Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 248 Ancient Demon God, Agustan!

[Ancient Demon God - Agustan] (special demigod)

Level: 950


Attack power: 2130w-2230w

Talent: Ancient Demon's Body

Skills: Ancient Demon's Wrath, Ancient Spear, Ancient Thorns Armor, Demon Sealing Hammer

Special: God's Power

(Note: This unit was transformed by a former god and can use a wisp of power that originally belonged to it.)

Description: In the ancient times, the ancient tribe split into three groups: ancient demons, ancient demons, and ancient gods, and each occupied a big world.

Later, because of bloodthirsty and warlikeness, the ancient demon family was jointly exterminated by other races.

Agustane is not reconciled to the decline and fall of the ancient demon clan, and its soul will not be scattered for countless thousands of years.

In the end, it blends with the heavenly way of the secret world that has been restored and evolved from this side.

became part of the core of the secret realm.

Kill him, you can get the core of the secret realm and have the opportunity to control this secret realm!


Luo Cheng looked at the attribute panel of the Ancient Demon God - Agustan.

I couldn't help taking a breath.

Just the '0' behind the column of his blood volume, he counted it several times in a row.

In the end, he confirmed that the blood volume of the ancient demon god Agustan was...



Luo Cheng calculated in his heart.

Agustan has such a terrifying amount of blood.

Even standing still, without any defense.

He had to cut for more than ten minutes.

More importantly.

Agustan has a skill called 'Ancient Thorns Armor'.

Moreover, Agustane's appearance is much more regular than those 'spiky ancient demons'.

But, if nothing else.

The spiky ancient demons around are all descendants of the diluted blood of Agustan...

This also proves that Agustane definitely has the ability to retaliate.

In this case.

Luo Cheng wants to export to Agustane.

You can only use methods like 'Void Flurry' and 'Void Storm', which do not need to approach Agustan to carry out physical attacks.


Agustan's attack power is also ridiculously high.

The maximum attack power of 2230w points.

It really made Luo Cheng hesitate to speak.

If nothing else, Agustane could almost knock him out with a single blow.


Luo Cheng has a 'Void Physique', a super damage reduction skill that can reduce damage by 90%.


As the ancient demon god Agustan, he also possesses powerful talents and skills...

Looking at this demon god covered in bone spurs, Luo Cheng felt a little helpless for a while.

He didn't know how to deal with this boss.

But Luo Cheng doesn't know about the attributes of the other bosses at the red dots.

If they're all the same, it's not a good match for Luo Cheng.

"Although it's a little tricky, it can only be tried!"

"The core of the secret realm, I must get one!"

Luo Cheng (bcbe) just made up his mind in his heart to summon Chogas and Xiaohuo, and try to see if he can kill Agustan.

Agustan on the altar actually moved one step ahead of him.

I saw a thick and long bone spear flashing with vicissitudes of magic in the hands of Agustane.

With its arm sent.

The bone spear appeared in front of Luo Cheng's eyes almost in an instant.

Luo Cheng subconsciously activated Void Teleport and came to the sky thousands of yards away.


The bone spear seemed to be equipped with a tracking system.

He followed him through space.

Continue to stab him in the face.

Now, Luo Cheng has no time to dodge.

Only, if this blow attack is real.

Luo Cheng couldn't guarantee that he would not be killed by Agustane.

So, at the moment of seeing the Bone Spear for the second time.

Luo Cheng turned on the effect of the 'war suit'.

War Guardian!!

After this active equipment effect is turned on.

Can help Luo Cheng resist any attack.

Whether it is a skill or a basic attack, the blood-colored shield generated by the guardian of the war can be blocked.


It was almost the first time Luo Cheng started the war protection.

The bone spear flashing with mysterious magic patterns slammed into Luo Cheng's body.

However, another red light flashed across Luo Cheng's body.

Although, his body, after being hit, retreated a distance of several hundred yards.

However, Luo Cheng didn't feel the slightest pain.

No harm was done either!

This is the effect of the 'War Guardian' effect that comes with the war suit.

However, the cooldown of War Guardian is 10 minutes.

Within these ten minutes, if 'Agustan' sends out this kind of bone spear with its own tracking function again.

Luo Cheng really has nothing to do.

Fortunately, Naya Gustan's range of activities seems to be limited.

After throwing a bone spear, Luo Cheng was frightened away.

Naya Gustan, went back to the altar again.

It was as if nothing had happened.

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