Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 213 Level 657! 3E Blood Volume!

For Ming Kuko's sudden escape.

Luo Cheng was a little speechless.

After all, that was the powerhouse of the demigod rank.

To be honest, at this time, Cho'Gath's skills have all entered a cooldown state.

Without the assistance of Kegas, Luo Cheng alone would not be able to pose a big threat to Mingkuke.

Therefore, Ming Kuke fled without a fight, which saved Luo Cheng a lot of hands and feet.

During Luo Cheng's battle with Mingkuko and Ming Yilifu.

In the rear of the Ming army.

The three are responsible for attacking the sand sea world, and the other three gods of the four gods of Hades.

have come together.

"If you step through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!"

"I didn't expect that the Void Inheritor named by His Majesty Pluto to be captured happened to be in this Sand Sea Realm!"

"A mere seventh-order cultivation base can actually fight two weak and small demigods alone. It is indeed the strongest inheritance in the legend!"

"That big bug should be the legendary 'Void Behemoth' that only Void Inheritors can contract and summon?"

"It is rumored that this kind of creature has infinite potential... Even those natural beasts can't compare to them."

"Two, this is the credit for capturing the Void inheritor...!"

660 Suddenly, Wraith Soul opened his mouth and said the most sensitive topic.

After the death of the underworld witch, the underworld soul is the strongest among the four gods of the underworld.

However, even if it was a ghost, he was not sure, so he took Luo Cheng away by himself.


The strongest among the four gods of the underworld, the underworld witch, fell in this city.

Even the soul of the Nether Witch was swallowed and imprisoned by the 'Void Giant Beast' and turned into a slave.

Therefore, if you want to arrest Luo Cheng, the three of them still have to find a way to work together.

The other two priests looked at each other.

There are also calculations in mind.

After all, although the Wraith Soul is stronger than the two of them, it is not much stronger.

It's not that they have no chance to win the credit for catching Luo Cheng.

However, the premise of all this is that Luo Cheng should be captured first!

Soon, the only three remaining Pluto and Four God Attendants reached an agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance.

On the bright side, the other two god attendants agreed, letting the strongest ghosts enjoy this credit and get the 'opportunity to ascend to the gods',

But what their true thoughts are, only they themselves know. (bcai)

On the other hand, Cho'Gath has completely digested the demigod 'Mei Liv'

The system prompt tone also followed.

[Ding! Your contracted void beast - Chogas, devoured the demigod [Ming Yilifu], and the blood volume increased by 2800w points! 】

[Ding! Your level has increased, and the current level is 612. 】

[Ding! Your level has increased, and the current level is 627. 】

After killing Mei Yilifu, Luo Cheng's level was raised again by 16, from 611 to 627.

And the blood volume of Kegas has directly increased by 2800w points, reaching a terrifying blood volume of 2.5e!

That is to say, the current Cho'Gath can instantly kill all monsters with a HP lower than 2.5e in one bite!

Even if you meet a demigod.

Luo Cheng also only needs to find a way to reduce the opponent's HP to below 2.5e.

Cho'Gath can devour it instantly!

And, as Cho'Gath continues to devour and grow, this killing line will get higher and higher!


Luo Cheng found that all the monsters that Cho'Gath devoured.

Nothing will explode...

This allowed Luo Cheng to get a lot less trophies.

However, relatively speaking, the growth of Kegas is much more valuable than the items that are not necessarily usable by killing monsters.

After killing Meiliffe.

Luo Cheng once again opened a passage to the deep void world.

He sent back Cho'Gath, who had grown to 35 yards in size.

No way, Kegas is really too big.

It is very eye-catching when placed around the entire City of Storms.

Moreover, Cho'Gath's skills have all fallen into a cooldown state.

The fastest, but also ten minutes later, can regain a strong combat effectiveness.

It's only ten minutes, Luo Cheng can afford to wait.

After sending Cho'Gath back.

Luo Cheng directly activated Void Teleport and returned to the City of Storms, without dangling outside.

Now he has definitely been targeted by the demigod powerhouses in the Ming clan.

If you stay outside all the time, if you don't keep it together, you will be overcast.

In this way, Luo Cheng would only take Chogas to attack suddenly every time he saw an opportunity, a relatively weak demigod of the underworld who was 'lonely'.

His Void Chain, and Cho'Gath's Void Shock, Void Descending, these two control skills, can create a nearly ten-second output chain.

With Luo Cheng's exaggerated output, and Kegas' high bloodline swallowing and killing ability.

Once Luo Cheng makes a move, it can pose a great threat to those underworld demigods.

However, those demigods of the underworld, after having experienced two sneak attacks by Luo Cheng.

Also learned.

Generally, they don't make a lot of shots, and even if they do, it's three or five together.

In this way, the entire battlefield outside the City of Storms became unusually 'peaceful'.

In addition to those below the demigods, the number of ghosts in the underworld seems to be endless, and they are still constantly attacking.

Those demigods of the underworld, as well as the demigods of the human race, all hugged and faced each other.

Even if there is an occasional fight, it is a one-touch retreat.

Although Luo Cheng also tried to shoot twice.

But instead of not being able to get anything cheap, he almost gave himself away.

This made Luo Cheng more cautious.

It wasn't until today that his time in the world of the heavens came to an end that he found an opportunity to assist other human race powerhouses again, and killed a feasting ghost demigod!

So far, today, the number of underworld demigods he assisted and killed alone has reached 5!

Cho'Gath successfully devoured 3 underworld demigods in total.

HP increased to 3e!

And Luo Cheng's level has reached level 657.

With such an upgrade speed, even the 'Sun God' Mahmud and the Dharma God Jiang He, who later logged into the world of the heavens, couldn't help but say something abnormal.

Besides, what makes Luo Cheng most delighted is that his war exploits have reached 2973w points!

With only 27w points of war merits, you can make up 30,000w to exchange for [Tiandao·SS Grade Talent Upgrade Scroll].

Take the second talent, Touch of Light, to the SSS level!

After Luo Cheng left the world of the heavens, the three gods of the underworld, headed by the fallen soul, had observed him for a whole day.

However, while observing Luo Cheng, they were more concerned about it.

Those in the City of Storms, the demigods!

Especially the one who defeated the Nether Witch, Nasus, the god of desert death!!

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