Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 260: Demon Formation! Rapidly Increasing Combat Power!

West side of the secret realm.

Dakong Inaka broke away from the team and went on the road alone.

Taber and Phoenix took five secret cores and walked slowly towards the next red dot.

As agile warriors.

The movement speed of the well in the hole is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was a thousand yards away.

In the sky, only a faint ripple of air was left.

His purpose is clear.

It is in the distance, where there are four red dots.

Only, halfway through the journey.

Well, Dakong stopped.

What is carved on the ground.

Soon, a huge and mysterious formation was drawn by him.

Immediately afterwards, Dakong Jingzhong took out a stone from his backpack.

On this rock, there are densely packed tiny holes.

"Five-three-seven" If someone has the kung fu, count them one by one.

It will be found that there are a total of 1000 opaque holes on this stone.

After taking this stone out.

The well was empty, so he carefully placed it in the center of the formation.

When the stone is placed.

A dark red silk thread began to extend to the periphery along the formation drawn by Dakong in the well.

Soon, all the formation patterns were shrouded in dark red silk threads.

Immediately afterwards, a wisp of gray-red smoke fluttered from the stone.

Afterwards, a ferocious and terrifying ghost creature was condensed.

The breath it exudes represents this demon.

It's a demigod-level creature!

"Human? You summoned this god, why?"

The ghastly-looking monster had a hoarse voice.

In the face of its inquiry, Osora Inokaka, who was standing aside, hurriedly bowed his head and bowed his head.

Although, his strength is similar to the demon in front of him.

Even stronger than the opponent.

However, giving him this 'person' who could summon the monster's stone, made him not dare to neglect in the slightest.

In a humble and flattering tone, Osora Inaka said: "Your Excellency the great demon god, I, at the order of Lord [Inaka Murakami], summon you to help me....

Luo Cheng doesn't know what Dakong's plan is in the well

Taber and Phoenix don't know either.

However, this does not affect progression in Rifts.

Soon, another six days passed.

There are only 8 days left until the opening of the 'Devilslayer Trial Secret Realm'.


Luo Cheng also doesn't know why.

The progress of the other two teams became extremely slow.

Destroy a secret core in the first two days.

Until now... it takes three days to destroy a secret core.

When he was bored, he killed another boss.

Now, there are actually three red dots on the map!

At this time, Luo Cheng had three secret cores in his hand.

The other two teams each have 6 Rift Cores.

Promoted three secret cores.

All are concentrated near the middle.

When the three forces came around the red dot closest to them.

On the map, a pattern close to an equilateral triangle was formed.

It's like a tripod.


At this time, Luo Cheng was not so nervous.


At this time, Kegas and Xiaohuo have made great progress after so many days of growth.

【Void Behemoth-Korgas】

Grade: none

Species: Void Life

Status: Growing-Infant

Blood volume: 100860w/100860w

Energy: 1000w/1000w

Talent: Super Void Constitution (99% damage reduction)

Talent: Void Devour

Talent (Inactive): Ancient Demon Body (8.2%)

Skills: Void Devouring Max, Void Descends Iv2, Void Shock lv2, Quiet Destruction Finger Iv?, Anti-Injury Stab Armor

Description: A special life from the void with extremely terrifying growth potential! Rumor has it that when the behemoth in the void reaches adulthood, it can swallow a planet in one bite, and even gods are only their food.

After so many days.

Under the constant devouring of Cho'Gath.

Its blood volume has reached... 10e points!

Such a terrifying health value is no longer inferior to a low-ranking demigod with poor physical talent...

Not to mention, Cho'Gath also has a special talent that reduces damage by 99%.

Taking Tandu as an example, ordinary demigods who are new to the median may not be able to compare to it.

What caught Luo Cheng's attention even more was that.

As Chogas continued to devour various bronze BOSS-level ancient demon creatures in the secret realm.

It devours the talent obtained by [Little Ancient Demon], and the progress of the ancient demon's body is also constantly improving.

Now, it has reached 8.2%.


At this rate, Cho'Gath wants to activate this talent by devouring these ancient monsters.

I'm afraid it will be a little difficult.

Looking back, let's see if you can find a boss and let Kogas swallow it.

After all, now Kogas.

The upper limit of devouring life has reached 10e HP!

Ordinary, weaker demigods, it is afraid that it can be swallowed and digested in one bite.

Except for the growth of Cho'Gath.

The growth rate of the small fire is also visible to the naked eye.

Six days ago, it was only level 730.

And six days later, its level has reached level 795.

Only 5 levels away, you can catch up with Luo Cheng, who has reached the upper limit.

Moreover, at this time, Xiaohuo's blood volume has reached 4.2e!

If the body of the gods and demons Iv4 is activated, Xiaohuo's blood volume will directly increase to nearly 30e!!

Such blood volume is no less than Xia Chang's median demigod.

5.9 and, in other attributes, although not as good as the median demigod.

However, it should not be a problem for Xiaohuo in the state of the body of a god and a demon to single out a low-ranking demigod.

There are these two big guys to help out.

Luo Cheng also has a lot of confidence in his heart.


After his level rose to level 800.

He has used the real dragon blood in the (pseudo) Nahai bottle to raise the dragon blood purple scale armor to level 800.

There is no small improvement in attributes.

The active feature attached to it, the duration of the protection of the dragon spirit, has also been increased from 120 seconds to 150 seconds.

A full two and a half minutes of invincibility!

This is the real confidence that Luo Cheng doesn't worry about what will happen to him.

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