Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 265 Full Power, Want To Kill Ghosts!

Under the brilliance of the twelve-winged angel.

Luo Cheng's body reunited.

But at the moment when his body condensed.

The attack of the surrounding eight demigods has already descended.


The loud dragon roar sounded.

Deflect all attacks that hit Luo Cheng.

at the same time.

Behind Luo Cheng, there is also a phantom of an emperor!

This means that Luo Cheng has already activated the active features attached to the Yandi Extreme Bureau.

The power of the emperor!

Double all attributes!

After that, Luo Cheng's eyes quickly focused on a low-level demigod who was closest to him.

"Void Hunting Mark!"

Void teleportation! "Three Zero Zero"



When Luo Cheng's Void hunted the mark.

It fell behind the demigod who looked like a 'Pagoda Countryman'.

Luo Cheng activated Void Teleport without hesitation.

Then, the void dances!

Twenty-one attacks in a row landed on this demigod.




High damage value, mixed with a lot of crit damage.

Constantly emerging from the top of the demigod's head.

After turning on the power of the emperor, every time Luo Cheng's damage is not less than 1000w points!

The dark purple aurora drew a beautiful pattern in the air.

The blood volume of this demigod attacked by Luo Cheng.

Directly ablated 4.3e points!!

The blood volume has been emptied by 40%!

In other words, the total HP of this demigod was only in the early 10s.

After being suddenly attacked by Luo Cheng.

The demigod of the 'Pagoda Kingdom' that this demon turned into.

I only feel that there is a terrifying energy in the body, which is constantly destroying its vitality.

This discovery made it subconsciously retreat again and again.

Meanwhile, its body surface.

Several layers of gray shields also appeared.

These gray shields can effectively help it resist external damage.

What happened to this demigod.

In midair, the demigods of the Pagoda Kingdom transformed by the other four demons changed their expressions.

Because they clearly felt it.

The strength of the life force of the demon who was attacked by Luo Cheng.

Went straight for almost half!

And the three players who can see Luo Cheng's damage value are Osora Inaka, Tabor, and Phoenix.

Even more unbelievable.

"Invincible skill?!!"

"This... he has a skill that destroyed the 4e blood volume of the pagoda country demigod?!!"


"Is this the recognized first genius of the Blue Star human being?"

"His strength grows... How can he be so terrifying?!"

Whether it is the middle demigod Tabor, or the other two low demigods.

Couldn't help taking a breath.

Because, Luo Cheng's attack just now had such a terrifying damage value.

Even they can't make it out!

You must know that all the powerhouses in the rank of Eye God.

Defense is high.

Plus their blood volume is also thick.

Therefore, as long as it is not crushed by strength.

Generally speaking, a battle between demigods, at least, takes ten minutes to start.


According to Luo Cheng's output rate.

Don't say ten minutes.

That 'Demi-God of the Pagoda Kingdom' couldn't even hold it for a minute!

But, the key question now is...

Taber, Osaka in the well, they have already seen it.

Luo Cheng now has the invincible skill enabled.

Even if they tried to help, they couldn't help.


The five 'Demigods from the Sand Sea Realm' were all transformed by demons.

In their world, there is no such thing as invincible skills.

In their perception, the purple dragon scales on Luo Cheng's body...

It's just a protective shield.

As long as this shield is broken, Luo Cheng will definitely be hurt.

So, when Luo Cheng teleported again, chasing the demon demigod who had planted the 'Void Hunting Mark' by him.

The demigods of the Pagoda Kingdom transformed by the other four demons.

They all rushed towards Luo Cheng.

weapons in their hands.

A ferocious gray-black light flickered.

One after another majestic energy, sword energy, sword gang.

He kept hitting Luo Cheng.

But, Luo Cheng, who was protected by the dragon spirit, was opened.

They didn't care about their attacks at all.

Teleport twice in a row to adjust your position.

It finally happened to be blocked by the fleeing half-blood half-god.

"Whoa, whoa-!!"

In order to prevent this demigod from being agile and treacherous, he escaped again.

Luo Cheng directly opened the void chain and locked it in the void.

Although, Luo Cheng's Void Chain can only withstand the status of a demigod for about a second.

But, that's enough!

After this demigod was immobilized.

Luo Cheng didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately, the Void Blade was activated.

"Swish" is to cut out with four or five knives.




Within a second, the demigod's HP dropped by 1.49e again!



The void chain burst, and the demigod let out a frantic roar.

A terrifying energy radiated from its whole body.

This energy directly acts on the surrounding space, ravaging the surrounding space barriers to pieces.

Although, Luo Cheng has a dragon spirit to protect his body.

and did not suffer any harm.

However, under such terrifying power.

His body, involuntarily, was repelled by a long distance.


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