When Fang Han was talking to the [old man], he was also listening to the conversations of the frozen players behind him.

【Heaven Designated, you are such a kind person. 】

After the [old man] wolfed down a few pieces of bread, his expression became a little more normal.

Then gave Fang Han a [Awakening Stone].

"Heaven Designated, do I have anything to give you? It's useless to keep this stone on me, a down-and-out businessman. I just give it to you. In addition, I can also point you to get more Awakening Stones , I wonder if you need it."

Fang Han didn't even think about it, and refused to accept the [old man's] advice.

Then, the mission came into Fang Han's field of vision.

Fang Han put away [Mission X1].

Then came to the side of the four players...

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