Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 272: The Death Of Dakong In The Well! !

When Luo Cheng's figure appeared again.

In the air, two Luo Cheng appeared!

Seeing this, Dakong Jingzhong raised his brows subconsciously.

Then, his five clones galloped towards him at a speed more than five times faster than before.

In fact, these five clones were summoned by his talent effect.

When the clone moves towards the main body, the speed will be much faster.

However, even so, it took almost 10 seconds for his clone to reach him from a distance of nearly 10,000 yards.

Facing Osora Iaka himself, Luo Cheng summoned his phantom clone.

In an instant, another skill was activated.

The soul of war!!

I saw that under Luo Cheng's feet, the war shoes lit up with a dull gray-blue light.



In a very peculiar way, Luo Cheng was led by the war treading soul and landed on the top of Dakong's head in the well.

By the way, he also dodged and interrupted a well-known attack skill.

Although, the sky has been prepared for Luo Cheng's war.


For a demigod-level life.

The control skill of "Soul of War" is directly related to the rules of the soul.

There are very few ways to restrain.

At the very least, the skill that Dakong Wellaka had applied to himself in advance to block the control effect was not triggered.

The soul of war can immobilize the enemy in place for 10 seconds!

Luo Cheng didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately, the Void Flurry started.

It turned into twenty-one Void Blades, and slashed at Dakong Well.

However, Luo Cheng's state of the power of the emperor has long since disappeared.

The damage isn't as scary as it used to be.

But even so.

Osora Inaka is an agile warrior with low defense.

Still suffering a lot of damage.




Well Dakong may be too unlucky.

Luo Cheng's 21 slashes of Void Flurry, 50% crit rate.

It actually dealt 19 crit damage!

Destroyed Dakong Well, nearly 2.5e HP.

You must know that the total blood volume of Dakong in the well is only 18e.

This time, 14% was directly removed!

But even so, Luo Cheng still didn't stop attacking.

There is no violent blessing of the power of the emperor.

Luo Cheng can only use the Void Blade to attack four times per second.

But even so, every second, Dakong's blood volume of nearly 7000w points in the well can still be destroyed.

Soon, ten seconds are over...

"Whoa, whoa-!!"

The sound of chains from the void sounded.

Well, Dakongo, who was about to regain his mobility, was locked by the Void Chains again.


Well, Dakong is really unlucky enough.

In the next attack, Luo Cheng's weapon, the time life "Dark Ice Soul" attached to the Yellow Sand Spirit, triggers again.

Directly put the well in the sky and set it in place again.







Suddenly, several black shadow blades fell silently on Luo Cheng's body.

In an instant, he broke the "Queen of Light" on him

After that, Luo Cheng's HP was cut off by more than 1 million points!

This time, Luo Cheng was shocked.

He hurriedly dodged, gave up the attack and only had 50% left, with 9e HP, and was controlled by the well in the spot.

Luo Cheng teleported and stood still.

Sure enough, the avatars of the five wells of the sky have appeared in the place where he was before.

The shadow blade attack just now was sent by them.

Seeing this situation, Luo Cheng didn't have too much emotion.

No killing, no killing.

Anyway, he just needs to drag the time and wait for the battle between Xiaohuo and Kegas and the demon to end.


The body of the well in the sky, finally regained consciousness.

The first thing to do to recover his sanity, Osora Wells started a recovery skill.

Restored his blood volume to about 10e.

Then, Dakong Jingzhong looked at Luo Cheng again.

"You are despicable and shameless, you only know how to attack!"

"There is a kind of head-to-head duel!!"

Inokaka Okong suddenly spoke in broken Chinese and shouted aloud.

In this regard, Luo Cheng suddenly felt a little ironic.

"Foot pot chicken, do you know what heads-up means?!"

Luo Cheng is far away, Cao Sheng said.

Although, the actual distance between Luo Cheng and Jing Zhong Dakong is very far.

But, their strength is enough to support them and spread their voices to the opposite side.

Heard Luo Cheng's response.

Osora Inaka also knew that he had used the wrong words.

However, after venting his inner suffocation.

Dakong Jingzhong ignored Luo Cheng again.

Instead, he brought his five clones, constantly moving towards the position of Kegas and Xiaohuo.

Gallop away.

In this case.

Luo Cheng could only follow behind, making trouble.

But, five or six minutes later, Dakong Inaka brought his two clones to the battlefield of Kegas, Xiaohuo and the three demons.

At this time, a demon was devoured by Kegas from the very beginning.

There is another one, which has been beaten to residual blood by Xiaohuo and Kegas.

As for the other two, the blood volume is still above 80%.

On the contrary, Xiaohuo's blood volume dropped to about 50%.

The original HP of 44e, only 21e is left.


Cho'Gath, who only had nearly 1le of HP, still had 8e of HP left.

It can be seen from this.

How terrifying is Cho'Gath's 99% damage reduction.

Seeing this in the well.

Without even thinking about it, he rushed towards Kegas.

At this time, his blood volume, although only 10e remained.

However, the blood volume of his five clones is still around 18e.

However, the actual frankness of the clone is far worse than his main body.


Just when he brought five clones, summoned the shadows, and launched an attack on Chogas.

Cho'Gath's eyes rolled suddenly.

And then.... bowed his head.

""Nom Nom Nom-!!"

"Puff puff puff!!"

Five streaks of black smoke appeared in a row.

5 clones of Osora in the well.

Disappeared suddenly!

Looking at this scene, Luo Cheng's head also went down a bit.

The well is so empty....


Eaten by Cho'Gath?

It also………

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