Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 212 Kogas Swallows The Demigod Again!

After activating the Void Blade, every time Luo Cheng cuts off Mingyi Lifu's blood volume by more than 10 million points.

However, before Luo Cheng made a few attacks.

The void chains on Ming Yilifu's body had already begun to loosen.

Seeing that something was wrong, Luo Cheng directly activated void teleportation, and moved away from here.

After all, he is not as fleshy as Kogas.

There is no way to resist the attack of the demigod powerhouse.


When Luo Cheng left the spot, the void chains on Ming Yilifu's body exploded.

It felt the power in its body that was constantly eroding its body, and couldn't help screaming.

"Damn you! Die!!"

"The dark sea is surging, falling souls!!"

After Mingyi Lifu was severely injured, her choice was the same as that of Mingtuobaluo that Luo Cheng killed before.

Directly released an all-round large-scale skill.

However, Luo Cheng had already retreated thousands of yards away.

Mingyi Lifu's skills only enveloped Kogas inside.

I saw that the endless breath of the underworld, like ocean waves, was constantly washing over Kogas' body.

There are also a large number of innocent souls, constantly tearing at Kogas in the sea of ​​darkness.

On the top of Kogas's head, 6-digit damage values ​​are constantly appearing!




Although, the damage value each time did not exceed 500,000 points.

For Kogas' total blood volume of 2.2, it's nothing at all.

But the key point is that Kogas is too big, and there are a lot of ghosts in the sea of ​​darkness.

Almost every second, thirty-four damage numbers floated up from Kogas' head.

According to this rate, Kogas' blood volume will be emptied within 30 seconds at most.

Just when Luo Cheng was thinking about whether to send Chogas back to the deep void world first.

Kogas, who was shrouded by the sea of ​​darkness and constantly bitten by unjust souls, suddenly let out a terrifying roar.


"My faithful servant, show your strength!"

Kogas' voice shook the world.

The next moment, a huge phantom appeared above Kogas' body.

This phantom not only directly forced the surrounding sea of ​​darkness to retreat into an open space.

It also isolated all the souls from biting.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom above Kogas' head slowly raised his finger.

"This is...... Master Ming, Ming Wu!!"

"how can that be?"

"Hasn't Master Mingwu already fallen?"

Mingyi Lifu and Mingkuke, after seeing the phantom above Kogas' head.

I couldn't help being shocked, and even forgot to run away!

Actually, it's not their fault.

After all, the ghost witch is one of the four servants of the king of the underworld.

The peak powerhouse among the demigods.

These Mingzu who have not entered the demigod realm for a long time, facing the dark witches, they can only be crushed.

In their understanding, the dark witch is an existence that cannot be resisted!

However, when the phantom shadow of the dark witch above Kogas' head raised his finger, and condensed the "Death Finger of Silence".

These two demigods from the underworld have already reacted.

Just scattered and fled.

They are really fast, but...  

Chogas' Nirvana Killing Finger has locked on the "Ming Yi Lixuan!

next moment......


A gray-black aurora with dark red lightning pierced through the space and shattered the sea of ​​​​Mighty Elyf summoned.

It landed straight on Meilifu's body.

The gray-black aurora contained extremely strong energy, and easily penetrated Widow Elif's body.

A terrifying damage value floated out from the top of Mei Yilifu's head.


The phantom with 10% of the strength of the ghost witch's body, under one skill, directly hit a damage value of up to 3.98e.

Mei Yilifu's HP dropped below 35% in an instant.

However, in the eyes of Mei Yilifu, it was full of happiness!

After all, in Yilifu's view, if she was attacked by the four gods of the Pluto and the underworld witch, she would definitely be instantly killed.

But now, she was just a little traumatized.

It's a long way from death.

It seems that the phantom in mid-air does not possess the full strength of Lord Nether Witch.

But even after understanding this, and the shadow of the ghost witch above Kegas's head is slowly dissipating.

Mei Yilifu still did not dare to come forward again.

After all, the enemy she is facing now is not only the terrifying and strange beast in front of her.

There is also a human race who hides in the dark and will come out to give a knife at some point!

Under such circumstances, Ming Yilifu, including Ming Kuco, who had never been attacked, didn't dare to step forward.

""Go back, this thing is a bit evil!"

Ming Kuco came to Ming Yilifu's side and said.

Ming Yilifu nodded, and wanted to retreat to the main camp where the Ming army was located to recover.

But at this moment, a terrifying damage value suddenly appeared above Meilifu's head.


This was planted by Luo Cheng before, the Void Hunting Mark, it exploded!

After taking damage, Mei Yilifu entered a dizzy state at the same time.

Moreover, only about 15% of Mei Yilifu's health bar remained.

The remaining blood volume is not even 2e!

And Cho'Gath's total health is... 2.2e!

Without Luo Cheng's order, after feeling the weakening of Meilifu's breath.

Kegas rushed out excitedly.

That Ming Kuco wanted to block it.

Cogas completely disregarded its attack, and came directly to Meilifu's side not far.

Then, open your mouth, and a terrifying suction force appears!

The dizzy state of Yilifu, who had just been released, could not even resist the slightest promise.

It was swallowed by Cho'Gath.


"You monster! Spit out Iliff!"

Mikuko roared loudly.

However, its figure is constantly retreating.

Yes, it is scared!

The strength of Ming Yilifu is much stronger than it.

But now in this situation, Mei Yilifu started from being controlled by this terrifying creature and then being sneak attacked by that human being.

Until Ming Yi Lifu was hit by the 'Silent Destruction Finger'.

Consumed by Cho'Gath again.

In total, only 30 seconds passed.

Facing such a terrifying giant beast, it is not as strong as Ming Yilifu, and it can't even last for 30 seconds!

So, it's cowardly!


ps: I apologize... Yesterday, the circuit of the community was overhauled, and the power was cut off for a day. I was not able to update it in time. I am very sorry! .

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