Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 227 Ambush? Sad Demon Demigod!

The talisman of the Rat Wing Demon Lord's shielding formation perception has been condensed.

Because there are many targets to be masked at one time, it takes a little more time.


With a low voice from the Rat Wing Demon King.

The looming double-layered defense formation guarding Jiang Cheng just opened a hole like this.

However, the sensory alarm area of ​​the array method did not respond.

The Rat Wing Demon King took the other eleven demon demigods and passed through the formation.

"The Rat Wing Demon King is a good way!"

"The rat demons are indeed the race that is best at breaking formations and stealth. We passed through the two-layered formation of the human race, and there was no response from the human race."

The other demigods followed the Ratwing Demon King into Jiang Cheng.

Seeing the surrounding, there was no movement in the city, and Jiang Cheng guarding the satellite on the city wall.

I couldn't help but praised the Rat Wing Demon King.

At this time, they were all still in the black light curtain made by the Rat Wing Demon King, possessing magical functions such as hiding their bodies, isolating breath and sound.

You don't have to worry about being overheard by Jiang Cheng's guards.

In the eyes of these demons and demigods, since they have successfully passed through Jiang Cheng's defensive formation.

Then, killing the inheritor of the void - Luo Cheng, is a matter of holding hands.

However, just when they were full of confidence, they wanted to cross the city wall and rush to the villa where Luo Cheng lived.

Under their feet, a series of fine mechanical lines suddenly lit up rapidly.

Then, the majestic power of space appeared!

"what is this?!"

"There is an ambush!!"

"How did the Terran know we were coming?"

"The Rat Wing Demon King, you betrayed us?!"

As these demigods exclaimed, the scene in front of them was changing at an extremely fast speed.

The city wall of Jiang Cheng was originally shrouded in hazy moonlight and had some vicissitudes.

But now, it has become... a heavy space barrier.

What makes these demigods even more incredible is that they are in front of them.

There are 60 shimmering metal lights, arms turned into cannon barrels, accumulating the power of endless destruction... mechanical life!

Every mechanical being here exudes an aura that is enough to despise an ordinary demigod.

The sixty mechanical beings of the demigod rank, and the momentum exuded by the simultaneous accumulation of energy, made their hearts, at the same time, have a great sense of crisis.

They didn't bother to complain about the Rat Wing Demon King, but turned on energy shields one after another, or sacrificed defensive treasures to resist the attacks of these mechanical beings.

These demons are indeed demigods.

Before those mechanical beings, the premeditated attack was sent out.

They used their strongest means.

Even the Rat Wing Demon King took out multiple treasures in a row, adding seven or eight layers of shield protection to himself.

As for the question, why didn't these demigods escape.

That's because the space battlefield where they are now is very small.

There wasn't much room for maneuvering and dodging at all.

"Beep wave——々!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom-!!"

After the sound of the weapon being fully charged, sixty thick black beams of light with an infinite aura of destruction "directly completely enveloped this space.

All the demons and demigods have been hit by the overloaded destruction of the Destruction Series-No. 1 unit!

Although, the strength of the Destruction Series Mecha-1 is only a low-level demigod.

A single unit, I am afraid, will not be able to pose a life threat to any of the demon demigods present.

However, there are sixty mechas here!

The black light beams emitted by them, because of the same origin and the same root, are easily blended together.

Although in the process of blending, there will be a hedging loss within the volume.

But even so, these turbulent black destructive energies erupted with nearly 30 times the power!!

Facing the attack of a low-level demigod, these demons are not afraid.

However, after expanding the attack of a low-level demigod by 30 times, the defense supported by these demon demigods is like a piece of paper.

In an instant, seven weaker demon demigods were completely destroyed by the black destructive energy and turned into ashes.

As for the remaining five demon demigods.

Although under the attack of the destruction series mecha, he survived.

Except for the Rat Wing Demon King, who was only slightly injured.

The other four demigods were all severely injured.

Breath is seriously down!

"Cough, ho! What the hell are these things?!" The Angry Sea Monster King, who had half his body destroyed, couldn't help roaring fiercely.

In the information collected by the demon clan, although there are many demigods in the Dragon Kingdom, most of them are suppressing the coastline and borders with other countries.

Jiang Cheng is located in the interior of the Dragon, and it is impossible for there to be so many demigods.

Of course, what was more crucial was the Angry Sea Demon King, as well as other native demigods from the two worlds of demons and beasts.

I don't know, there are magical technological creations like mechanical life in this world!

"."Demigod puppet!"

"This must be a demigod-level puppet obtained by humans in the world of the heavens! They actually did a good job in advance, waiting for us to appear?!"

"Damn! How would they know we're back tonight! Mousewing!"

"I don't know either! Everyone from TNN should stop arguing and run for their own lives!"

The Rat Wing Demon King was also a little confused at this time. The salvo of the destroying series of mechas directly destroyed all its protective treasures.

If you don't run away now, it will definitely die here!

After hearing the words of the Rat Wing Demon King, the Angry Sea Demon King couldn't help but stomped, the space barrier composed of the power of space.

He scolded fiercely: "Rat thief, with such a thick space barrier, you TN give it a try?!"

This Void Battlefield was specially created by the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom in order to test the combat power of the 'Destroy (Qian Nuo Zhao) Destroyer Series Mecha-1'.

Its space barriers are thicker than ordinary void battlefields. Even if twelve demigods attack the barriers of this void battlefield at the same time, it will take more than ten rounds.

Now, there are only five demon demigods left in this battlefield. Except for the Rat Wing Demon King, the other four are not lightly injured.

It is simply impossible to break such a thick space barrier.


After the first round of destructive energy salvos.

Those 'Unit 1' did not continue to attack.

Even more than 30 'No. 1 machines' were directly paralyzed and completely lost their ability to move.

Outside the Void Battlefield, Li Tong was in a room inside the city wall, watching the video images sent by special means.

And these images were simultaneously transmitted to Luo Cheng, Liu Qingbai, and the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom far away in Kyoto.

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