Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 258 The Second Secret Core!

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Cheng has entered the ancient demon secret realm for seven days.

I don't know why these two days.

The other two teams, coincidentally, slowed down their attack on the boss.

It took two days for them to take down a boss respectively.

At this time, in the entire secret realm, there are still 8 secret realm cores that have not been captured.

Luo Cheng has one in his hand, and the other two teams, one has 5 and the other has 4.

From the map.

The distance between the two teams is slowly approaching.

The direction they went to was the location of the core of the secret realm at the very center of the secret realm.

Originally, Luo Cheng thought they were going to meet, fight, or unite.

But what he didn't expect was.

When the two teams approached the midpoint, they suddenly changed directions.

It seems that none of them want to do it first.

Give him this 'third party' the chance to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The other two teams were not in a hurry and maintained the frequency of fighting one boss every two days.

Luo Cheng himself is happy to see it happen.

After all, his Kegas is growing with 8000w points of blood per day.

It had only been two days since 830 when he defeated Agustane.

Cho'Gath originally had 4.4e health.

It has grown to 6e blood volume!!

The longer the time dragged on, the stronger Cho'Gath's combat power became.

And, Xiaohuo has undergone a 24-hour remodeling.

It can also be re-summoned.

Now, the level of Xiaohuo has reached level 694.

Only 6 levels away, you can advance again.

So, the longer it takes for the final battle to come.

It is more beneficial to speak to Luo Cheng.


According to the news that Li Tong passed on to him, the secret realm of sending readers will be opened in less than 13 days.

Although, his Demon Slayer-Supreme Trial Token has not yet responded.

But, this should be because he is in the secret realm, and the supreme trial token cannot be opened.

So, just to be on the safe side.

Luo Cheng decided to give the time for the final battle to speed up a little!!

After a long-distance teleportation for a long time.

Luo Cheng finally appeared in the second one in the south, representing the red dot where the BOSS is located.

This BOSS is called...

[Ancient Demon God - Yagu Battle Axe] (special demigod)

Level: 950

M: 1850000w

Attack power: 2280w-2380w

Talent: Ancient Demon's Body

Skills: Ancient God's Punishment, Ancient Axe, Ancient Execution, Ancient Demon Body...

Special: God's Power

(Note: This unit was transformed by a former god and can use a wisp of power that originally belonged to it.)

Description: In the ancient times, the ancient tribes split into three groups: ancient demons, ancient demons, and ancient gods.

The Agus Battle Axe is slightly more powerful than Agustan's attributes.

Agustan's health is only 145e.

However, the blood volume of Yagu's battle axe is 40e more than that of Gustan!!


The Agus battle axe doesn't have the counter-injury skills like Agustan!

That is to say, Luo Cheng can carry out the normal attack of 'Void Blade' without the protection and protection of the Dragon Spirit.

Moreover, the strengths of Kegas and Xiaohuo have been improved compared to before.

The skills attached to Luo Cheng's equipment are all on cooldown.

So, after more than ten minutes of fighting.

It can be said that there is no danger and no danger, killing this called 'Yagu Battle Axe', the giant axe ancient demon BOSS!

With the last experience.

Luo Cheng sent Cho'Gath back to the Deep from the Void world before Yagu Tomahawk was about to die.

At the same time that Yagu Tomahawk died, Xiaohuo, who had broken through to the eighth order because of a lot of experience, was forcibly taken into the pet space.

Afterwards, he himself also activated Void Teleport continuously.

Came 10,000 meters away!

However, even so, he still couldn't escape, the last (bccd) blow after the Agu battle axe turned into a soul state.

Fortunately, Luo Cheng had predicted in advance that the Yagu Tomahawk might deliver a blow with the strength of a god.

Therefore, he specially reserved the effect of the 'war suit'.

War Guardian!

It can offset any attack damage he receives next!

In this way, it did not allow him to trigger the effect of the Bright Divine Blessing of the Bright Divine Ring again.

[Ding! You killed the demigod BOSS [Ancient Demon God - Yagu Battle Axe], you got ***(+***) experience points and 80,000 world reputation. 1

【Ding! Your level has increased, the current level is 800!】

[Ding! Your level has reached the upper limit, please go to the main city above level three as soon as possible, clear the eight-story Tongtian Tower, and continue to improve your strength! 】

[Ding! The level of your pet Xiaohuo has been increased, and the current level is 730! 】

[Ding! The level of your Chengwu Xiaohuo's exclusive supernatural power [God and Demon] has been raised, and the current level is Iv4! 】

At the same time as the demise of the Agu battle axe.

In Luo Cheng's mind, a large number of system prompts also sounded.

At this time, his level has reached the peak of the eighth-order.

Just go back to the sand sea world, clear the tower, and you can break into the ninth order!

And after reaching the ninth level...

The next step is demigods!!

According to what Luo Cheng learned.

After players break through to a demigod, their bodies, attributes, and skills will be greatly improved.

And, the improvement is huge!

Until then......

In addition, the level of Xiaohuo has been raised to level 730.

The body of gods and demons has also been successfully promoted to Iv4.

Attributes have been greatly improved.

【Small Fire (Three-legged Golden Crow)】

Level: 730

HP: 36480w/36480w

Energy: 2736w/2736w

Constitution: 91200 (growth 30*)

Wisdom: 91200 (Growth 30★)

Strength: 91200 (growth 30★)

Agility: 91200 (Grow 30*)

Talent: Big Sun Golden Crow

Exclusive to Gods and Demons: Body of Gods and Demons lv4 (After opening, the size increases by 40 times, and all attributes increase by 7 times! Cooling time, 24 hours. Duration, 30 minutes.)

Special supernatural powers: big and small

Skills: Proficient in all fire-related skills, big sun (banned state)

Grade: Beast

Host: Mexico City

Loyalty: 100

EXP: 0/***W

The body of the gods and demons of Iv4.

The size is increased by 40 times, and all attributes are increased by 7 times!!

In other words, the current Xiaohuo has opened the body of the gods and demons.

A single attribute, reaching 6384000 points!!

Compared with Luo Cheng's current highest strength attribute, it is a full 6 times stronger!

have to say.

The talent of the beast is really not covered.

I don't know what the situation will be after Xiaohuo breaks through to the demigod......

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