Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 259: The Two Choices Of Inokora

With the ghost of Yagu's battle axe completely dissipated.

Only then did Luo Cheng dare to teleport back.

Got the second secret core.

At this time, there are only seven secret cores left on the map that have not yet moved.

The distribution of these seven secret realm cores, except for the one in the secret realm center.

It's all concentrated in the east and south of the Rift.

The location of each secret core is far away from the location of other cores.

Furthermore, there are two demigods from the Pagoda Kingdom and three demigods from the Eagle Kingdom.

Exactly in two different directions.

Luo Cheng's location, it seems, is a bit surrounded by the other side.

However, even if he was really surrounded, Luo Cheng wouldn't lie.

Because, with the energy value he has now.

It can completely provide him with multiple ultra-long-distance displacements.

Ordinary demigods, in terms of speed, simply can't catch up with him.

Plus, the life-saving skills he possesses are of high priority.

Even if he can't beat it, he is still very sure of withdrawing from the battlefield.

Luo Cheng turned off the map and stopped thinking about it.

After the death of Ancient Demon God-Yagu Tomahawk, he left behind a secret core.

A semi-artifact was also revealed.

[Ancient battle axe (pseudo)] (half artifact)

Level: 900

Attribute: slightly

Features: slightly

Description: The remnant soul of the ancient demon god-Yagu battle axe, imitating its weapons in ancient times, a semi-artifact condensed from the treasure of the ancient demon family [Ancient Battle Axe], with a very overbearing power of destruction!

After seeing this equipment, Luo Cheng suddenly remembered.

The other half-artifact in his backpack, the Demon Sealing Hammer, had not been given to Li Tong yet.

When Li Tong came to him the day before yesterday, he forgot about it.

Now, though, there is one more axe.

It's one more choice.

Looking back to see which Li Tong likes, just give him which one.

As for the rest, Luo Cheng will not waste it.

After all, by his side, there are four 'bodyguards', A2 and A5.

It is also the strength of the 900-level ninth-order peak.

This kind of semi-artifact is much more powerful than ordinary 900-level diamond equipment.

Certainly much better than the weapons they are currently equipped with.

When Luo Cheng successfully killed the BOSS and harvested the spoils.

On the west side of the secret realm, the expressions of the three people in the sky are seen.

Not so pretty.

It's not that they couldn't beat the boss, or encountered other setbacks.

But because, they saw the dynamic on the map!

"It seems that the team from the south only took less than fifteen minutes to fight the boss, right?"

Phoenix said in a slightly low tone.

"Baby, no matter how strong they are, they will never be your man's opponent!"

As Phoenix's partner, Taber stood up and said at the first time.

However, even he himself, had no confidence in what he said.

Because the three of them worked together to attack a boss.

It will take a little over an hour to get it done.

Also, reserve life-saving skills in advance.

Used to prevent the final blow from the boss.

And 15 minutes to kill a boss with the strength of the median demigod, the blood is too thick.

For them, it is almost impossible to do.

"It took a total of nine minutes and thirty seconds from the red dot moving to the final stop.

"Not even ten minutes..."

Dakong Jingzhong was more detailed than the two of them were concerned about.

"Within ten minutes...kill a median demigod boss.

"The team on the south side, I'm afraid they have... the strength of a high-ranking demigod!"

Hear the words of the well.

Taber and Phoenix are no longer in the mood to show their affection.

They became silent.

The three of them, except for Tabor's level, were above level 930.

A median demigod.

But the other two are only level 920 and only low-rank demigods.

...for flowers...

Originally, in the process of dealing with BOSS.

Both of them are mainly to play an auxiliary role.

If you let the two of them join forces to fight against the level 950 ancient demon BOSS.

That's a completely impossible thing to do.

But now...

In the south of the ancient demon secret realm, another team appeared, suspected to be a high-ranking demigod-level team.

Then, the two of them are not even more human opponents.

The two of them didn't speak.

Dakong Jingzhong frowned and continued: "If the other party is really a demigod."

"Then, before us, there are only two choices!"


"What choice?" Taber asked suspiciously.

Dakong Jingzhong didn't give up and said directly: "First, we will continue to collect the core of the secret realm."

"If at that time, I really meet the team in the south and realize that we are not the opposite country.

"Then, we can hand over the core of the online secret realm, and let the other party let us out after mastering the ancient demon secret realm!"

"In this way, we can at least preserve our current strength."

Speaking of which, Dakong Jingzhong deliberately paused.

Obviously, although the other two people still did not speak, their expressions.

But he told Dakong Well.

They were not satisfied with his first choice!

After all, they opened the entrance to this secret realm.

In terms of emotion and reason, the control of this secret realm should belong to them!

See the unhappy expressions of the two.

Osora Inaka continued: "As for the second option, that is...

"Unite the team on the east side!"

"As long as we can join hands, then it is not that there is no capital to compete with high-ranking demigods!"

With the completion of the well in the sky.

Tabor and Phoenix looked at each other.

From the corners of each other's eyes, they also found a ray of light called 'heartbeat'.


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