Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 266 The Ghost Is Dead! Shadow Cage!

next second.


Void teleport is enabled again.

The surrounding chaotic space did not affect the accuracy of Luo Cheng's void teleportation at all.

His figure appeared beside this demigod again.

With a few swipes, he knocked out nearly 20 HP of the opponent again.

At this time, the blood bar of this demigod has dropped to 31%.

Facing Luo Cheng's terrifying attack power.

This ghost and demigod finally realized the gap between himself and Luo Cheng.

Suddenly a retreat.

It turned into a state of 'virtualization'.

It cannot be selected in this state.

In addition to a wide range of attacks can damage it.

Others, slashing, energy impact.

Can't do any harm to it.


Luo Cheng looked at the space where ghosts and demigods were blurred.

The corners of the mouth rose slightly.

I counted the seconds secretly in my heart.

"Three, two, one!"


Suddenly, at the place where the ghost was blurred.

A majestic void force exploded crazily towards the surroundings.

At the same time, Luo Cheng heard a system notification tone.

[Ding! You killed the temporary summoner of the player [Dazora Well], a first-level ghost []. 】

"Sure enough, it's Twelve Sora in the well, and the ghost of Murakami in the well......

Luo Cheng glanced at the sky.

In an instant, he locked onto Daizora Inokaka who was standing with the two white men.

At this time, Dakong's expression in the well can be described as extremely ugly!


After a ghost died.

The other four ghosts became angry at the same time.


"Damn you!"


One by one, after a brief shock.

Just wanted to continue to attack Luo Cheng.

In such a situation, the 'Dakong in the Well' who summoned them out really couldn't stand it anymore.

Because, these five ghosts were specially summoned by him to deal with Tabor.

If at this time, too many were killed by this Fucheng].

Well, even if they succeeded in beheading Mocheng in the end.

He has no choice but to seize the core of the Ancient Demon Secret Realm from Tabor and Phoenix, and gain control of the Ancient Demon Secret Realm.

So, when he saw the other four ghosts and wanted to go up to deal with Luo Cheng.

He hurriedly dodged and said: "Everyone, the defense on him is not something we can break through!"

"The duration of this skill will not be too long. As long as we can hold him back, after the shield disappears, he will surely die!"

Because the relationship between Jingzhong Dakong and the demigods transformed by these ghosts has not been made public.

Therefore, Dakong Jingzhong can only remind him from the side.

And at the same time, send sound transmission to these four ghosts, so that they will not be impulsive.

For these ghosts.

I still have to listen to the words of Dakong Jingzhong.

After all, this is the task assigned to them by their master, Inoka Murakami.

Although one of his companions died.

However, after returning, their masters can still resurrect their companions.

Therefore, when these ghosts are about to approach Luo Cheng.

Qi Qi stopped the car.


Luo Cheng's 'Dragon Spirit Protection'.

But there is still a duration of 1 minute and 40 seconds!

Since the ghosts and demigods don't take the initiative to come.

Then, Luo Cheng brought up the spirit of the yellow sand and opened the void teleport again.

Want to attack another ghost demigod.

But at the same time as he dodged.

The remaining four demigods turned into ghosts.

Unexpectedly, the virtual state was turned on.

His spirit of yellow sand swung out and hit the empty space completely.

at the same time.

On the side, the foot pot chicken is a demigod, and Dakong Jingzhong also activated his skills.

"Shadow Cage!"


Luo Cheng only felt that ten strands covered his position.

The surrounding sky also dimmed instantly.

It's like.

The originally sunny weather suddenly appeared as a large black cloud.

Seeing this situation, Luo Cheng couldn't help frowning.

He mentioned the spirit of yellow sand and wanted to change the target because he attacked the minister.

But just when he activated the void teleportation and wanted to approach the sky in the well.

However, he found that the 'big void in the well' he saw was just a residual image.

But the real Well Dakong appeared above the sky.

Standing with Taber and Phoenix.

"Well, what are you doing to save them?"

"They were hacked to death by that city of Mo, how good would it be for us to reap the benefits?"

When Phoenix saw Osora Inaka appearing beside her, she asked with a question.

Hearing Phoenix's question, Osora's expression did not change much.

Just said: "One of them has died, and the remaining four will never be our opponents.

"However, that Mocheng is a big change."

"His trump card, the damage, is too much and too terrifying."

"I use the shadow cage to trap him first, and when his invincibility is over, it is safer for us to join forces to kill him first, and then seize the core of the secret realm from the demigods of the pagoda kingdom."

Hear the explanation of Inaka Osora.

Phoenix and Taber looked at each other and didn't ask any more questions.

in the shadow cage.

Luo Cheng tried and activated a few Void Teleports.

Even, the teleportation of ultra-long distances was also turned on.

However, the energy in his body was exhausted, but...

His body is still in this shadow domain.

can not go out!

Faced with such a situation, Luo Cheng also had a very bad premonition in his heart.

If you have been in this shadow cage, you can't get out.

Then, once his 'Dragon Spirit Protection' duration ends.

He will definitely face again, the siege of the demigod Tian cover!

In that case, even if he summoned Kegas and Xiaohuo from 963 to help out.

It is also a sure loser.

Therefore, we must find a way to escape from this shadow cage.

Even after going out, it's better to directly open the long-distance teleport to escape first.

Just when Luo Cheng was thinking about countermeasures in the shadow cage.

In the sky, Tabor suddenly and quickly fell for a distance.

Approaching the edge of the 'Shadow Cage' summoned by Osora in the well.

"Blue Star's first genius, Mocheng!"

"His growth rate is really terrifying."

Inside and outside the shadow cage, they couldn't hear each other's voices.

Therefore, Luo Cheng could only see that Tabor's mouth was moving, but he didn't know what he was saying.

"Yeah, if you let him grow like this..."

"Perhaps, there will be another 'Unparalleled God of War' in the Dragon Kingdom."

Dakong in the well also fell, standing not far behind Tabor.

His expression was low and his mood was very bad.


The 'high demigod' in their minds turned out to be the matter of 'Mocheng'.

It was really hard to calm his mind.

If the Dragon Kingdom continues to be so strong.

Well, the hatred left over from the history of the Dragon Kingdom and the Footpen Chicken Kingdom.

It will definitely burn the chicken country into a handful of ashes!

Although, the territory of the footpen chicken country is no longer there.

However, these people who are left with chicken feet... are still there...

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