Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 211: The Power Of Chogas! Horror Output!

"Summoner, who are you going to eat today?!"

The huge Korgas walked out of the vortex of space.

The male and the female, the two demigods from the underworld, all stopped.

"What monster is this?"

"Oh, this looks so ugly!"

The 921-level Mei Yilifu couldn't help but complain.

"Ugly bug, are you talking about yourself?!" Kogas, who is very large, is extremely sensitive to the 'sounds' around him.

Cho'Gath could hear the whispered words of Meilieve, who was still a few hundred yards away.

"Ugly...bugs? Damn you!!"

Cho'Gath's voice was much louder than Meiliph's.

As soon as its extremely sarcastic tone came out, it angered Meilifu who was not far away.

I saw that Ming Yilifu reached out and summoned a black staff.

Then, the staff waved, and the boundless breath of the underworld appeared.

"Snake Eater!!"


With the scepter in Meiliffe's hand waving.

A giant 12-sized black energy python appeared above the sky.

Looking at the size, this huge energy python is more than twice the size of Kegas!

Especially its bloody mouth.

It seemed that he could swallow Kogas in one bite.

Under the control of Mei Yilifu, the moment the giant python appeared, it rushed towards Kegas like a lantern.


Cogas, however, did not take this giant python in his eyes at all.

This also made Luo Cheng, who was a little worried, put down his heart.



The huge python landed on Kegas and violently collided with the void energy in Kegas.

The huge mouth of the giant python wanted to bite Cogas.

Even directly devour Cho'Gath's soul.

However, in the face of the bloodline talent, the giant beast of the void Kogas, which is even stronger than the divine beast, this giant python can only return without success.

Luo Cheng could see clearly, after receiving a huge attack.

Cho'Gath's HP only dropped...


The damage value of 81w points!

This damage does not seem to be too low.

But, you know, Cho'Gath's blood volume [but has a full 2.20 points!

How could such a terrifying attribute care about a mere 81 HP loss?

However, after being attacked by Kegas, his mood was obviously not good.

"Summoner, can I eat them?"

Kegas suddenly rolled his eyes and looked at Luo Cheng who was beside him.

Luo Cheng smiled dumbly: "Of course!"

After getting Luo Cheng's affirmative answer.

Kegas' eyes changed in an instant.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Luo Cheng always felt that when Kogas was out of the "infant period" and entered the growth period, his mood swings were much greater than before.

Although, as always, "cheeky".

However, the current Kogas is not only "cheeky", but also has a very high self-confidence.

It was also the first time Luo Cheng saw Kegas taking the initiative to fight.

"Ugly bug, feel the fear of the void!"


The huge figure of Kegas suddenly turned into a phantom.

In an instant, he appeared beside Ming Yilifu and Ming Kuco.

However, the method used by Cho'Gath was not a teleportation of the void.

But simply, speed!

Immediately afterwards, before the two underworld demigods had reacted.


A huge roar sounded.

In Luo Cheng's perception.

The infinite power of the void spilled out from the deep void world.

Disperse all the various forces and energies around Kegas, in a radius of nearly 1,000 yards.

That is to say, during this period of time, all creatures within a thousand yards with Cho'Gath as the center cannot use all skills other than the Space Department!

"What power is this?"


Ming Yilifu and Ming Kuco felt that the surrounding environment had changed, and subconsciously, they wanted to quickly withdraw from the influence of Cho'Gath's skills.

However, how could Cho'Gath tolerate, the underworld demon girl Yasha who called herself 'ugly' escaped!

Immediately, he raised his right foot and stepped heavily on the void Jiakang.

"Crack, click—!!"

"Boom Ka Kacha -!!!"

After Kogas' right foot falls, center his right foot.

On the space mezzanine barrier, there were dense cracks that looked like cobwebs.

And Mei Yilifu, who had been banned from skills and had not had time to retreat, was also affected by these ubiquitous broken spider webs.

At the same time, the two lost all consciousness and entered a state of dizziness.

This is another skill of Cho'Gath, Void Shock!!

However, although the effect of Void Great Shock lasts for 20 seconds.

However, the target of its control is the existence of the demigod ranks after all.

To control the effect, the eyebrows will be greatly reduced.

But even so, Luo Cheng still took the opportunity to teleport forward. 373

The Void Flurry was activated again and hit the 921-level Mei Yilifu.




21 consecutive damage values ​​rise.

Mei Yilifu's health bar instantly dropped to about 70%.

This means that the total HP of Mei Yilifu should be around 12.5e!

It is much stronger than the Mingtuo Baro just now.

However, after Luo Cheng's Void Flurry ended, the dizzy states of Ming Yilifu and Ming Kuco were not over yet.

Luo Cheng still has the opportunity to continue the attack.

However, just to be on the safe side, Luo Cheng turned on the 'Void Chain' skill.

The two demigods were locked in place.


Under the teleportation of the void, Luo Cheng came to Meilifu's side.

The long-lost Void Blade opened.

Afterwards, it slammed onto Meilifu's body!

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!!"

Within a second, Luo Cheng made four strikes in a row.

Ming Yilifu's health bar dropped by more than 5% in an instant!

The terrifying damage value that popped up above her head really made Luo Cheng snort.

If you give him enough time, with his current output ability...

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