Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 290 Chang'an Mountains, Too Much Money!

The heavens, the Azure Dragon Realm, the Chang'an Mountains.

This is the largest mountain range in the Azure Dragon Realm.

Its area is extremely vast.

From the Chang'an Mountains to the east, out of the range of the mountains.

You can see a huge fortress.

That city is the destination of Luo Cheng's trip, Chang'an City!

Around Chang'an City, although there are few monsters to refresh the area.

But in the Chang'an Mountains, there are many monsters.

Among them, there are also NPCs and boss-level monsters with adventure missions.

However, these have nothing to do with the current Luo Cheng.

He was running fast.

Constantly cast Void Teleport in the air.

A step is thousands of meters.

Really like a land fairy.


In a place Luo Cheng doesn't know.

A sloppy old man in sackcloth, with fluffy hair, and his left little finger was still in the pupil of the nostril buttoned.

"Six Eight Seven" reflected his figure.

"After waiting for so long, the 'variable' finally appeared!"

The sloppy old man popped the booger from his fingers.

The body swayed lightly and disappeared in place.

It was also at this time.

Luo Cheng suddenly stopped and did not move forward.

Because, a fireball that flew from nowhere happened to hit him in the face.



The three-digit damage value floated above Luo Cheng's head.

Although the damage is not high, but...

No matter who, when in a hurry.

Being hit by a fireball in the face will not feel good?!

Luo Cheng looked down.

Sure enough, there are two waves of people below, projecting skills at each other.

Among them, there is a fire mage floating at a low altitude.

Is constantly throwing fireballs to the opposite side.

His spellcasting speed is extremely fast, and every time he releases a skill, no less than thirty fireballs fly in different directions.

It is clear.

The fireball that hit Luo Cheng just now was released by this fire mage.

Only, in Luo Cheng's perception.

The following group of people fighting, the strongest, is only the seventh rank.

There are even two or three levels of people mixed in.

A player of that kind of strength, for Luo Cheng.


A flick of a finger kills it.


With Luo Cheng's current strength.

He didn't really want to mix it up, the following two groups of 'dew chickens' were pecking at each other.

Can be sudden.

He was in the camp opposite the Fire Mage.

I saw a familiar figure.

It was a very fat fat man.

He was wearing heavy armor, holding a bronze shield in his left hand and a bronze shield in his right hand.

Take a pole, mine pick!

This man is none other.

It is Luo Cheng's classmate, too much money!

Luo Cheng still likes the man with too much money.

After all, fat people are always so happy.

At this time, the camp where too much money is located.

already at an absolute disadvantage.

There are many low-level players with mining picks on their backs.

They were all killed by the 'stray bullet' shot by the fire mage.

Those high-level players are also constantly retreating.

"Mom, this time, I'm afraid I'm going to be relegated!"

"I managed to get to level 120 with great difficulty, and now... I'm going back again."

Too much money hiding behind a few 'miner' players.

Bitter face.

His talent, although an A-level talent.

However, it is the kind of pure meat shield talent.

There is no attack or damage bonus.

Therefore, he himself cannot achieve a quick and large number of monster spawning upgrades.

But the reason why he was able to rise to level 12 in just three and a half months.

Just because he found a good team.

In the team, there is an S-level talent with a spell output, and an A-level talent, but there is a Kuo Shao Hu Tian who is a good father.

Follow these two people, and bring a nurse.

The team of four they formed was quite good.

The speed of brushing monsters to upgrade is also very fast.

Moreover, the father of the A-level talent Kuo Shao Hu Tian was still an eighth-level powerhouse who established a private guild after being discharged from the army.

For the sake of convenience, he also temporarily joined the guild established by Kuo Shao's father, the Tianhu Guild, in the world of the heavens.

There are Kuo Shao Hu Tian to take care of.

Their squad is full of medicines and equipment.

The days were also comfortable.

Although, the improvement of his own strength is not as fast as the evildoer of 'Luo Cheng'.

However, for too much money himself, he is very satisfied with this speed.

Only, just two days ago.

That Kuo Shao Hu Tian has something to do in reality, and these few days, he has no time to log in to the world of the heavens.

Coincidentally, in the guild established by his father, three appointments were issued.

It was said to recruit some low-level players to mine minerals in a small mine.

These low-level players can also mine according to the amount of ores they mine.

to exchange for guild rewards.

Because of this, there is too much money to upgrade without teammates.

Only then did he sign up on his own, and with a hoe, he came to the depths of the Chang'an Mountains.

Originally, the road was peaceful.

Although there are some high-level monsters in the way.

But they were all wiped out by the high-level combat power in the Tianhu Guild.

It doesn't pose any threat to low-level players like them.

Only, just as they were about to arrive at the location where the mine was located.

But there was a premeditated attack!

Almost just a face-to-face, more than 60% of the low-level miner players were sent back to run and resurrected.

There was too much money left for them, and they survived by luck because they were located in the back.

For the identity of the group of people who attacked on the opposite side.

Too much money is also known.

That was the old enemy of the Tianhu Guild, a member of the Peony Guild.

Speaking of which, this is a very interesting gossip.

The president of the Peony Guild is also an eighth-order powerhouse, and also a woman!

And, she has another identity.


Kuo Shao Hu Tian's biological mother!

It is said that.

Back then, the president of Tianhu Guild, Hu Tian's father, had found another woman.

Caught in bed by Hu Tian's biological mother.......

Only then did they separate and became enemies.

The 3.9 organizations of these two private guilds, although in reality, there is the law of the Dragon Kingdom, they dare not make any big moves.

However, in the Azure Dragon Realm, these two guilds are constantly at war.

Every now and then there's going to be a fight.

Some resources and items are slightly different from each other.

Or snatch some powerful wild BOSS or something.

With too much money, I never thought that I would be so 'lucky'.

It was the first time I went out to mine with the Tianhu Guild, and I encountered such a thing.

Just when too much money is full of vigilance and keeps retreating.

Suddenly, a cracking sound came in his direction.

next moment.

He felt a terrifying heat wave hit him.

"Mom, it's over! I've won the lottery!"

Too much money looked sad and didn't do anything to resist, just so helpless, waiting for death.


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