Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 270 The Struggle Of Dakong In The Well!

Xiaohuo's talent of 'Big Sun Golden Crow'.

In addition to magnifying the power of the fire-based skills it uses tenfold.

It can also deal double 200% restraint damage to 'evil-type' creatures.

Therefore, the damage received by the four demons was much greater than that of the well-known Dakong.

And, under the scorching of the real fire of the sun all the time in the small fire.

The four demons couldn't help roaring again and again.

In the eyes, there are many colors of fear.

Seeing this scene, Dakong Jingzhong's heart froze even more.

Originally, he thought that the strongest of the pot-footed chicken clan had given him a magic circle that could summon five demigod-level evil spirits from Inaka Murakami.

Coupled with his cooperation, he wanted to obtain the entire "490" secret realm core of the ancient demon secret realm.

Control the ancient magic secret realm.

Basically, it's unlikely that anything unexpected will happen.


When Mocheng appeared.

A monster was killed directly by him without saying a word.

Now, the city randomly summoned two creatures.

It has completely restrained the activities of the other four demons.

So, now all he can do.

It is to win the city of Mexico as soon as possible!

As long as the city of Mexico can be won, then all crises can be solved.

Just now, that city has activated the invincible skill resurrection skill.

Come to think of it, he shouldn't have any life-saving skills or means anymore.

And Mocheng's level, after all, is only level 800.

Have not experienced the baptism of divine power.

Mocheng's body is still only a mortal body.

The blood volume and defense will not be too high.

After all, if the city's blood defense is enough.

With his output ability, he doesn't need to escape at all.

Just be tough with him...

Just in the well, Okongo was in a state of uncertainty, thinking about countermeasures.

When you give yourself confidence.

Kegas, not far away, suddenly opened his mouth to a demon!

"Nom Nom Nom...!!"

This demon, facing the void swallowed by Cho'Gath, has absolutely no resistance at all!

At the same time, Coase is a phantom.

Manipulate it to open the 'Silent Extermination Finger'!

And Xiaohuo is also just right, starting a 'flame chain' skill.

The demon who aimed at Cho'Gath was bound in place.


Two ghosts that were not swallowed and controlled.

He couldn't help screaming loudly.

The majestic evil energy continued to impact on Kegas and Xiaohuo.


Their attack, hitting Cho'Gath, could only destroy Cho'Gath's million points of HP.

Even if it hits Xiaohuo, it is only about 800w damage.

For Cho'Gath, who has 10e health, and Xiaohuo, who has 44e health.

That little amount of blood doesn't hurt at all.

Seeing this scene, Osora Inaka was even more sure of his thoughts.

Although, his output ability is slightly stronger than the four monsters.

But it can't be too strong.

Therefore, even with him, it is difficult to kill these two behemoths quickly.

And the output of the other party, but...

It's really scary!

After all, the original four demons.

After Cho'Gath's Void Devour.

There are only three left...

Moreover, the well-known big sky perception is very clear.

The connection between him and the monster swallowed by Cho'Gath has completely disappeared...

Therefore, now he wants to gain the final control of the ancient library secret realm.

The only way is to rush out and kill 'Mocheng'!

thought here.

Osamu Ichika couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Then, the body turned into an afterimage.

Speeding in the direction of Luo Cheng...

Speak the truth.

In the heart of the well, Dakong was really a little flustered.

After all, just now, Mocheng killed a demon and killed the white median demigod Tabor.

Still vivid.


If he can't kill Mocheng quickly.

Or, there are other life-saving skills in Mocheng...  

Well, after returning to reality.

His fate... . . .

Simply unimaginable!

After all, at this time, he had already offended two white demigods.

That means that he has offended the top of the entire Eagle Nation!

It would be nice if he could successfully gain control of the Ancient Demon Realm.

If you can't get it......

Even those high-level executives of the footpen chicken family may not come forward to protect him.


If you die in this secret realm.

He will also drop level ten, and 10% of all attributes!

This kind of punishment is really too heavy.

Heavy situations are synthesized.

Even if the well is a low-ranking demigod.

When facing Luo Cheng, he didn't dare to be slighted or careless.

For Osora in the well, who was rushing towards him.

Luo Cheng naturally knows about 1.7.

Now, the battlefield takes the initiative.

completely in his hands.

Whether to fight or withdraw, it all depends on its mind.


At this time, the performance of Kegas and Xiaohuo was completely beyond his expectations!

After all, in his original expectation.

Xiaohuo and Kegas work together to stop two or three demigods, which is not bad.

But now, they have succeeded in blocking the four demons.

Created a good environment for Luo Cheng to 'head against' with Dakong Jingzhong!


Luo Cheng raised his eyelids slightly, and did not choose to escape.


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