Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 218 Artifact? Terrible Oppression!

Seeing Nasus suddenly appearing in front of him, Wraith Soul subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the sky.

I found that my two 'companions' were fighting with two 'high-level demigods'.

They immediately understood what they were thinking.

"good very good!"

"Human, I admit that you are very strong, but taking the initiative to enter the 'Nether Realm' created by me with Myriad Soul Banners, is it a little too much? Huh?"

Wraith Soul looked at Nasus with a slightly heavy expression.

However, more than that, it is anger!

Because, from the eyes of this human being in front of him, he didn't see the slightest wave.

It's as peaceful as...look down on it!

"Nether Realm? Well, is it a place to imprison the soul?"

"It just so happens that this seat is in control of the soul!"

At the same time as Nasus spoke, he suddenly raised the scepter in his hand.

The mysterious spar at the top of the scepter suddenly lit up with a dim light.

This kind of light is even darker and more evil than the Nether Realm summoned by the fallen soul!

The dark rays of light unfolded instantly, and the evil spirits who were raging around, as long as they were illuminated by this rays of light.

No matter what it is doing, it will fly towards Nasus without any resistance. 497

Then, it merged into the mysterious energy spar at the top of Nasus' scepter.

"What, what did you do?!!"

Wraith has never seen such a sight before.

When the first evil spirits were taken away by Nasus.

The ghosts hurriedly took the initiative to take back those evil ghosts.

But even so, the number of evil spirits in his Myriad Soul Banner was reduced by a third!

In other words, in just a short while, Nasus took away its more than 3,000 evil spirits!

This kind of thing has exceeded the cognition of the fallen soul.

after all.

These evil ghosts and resentful souls are all cultivated by the slaughter of the top-level semi-artifact, the 'Wan Soul Piece'.

Summoning evil ghosts and resentful spirits to wreak havoc on one side is just one of the most obvious usages.

In addition, this Wanshun banner has many other wonderful uses.

Its strength, half of it, is on this Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

But now, just after a face-to-face with Nasus, one-third of the resentful souls on his Ten Thousand Soul Banner have gone...

The most important thing is when those evil spirits are absorbed by Nasus's scepter.

There is no way for the ghostly soul to contact those evil ghosts that have been absorbed.

Logically speaking, the 'Wanhun Banner' has absolute control over these evil ghosts.

There is only one explanation for this situation, and that is...

Those evil spirits who were absorbed by Nasus' scepter just now were all... crushed and killed!

Of course, there is another explanation.


The scepter in the hands of Nasus is...

Stronger than a demi-artifact, a real artifact!!

Thinking of this, Ming Luohun's expression instantly became more dignified.

Although, it is absolutely impossible for a demigod to use the divine tool to exert the original strength of the divine tool.

But... any artifact contains the power of rules and good fortune, even if it is just a little bit of power, it can kill most of the demigods.

"Very good, very good! You are just a demigod and possess an artifact."

"Humans from another world are truly blessed!"

Fallen Soul is the disappearance of the soul in the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, and found the reason

The mood became more serious.

For the sky, the two 'companies' who put Nasus over and put him alone were even more hated.

However, the so-called loser does not lose, this principle is also applicable in the underworld.

Although Ming Luohun knew that he was not Nasus's opponent, he did not give in at all in his mouth.

Moreover, in the face of Nasus who holds a 'divine weapon', it is not (bcef) and has no strength to resist.


The thoughts and words of the fallen soul have wasted too much time.

Nasus had grown impatient.

"The reptiles of the underworld, feel the withering of the soul!"

Suddenly, Nasus stretched out a single palm, and an inexplicable power of rules fell on Wraith Soul's body so easily.

In an instant, the ghostly soul felt a great pressure.

It seems that its soul is aging.

The breath on its body is declining at an extremely fast speed.

It was as if it was in its prime, and suddenly it was about to come to the end of its life.

"Cough, cough! What did you do?!"

Netherfallen soul's knowledge is obviously not as good as Netherwitch's.

Moreover, it may be that the fallen soul has been smooth sailing in the underworld for too long.

It seems to have forgotten that now it is facing, but the strongest human race in the Sand Sea Realm who killed the Nether Witch!

The so-called desert god of death, Nasus!!

"Your soul, breast goddess!


When the ghostly soul has not yet reacted, what happened to him.

Nasus had already swung the axe and scepter in his hand.

A dazzling ray of light like an aurora appeared, cut through the space, and slashed ruthlessly on the body of the ghost.


Ming Luohun suddenly let out an extremely shrill scream.

Even in the sky, the two gods of Hades who were fighting against Renekton and Wally Bell.

Couldn't help but look down.

However, there are no wounds on the body of the ghost.

Even, there is no sign of being attacked.

Just when the other two Pluto gods were puzzled.

The head of the fallen soul, but...

Crashing to smithereens!!


A majestic soul force exploded, blowing down the surrounding buildings like a sand field.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the ghostly soul turned into a ray of black light and shadow and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Nasus did not have the joy of victory in his eyes.

Because, he is very clear that the soul is not dead.

"A means of replacing the soul?"

"Nice demi-artifact!"


Nasus after smashing the Wraith.

The right foot stepped forward without stopping when he appeared again.

It had already appeared in the sky seven or eight thousand yards away.

And in front of him, is a ghost holding a Wansoul banner!

Looking at Nasus' figure, Wraith's expression was extremely ugly.

He couldn't help but shouted, "You ****!!!"

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