After Luo Cheng withdrew from the world of the heavens, it was dawn outside.

The newborn scorching sun is like a chick that has just broken its shell, with a thin layer of blood red.

Although the scenery is not beautiful, it is worth taking out your phone and taking a few pictures to save.

However, Luo Cheng at this time was not interested in appreciating these.

He couldn't wait to open the international forum.

Click on the first one, the "Two Realms War Zone" in the Sand Sea Realm, and learn about the progress of the war in the Sand Sea Realm.

This forum belongs to the official forum of the Pagoda Country, and the news in it is all released in real time by the ninth-order powerhouses of the Pagoda Country.

Luo Cheng didn't wait too long, and new news appeared on the forum.

Sand Sea.

Because Luo Cheng withdrew from the world of the heavens.

The plan of the three ghosts has not yet started, and it has been stillborn.

If you want to capture Luo Cheng back to the underworld, the premise is that Luo Cheng must be in the world of heaven.

They also didn't expect that Luo Cheng would disappear directly.

For the natives of the heavenly worlds.

But those who are stronger have independent thinking.

Everyone knows the identity of the warriors from other worlds of the Blue Star Humans.

I also know that Blue Star humans can easily travel back and forth between the two worlds.

And has the abnormal ability to resurrect after death!

However, Blue Star Humans, these 'warriors of different worlds', also have some weaknesses in the rules.

As long as you grasp these weaknesses, it is actually not too difficult to control these warriors from different worlds.


The only remaining three servants of the Hades, did not think of anything.

The Void Inheritor, who had escaped yesterday, actually chose to leave the world of the heavens when the war was about to begin.

The coordinates of the original world of the "Warriors of Another World" are very secret.

They have no way to catch up.

He could only watch Luo Cheng run away.

Since then, I originally felt that with a pinch in my hand, I would immediately be able to transcend the calamity and ascend to the soul of the gods, and I suddenly felt a huge sense of gap in my mind.

After a brief silence, Wraith Soul waved the 'Wan Hun Banner' in his hand with a grim expression.

"Ghostland Carnival! Ten Thousand Ghosts Eat Souls!!"

With a roar of the ghostly soul.

In the Wanshun Banner in its hand, a large amount of gray gas gushed out in an instant.

Along with these gray gases, there are tens of thousands of terrifying, evil ghosts and resentments!

Although the aura emanating from these evil ghosts is not comparable to that of a demigod, it far exceeds the aura of a ninth-order powerhouse.

It can be said that every evil spirit resentment has the strength of half a step and a half god!

If a player checks the properties of these evil spirits.

You will find that these evil ghosts and resentments have all the attributes of gold-level 900-level BOSS!

The gray gas seeping out from the Wanhun Banner spreads extremely fast.

In a short period of time, one-sixth of the city of storms was completely shrouded in those gray breaths.

A large number of evil ghosts and ghosts are constantly raging.

The city of storms at this time, except for the central square, where the resurrection stone is located.

The guardian formations in other places have all dissipated.

Under the ravages of these evil ghosts who are close to the demigod level combat power.

A large number of the aboriginal people of the City of Storms, even if they hide in their homes, it is difficult to escape.

There are also some lower-ranked players who are only used as auxiliary logistics, and there are also many who died in the hands of these grievances.

In midair, after Nasus saw this scene, he didn't make much waves.

He said to his side, the second and third strongest in Pagoda Country, two top demigods above level 980.

"Rekton, Wally Bell, these two Pluto Servants are a little weaker, you bring someone to stop them."

"I'll clean up the ugly thing that was ruined below, and come back to help you."

"no problem!"

"Don't worry, Emperor!"

Renekton and Wally Bell, the two big and three thick demigods, nodded in agreement at the same time.

After that, the two of them didn't stop at all.

With the demigods behind him, he rushed towards the demigods of the Pluto, led by the two Pluto gods in front.

"Roar! Bloodthirsty Battle Axe, open it for me!"

"Feel the thunder! The thunder roars!!"

Renekton and Wally Bell knew that they were far from the two Pluto gods on the opposite side.

Therefore, from the beginning, he opened his strongest state skill without reservation.

I saw Renekton holding a big axe with blood on the axe.

The majestic power of qi and blood was fed back into his body from the half-artifact Bloodthirsty Battle Axe.

It made his body grow wildly, and the body that was originally less than two meters suddenly turned into a body that was nearly ten meters high, like a crocodile butcher.

Beside him, Wally Bell let out a loud roar, and several thunders fell from the sky.

landed on his body.

Immediately afterwards, layers of terrifying thunder light were attached to his body surface.

Transformed into a giant thunder bear with terrifying claws and lightning!

With these two opening the way, the demigods behind have also activated their own box-pressing skills.

In particular, there are two extremely rare female players who have auxiliary talents and have broken through to the demigod rank.

Although they wear headscarves and veils.

But the graceful figure still exudes infinite charm.

Of course, relative to such charm.

The auxiliary skills that they unleashed, which can greatly increase their combat power, are what excites the crowd of godly powerhouses.


In the sky, a terrifying loud noise suddenly came.

It was Renekton and Wally Bell, who had collided with the two Pluto gods (Mano Zhao), making a loud noise.

However, in the face of Renekton and Wally Bell, who were only over 980 levels, the two god servants of Hades, who possessed the peak combat power of demigods, did not take them seriously.

With only 50 to 60 percent of his strength, he blocked the impact of the two.

And, the next battle, obviously can be seen.

The two Pluto god attendants did not use their full strength.

As for why they are unwilling to use all their strength, only they themselves know.

Nasus glanced at the battlefield where dozens of demigods were intertwined in the sky, his face expressionless.

He was also a little surprised that Renekton and Wally Bell easily stopped the two Pluto gods who were at the peak of the demigods.

However, in this case.

Nasus was happy to see it happen.

He waved the scepter in his hand, stepped out with his left foot, and appeared in front of Wraith Falling Soul. .

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