Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 271 Avatar Skills! Their Own Means!

Luo Cheng stood in midair.

Look at the direction of the well in the sky.

Suddenly, black ripples appeared on Dakong Jingzhong's body.

It's like playing a mosaic.

Then, it disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Luo Cheng activated Void Teleport without hesitation.

Directly teleported out thousands of yards.

Sure enough, his figure just stood still.

in his original position.

A large cloud of shadow energy appeared.

The surrounding space was all infected and invaded by the shadows.

Looking at the momentum, the power of this attack is not small.

Dakong Jingzhong saw Luo Cheng running away.

He frowned immediately.

"Humph! What a quick escape!"

Jingzhong Dakong turned his head and looked at Luo Cheng in the sky in the distance.

Without hesitation, he charged towards Luo Cheng again.

Only, this time.

He is in flight.

The body shape suddenly had a great change.

Between shaking, above the sky.

6 of his figures appeared at the same time!

"Clone? Afterimage?"

This scene was also seen in Luo Cheng's eyes.

However, even if Luo Cheng has a sense of void, he cannot sense it.

Which is the body of Dakong in the well.

In this case.

Luo Cheng also did not dare to attack rashly.

Can only continue to teleport backward 12.

By the way, he also threw a void storm to where he was!

The six statues of Jingzhong Dakong are in the process of chasing.

At the same time, it was enveloped by the void storm.

Above their heads, several identical damage values ​​appeared at the same time.



In the six wells above Dakong's head, the damage value that emerges is exactly the same.

This also means that Luo Cheng can't judge from the damage value which is Dakong's body.

In this case, Luo Cheng can only continue to retreat.

After all, he is now.

Except for the 'War Guardian', a guardian skill that can resist a single damage.

There are no other life-saving skills available.

Once it was approached by Dakong in the well.

If a set of damage is exploded, it is very likely that he will be sent away directly.

Fortunately, the displacement distance of his 'Void Teleport is far enough.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to give Dakong Wells a chance.

It is impossible to catch up with him if the well is empty.


Those four, no, after Kegas devoured a demon, there were only three demons left.

In the battle with Kegas and Xiaohuo.

And the three demons were obviously not the opponents of Kos and the guy.

In twenty minutes at most, Kegas and Xiaohuo would be able to kill the remaining three demons.

That is to say.

Luo Cheng even dragged.

After waiting for twenty minutes, Kegas and Xiaohuo killed the three demons.

The control of the 'Ancient Devil's Secret Realm' is basically what he has in the clouds.

After all, by virtue of Osaka himself.

It is impossible to deal with it. He joined forces with Kegas and Xiaohuo.

Even, Cho'Gath only needs two at most to kill Dakong in a well with a blood volume of only more than 18e.

Luo Cheng understands this situation.

Dakong in the well also understands.

Otherwise, he would not want to be like this, and directly activated the skill of pressing the bottom of the box.

They frantically pursued Luo Cheng.


Every time he was about to catch up with Luo Cheng, Luo Cheng's figure would just disappear!

Every time.

In this case, the sky in the well was about to explode and collapse.


"Just know how to escape, what a hero!!"

Dakong Well finally couldn't help roaring loudly.



"This brother has read too much Water Margin?!"

Luo Cheng couldn't help but complained in his heart when he heard Dakong's roar.

Then, he activated Void Teleport again.

Stay away from this foot pot chicken who has been brainwashed by 'martial arts novels'.

that's it.

Dakong Jingzhong followed Luo Cheng and chased him for three minutes.

It was a long way from the place where Kegas and Xiaohuo fought with the three demons.

At this time, the three demons had already been discovered.

Cho'Gath is nothing but three axes.

After it was swallowed by the void, and after the release of the dead finger of silence.

This huge 'ugly' creature has no other means of attack.

And that Golden Crow...

Although the energy properties, relatively restrain them.

However, with this level of flame attack, they can still resist.

Therefore, it began to attack Kegas and Xiaohuo continuously.


Whether it's Xiao Huo or Cogas, it's just too meaty.

For a while, the three-headed demons had no way to kill Kegas or any three of the small fires.

And the other side.

Dakongzhong who has been chasing Luo Cheng.

Finally gave up and continued to chase.

Instead, he turned his head and was willing to go back.

Now, turn around and work with the demon to find a way to kill one of the [Mocheng] summons first.

Not to mention, there are still opportunities.

If you waste your time chasing...

Then, wait for the opponent's two summoned objects to free up their hands.

He is the only way to fail!

Of course, more importantly, even if he continued to pursue Luo Cheng.

There is still no way to catch up with Luo Cheng.

No way, Luo Cheng's Void Teleport, especially when Luo Cheng is full of energy.

It's too buggy.

This kind of long-distance displacement of thousands and tens of thousands of yards in an instant.

Defeat is an ordinary median demigod, and they may not be able to keep up.

Luo Cheng looked back when he saw Dakong in the well.

Brow wrinkled slightly.

Naturally, he didn't want Dakong Jingzhong to return to help the four demons.

After all, the player's means are much more than that of a monster like a 'ghost'.

What if Dakong in this well has any special ability.

Kill Cho'Gath or Little Fire.

That's something Luo Cheng absolutely doesn't want to see.

However, at this time, the well in the sky is still in the state of avatar.

In the face of the six wells Osora who are rushing back.

Luo Cheng was at a loss for a while.

Although, the control skill 'Soul of War' attached to his 'war suit' has been cooled down.

However, the war stepping on the soul is only a single control.

When dueling, cooperate with the Void Chain.

It can play a small role.

However, in the face of groups, this skill is not so easy to use.

Therefore, Luo Cheng had to hang far behind Dakong in the well.

The speed of the well's return is extremely fast.

Now, he doesn't dare to delay at all.

Only, when he looked back, Luo Cheng was still hanging not far away. 210

Immediately frowned.

He sent out the five shadow clones that were about to disappear.

Want to stop Luo Cheng's actions.

Seeing the five shadow clones that were in the process of marching, they rushed towards him again.

Luo Cheng first teleported backwards subconsciously.

Then, his brows raised slightly.

He looked at the body of Dakong in the well, and kept getting away from the five clones.

His expression suddenly became cold.


A lot of energy consumption.

Luo Cheng's figure crossed a huge distance in an instant.

Appeared in front of the well in the sky.

However, when the body of Well Dakong felt the sudden fluctuation of space around him.

Originally full of anger.

Suddenly there was a hint of excitement!

"Shadow Knife!!"

Before Luo Cheng's body fully appeared.

The dagger in Well Okong's hand was attached to the shadow of Hom.

Cut towards the space fluctuation.


Since Luo Cheng dared to come, of course he will be prepared.

When Luo Cheng's figure was manifested, the dagger in Dakong's hand was only a millimeter away, and it could land on Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng's body suddenly turned into a phantom.

Has become unselectable!

This is a skill rarely used by Luo Cheng, the opening special effect of the phantom clone!

At the moment of opening the phantom clone, Luo Cheng will become an unselectable 'pseudo-invincible' state.

Except for some special attacks that have come to Luo Cheng.

With other types of attacks, there is no way to attack Luo Cheng at this time.

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