Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 289 Chang'an City! Starry Night!

When Luo Cheng came out of Dragon Island.

It is already evening.

More than half of the time he had entered the world of the heavens had already passed.

According to the time, at this time in Shahaijie, it should have already entered the middle of the night.

But in the Qinglong Realm, the sunset has just appeared.

This is a normal thing.

After all, in the worlds of the heavens, the time calendars of the various worlds are not very different.

However, there is still a big difference in the time distribution of day and night.

Counting today, there are still 4 days before the opening of the 'Magic Slayer Trial Secret Realm'.

For the next two and a half days, Luo Cheng had nothing else to do.

He intends to use these two days to take a good rest, and by the way, take a look at the beauty of the Azure Dragon Realm.

I have been in the sand sea world full of yellow sand and lack of vitality for a long time.

Seeing a world like the Azure Dragon Realm, full of vitality, is really relaxing.

Luo Cheng also completely let go of all the burdens in his heart.

Plan to rest for two days.

However, Luo Zhixin told him that in two days, he would return to Long Island.

Get to know a few 'geniuses' who are about to enter the 'Magic Slayer Trial Secret Realm' with him.

Moreover, if there is a chance, perhaps, we can also meet the first powerhouse of the Dragon Country.

Unparalleled God of War!

That's... The invincible sword fairy Liu Qingbai was beaten into a person who couldn't help it!

In this regard, Luo Cheng is looking forward to it.

But that was after two days.

Now, Luo Cheng is rushing back to Fushou Island with Zhang Ying'er.

The night in the Azure Dragon Realm is different from the emptiness and loneliness in the Sand Sea Realm.

There are also stars shining in the night sky of Shahaijie.

It's just that visually, the starry sky in the sand sea world is always far away.

But the stars in the sky in the Azure Dragon Realm are extremely bright.

It's as if you can reach out to the general.


On the sea below, the waves are rolling and not violent.

Everything is so peaceful and peaceful.

Luo Cheng and Zhang Ying'er paced slowly in the air side by side.

Because the next time, the two have nothing to do.

Therefore, Zhang Ying Er did not speed up, and Luo Cheng had no reason to hurry.

Speak the truth.

Since entering the world of the heavens.

Luo Cheng is either fighting monsters to level up, or on his way to the leveling area.

It has never been so casual and elegant.

Take a stroll in the air and admire the starry night sky.

The sea breeze brushed Luo Cheng's fingertips.

It was cool, but it made his spirit clearer.

During the day, Luo Zhixin, the highest official of the Dragon Kingdom, talked to him about some serious topics.

With this coolness, it slowly subsided.

Whatever the road ahead, do what you can.

Do what you can, no regrets!

"The night in Qinglong Realm is beautiful."

"However, the more you see it, the more ordinary it becomes."

Beside Luo Cheng, Zhang Ying'er suddenly became a little sentimental for some reason.

Luo Cheng heard the emotion in Zhang Ying'er's words, so he could only keep silent and did not answer.

"When I was very young, I was very envious of those heroes, who appeared on the screen and on the news.

"I have fantasized that when I grow up, I want to be them.

"At the age of sixteen, I awakened the double S-rank talent, although the effect of the talent is not particularly outstanding, but, in the end, I still became what I imagined when I was a child.

"At that time, what I thought about every day was how to quickly improve my strength, or how to continue to improve my strength.


"Until my parents and relatives... left one after another."

"I just discovered that sometimes, living for a long time is not a good thing."

"Every time I see the starry sky, I think of..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ying'er's eyes were slightly moist.

Inside, there is an infinite recollection.

But the next moment, the moistness disappeared from Zhang Ying'er's eyes.

She shook her head and said with a self-deprecating smile: "What do I say to a little brother like you?"

"You... should be still a chick now?!"

Luo Cheng's melancholy mood was just aroused by Zhang Ying'er.

Stop it abruptly!

He just wants to say one thing now...

"Are you polite! Are you polite!!"

However, somehow.

Looking at Zhang Ying'er's picture, even under the hazy moonlight and starlight, she still has a seductive profile.

Luo Cheng said mysteriously: "Why, do you want to try?"

Zhang Ying'er was also a little surprised by Luo Cheng's answer.

But although she didn't talk about love, she said love.

But in this case, wouldn't it make this little guy look down upon him!?


“Just try it!!”

...for flowers...  

The next day, Luo Cheng sat up from the bed in Zhang Ying'er's mansion on Fushou Island.

The skull could not help but hurt a little.

Yesterday....what happened?

He turned his head to look at the dark red, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"It's...... absurd, absurd!"

In reality, Zhang Ying Er also has a garrison mission.

So, when Luo Cheng got up, she had already withdrawn from the world of the heavens.

Luo Cheng logged into the world of the heavens relatively late.

Instead, it directly linked the two days of logging in to the world of the heavens.

This means that he can stay in the world of the heavens continuously for twenty-four hours.

Now that things have happened.

Luo Cheng didn't bother anymore.

His soul, after all, is not the innocent teenager who is only ten years old and has not experienced the world.

a new day.

Luo Cheng looked at the rising sun outside the window.

Get ready for today's trip.

The Azure Dragon Realm and the Sand Sea Realm are different.

Except for the first, second and third main cities.

There is also an imperial city in Qinglong Realm, Chang'an City.

It is the aborigines of the Qinglong Realm and the location of the Tang Dynasty Imperial City.

It is also the only one in the Qinglong world, a super city.

However, Chang'an City is called a super city.

But in fact, there is no high-level leveling area around it.

That city is more like a bustling super metropolis.

It is rumored that in Chang'an City, you can get the highest quality, all-round service and enjoyment.

There, it is also the largest trading center in the entire Azure Dragon Realm.

It is also the most 'adventure' and 'mission' reception place in the mouth of the players.

Because, in Chang'an City, there are many princes and nobles of Tang Dynasty.

Something that just leaked out of their hands.

It might just be the special skill you've been dreaming of.

Or high-quality equipment or strange objects.

Since he came to the Qinglong Realm.

Chang'an City, Luo Cheng is not to be missed no matter what.

However, follow the distance on the map.

Chang'an City is not very close to the East China Sea where Fushou Island is located.

Even if he was teleporting with all his strength.

It also takes a few hours.

Fortunately, his plan for the past two days was to take a leisure tour in the Azure Dragon Realm.

I don't think it's a waste of time.


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