Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 226: Technological Creation, Destruction Series-No. 1 Machine!

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was late at night.

For these demigods who are secretly planning to kill Luo Cheng, the inheritor of the void.

Now is the best time to kill Luo Cheng!

The moon is dark and the wind kills the night.

Under the leadership of the Rat Wing Demon King, a group of demigods were shrouded in a black shield.

This black shield perfectly integrated into the surrounding environment, hiding all traces of demigods.

From the outside, there is no trace at all.

Covered by a black shield, twelve demigods and demons came together to the northwest corner of Jiang Cheng's city wall.

Here, the Rat Wing Demon King judged that Jiang Cheng's guardian formation was the weakest.

With the hidden talent of the Rat Wing Demon Lord.

It is completely possible to bring other demigods and demons into Jiang Cheng quietly and without touching the formation!

The other eleven demigods are very trusting in the strength of the Rat Wing Demon King.

Because, the Rat Wing Demon King comes from the Rat Demon clan, which is not good at fighting.

12 However, they are definitely one-to-one races in terms of hiding, perception, breaking formation, and escaping!

That being said, once they encounter any danger of force majeure, only one of them can survive.

Then, the one who finally survived is definitely the Rat Demon King!

The Rat Demon Clan's ability to escape and hide is recognized as the strongest in both the Demon and Demon Realms.


These twelve demigod demons did not know that their every move was actually discovered long ago.

Inside Jiang Cheng's city wall, one after another mechanical lines are constantly flashing.

If Luo Cheng were here, there would definitely be a sense of fortunate familiarity.

Because, these mechanical patterns are very similar to those he saw in the [Empire of Sand] secret realm!

The technology-oriented formation is very different from the ordinary magic energy formation in terms of operation principle.

The hiding ability of the Rat Wing Demon King is indeed powerful.

However, its concealment ability is only aimed at the array method that life magic energy can detect.

For the technology array that is directly imaged by particles, it has no effect at all!

In a small room inside the city walls.

General Li Tongzheng stared at a screen with a cold expression.

On the screen, there are twelve monsters of different shapes.

Among them, the one with the shortest stature, the devil king who looks very much like a 'rat man', is constantly depicting something in the air.

"Can you isolate the special sigil induced by the formation?"

"The methods of these demons are really strange!"

Li Tong casually spit out two sentences.

Then, he turned to look at his adjutant.

"Are you all ready?"

"This is the first battle of the 'Civilization Inheritance' brought by Luo Cheng from the world of heaven, don't embarrass Laozi!"

Hearing Li Tong's question, the adjutant nodded again and again.

"General, sixty [Destruction Series Mecha-1] have been in place."

"Once these monsters pass through the formation, they will be attacked by the high-load power of the No. 1 unit!"

"Very good!" Li Tong nodded with satisfaction, and continued to ask, "Aren't Bai Jianxian and the A-letter squad in place?"

"Remind them, try not to let go of a demon!"

"Yes! This subordinate is going to talk to Lord Jianxian.

The adjutant received the order and quickly turned around to send the letter.

At the same time, Luo Cheng, who was the target of the demon, did not stay in the villa to sleep.

Instead, they followed Liu Qingbai and the others to a tall building not far from the city wall.

You can rush to the battlefield at any time.

In the room they were in, there was also a screen, and what was playing on it was exactly the situation where the Rat Wing Demon King kept sketching the formation.

"Heh~! The movements of these monsters are so slow, they've made me sleepy!"

Liu Qingbai stretched out of boredom.

They also only knew about Li Tong's plan not long ago.

This afternoon, Li Tong has been busy with the guards for so long, in order to carry out these 'demon demigods' and wait for the rabbit!

However, the real source of this plan actually came from the highest level of the Dragon Kingdom.

A few days ago, after obtaining the crystallization of the scientific and technological civilization of the Sand Empire brought back by Luo Cheng, the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom used all their strengths at all costs.

Restored many technological creations in the crystallization of the inheritance of technological civilization.

Although there are some things, with Bluestar's current technology, it is still unclear how.

However, there is no problem with simple imitation and restoration.

Including at this time, the sixty [Destruction Series Mecha-No. 1] with low-level demigod combat power who are guarding the formation.

It was just these days, with the power of the Dragon Kingdom, hurriedly created.

Luo Cheng didn't complain like Liu Qingbai did.

Instead, she stared at the screen on the wall.

He also wanted to see how powerful the creation of the 'Science and Technology Civilization Inheritance Crystal' that he brought back!

Outside the formation, the rhinoceros horn demon king among the twelve demon demigods suddenly frowned tightly.

"Everyone, my intuition tells me that if we enter Jiang Cheng from here, we may encounter great danger!"

"Inside the formation, it is very likely that there are strong people in the race!"

In the heart of the Rhino Horn Demon King, there was always a sense of insecurity that lingered.

However, after hearing the words of the horned demon king, the angry sea demon king immediately retorted.

"Ambush? With the hidden formation of the Rat Wing Demon King, how could the mere humans find us and make an ambush ahead of time?"

"From my point of view, the horned devil, you......wouldn't you be afraid?"

"Don't you want to restrict 'Liu Qingbai'?"

As soon as the words of the angry sea monster king came out, they were immediately recognized by many monsters.

"That's right! The rhinoceros horn demon and the mousewing demon king's shielding circle will be drawn soon. You want us to retreat at this time?"

"Haha, the courage of your rhinoceros is not that good!"

"You!! Humph!"

Facing the ridicule of the demons, the Rhino Horn Demon King just snorted angrily, but didn't say anything else.

It can only forcibly suppress the sense of crisis in its heart, waiting for the mouse-wing demon to describe the shielding formation and enter Jiang Cheng's interior!

"All right!"

In the hands of the Rat Wing Demon King, a solid rune seal has been formed.

It hurriedly reminded: "Everyone, be prepared, restrain your breath, and don't let out your breath in advance and startle the snake!"

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