Use the protective effect of the war suit to block Agustan's bone spear.

Luo Cheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

If his reaction just now was a little slower.

His equipment, the skill attached to the Ring of Light, God's Blessing of Light, is estimated to be triggered~activated.

However, after being suddenly attacked by Agustan.

Luo Cheng wanted to kill Agustan even more.

Although Agustan has a terrible blood volume of 145e.

Also has anti-injury skills.

For Luo Cheng.

As long as Cho'Gath can help him, resist Agustan's damage.

Allow him to perform skill output safely.

Even if it only relies on Void Flurry and Xiao Huo's flame skill output.

Grinding can also grind Agustane to death.

And Luo Cheng himself has a Void teleportation next to him.

Even if Agustan unleashes a wide range of attack skills.

He can also use Void Teleport to escape and leave in time.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if he joined forces with Xiaohuo and Kegas, he would not be able to deal with this boss.

Then Luo Cheng's big deal is to directly open the protection of the dragon spirit, put away Kegas and Xiaohuo and run away.

After a simple thought.

Luo Cheng didn't hesitate any longer.

The power of the void within him surged.

In an instant, a huge dark purple portal appeared.

With a blood volume of 4.5e and a height of 45 yards, the terrifying beast Kogas.

With heavy steps, he walked out of the deep void world and came to the present world.

The surrounding ground couldn't support its weight, and it collapsed deeply.

"Summoner, Cho'Gath, obey your orders!"

This time, Cogas was rarely polite.

It's not that as soon as you come out, you just want to eat this and that.

Probably, Luo Cheng let it devour recently, all of them are 'spiky ancient demons'.

Tired of it already...

"Korgas, go and give that guy a shot first.

Luo Cheng wasn't polite to Kegas either.

Pointing in the direction of Agustane, he motioned to let Chogas act first to attract hatred.

"No problem, Summoner!"

"It will feel, fear from the void!"

Cho'Gath obeyed Luo Cheng's orders completely and unconditionally.

Stepping away his two thick thighs, he walked towards the place of Agustan.


"Bang! Bang!"

Cho'Gath is just too big.

Just take a step, the earth will tremble, it looks extremely imposing!

In fact, Cho'Gath's movement speed is very fast, and he can fly in the sky.

However, it chose to walk, step by step towards Agustan.

Provocative flavor is full!

Agustan just sat on the throne for a while.

Cho'Gath noticed it as he approached the altar.

However, Agustane, as the remnant soul of the ancient demon god, has never seen any scenes.

Cho'Gath's size doesn't surprise him.

On the contrary, it was the provocative gesture of Kegas, which made his already somewhat insane sanity, and a burst of extreme anger emerged.


"Weak! Step back!!"

Agustane jumped up and stood up from the throne.

Then, its right hand protruded, and a bone spear flashing black brilliance reappeared in its hand.

"call out---!!"


"Boom, boom, boom!!"

The bone spear shot out like a pole of electricity.

Just right, hit Cho'Gath on the head.

He directly knocked Kegas's head up.

Above Cho'Gath's head, a huge damage value floated out at the same time.


After experiencing 99% damage reduction, Agustan's spear also technically destroyed Cho'Gath's 111w HP.

It is enough to prove how terrifying the output of Agustane is.

However, Cho'Gath was oblivious.

The moment Agustan's bone spear attack ended.

Its stature suddenly accelerated, enveloped by the power of the dark purple void, Kegas' huge stature, very dexterous, appeared beside the altar.

came to Agustan.


Kegas' huge eyes stared at Agustan indifferently and cruelly.

Looking at Agustan was a little hairy.

"Hey~ roar---!!"


At the same time, Kogas raised his foot and opened his mouth.

Skill, the void is coming! The void is shocked!

Open at the same time!

In an instant, Agustane was stunned in place by the power of the void that was shaking wildly.

Because of the effect of Void Descending, it has not been able to use all skills except the space system.

…for flowers…0

Kogas took this opportunity to roar up to the sky again.

"Hey~ roar!!"

Above the sky, the ghost of the underworld, one of the four gods of the underworld, has emerged!

At the same time as it appeared, the boundless darkness, evil, and destructive energy began to rush towards the mid-air.

A terrifying, huge finger slowly took shape.


It was also at this moment that Naya Gustan had broken free from the dizziness effect brought by the 'Void Shock'.


The dead fingers of silence and extinction have been assembled!!

Straight, fell on top of its head.


Agustane has the heart to block, but...

The Nether Witch is a peak demigod-level powerhouse, and his strength is much stronger than that of Jisitan.


Even the phantom of the ghost witch summoned by Cho'Gath.

Only one-tenth of the strength of the underworld witch.

It is also enough to cause a huge amount of damage to Agustan.



With the fall of the dead finger, Agustane's figure was directly crushed.

If it wasn't on the ground, on the altar where it was located, some black patterns flickered.

It resisted the power of the silent killer.

Agustane, I am afraid that he will be directly let into the ground.

But it was precisely because there was nowhere to unload, Agustane was injured twice.

The whole blood volume of 3.3e has been dropped!!

Even though its total HP is 145e, it loses 2% of its HP in an instant.

It still made Agustan feel extremely angry.


"Monster, you are courting death!"


Agustane's voice just fell.

A terrifying suction force made it change its color.

Cho'Gath, actually directly activated Void Devouring!

The huge suction directly sucked Agustane into its belly.

Faced with this kind of suction, which seemed to come from the rules, Agustane had no ability to resist at all.

The innate supernatural powers of the void beast Cho'Gath are simply terrifyingly powerful!

In the distance, Luo Cheng has summoned a small fire.

And explained to Xiaohuo, the next battle plan.

There are two meat shields, Cho'Gath and Xiao Huo, in front of them.

Luo Cheng's safety has been greatly guaranteed.


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