Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 424: Lu Fengxian's Jade Slip, The Original Secret Realm!


Dragon Country Kyoto, the core area.

In the room of the supreme officer Luo Zhixin, there was a slight spatial fluctuation suddenly.

Immediately after.

A portal opened, and a person walked out from it.

Seeing the portal that suddenly opened.

Luo Zhixin's eyes fluctuated slightly, and there was a strong joy in his expression once again.

In Longguo, there is only one person who can enter and exit his room like this.

That is, the unparalleled God of War——Lv Fengxian!

"Has the inheritance been accepted?"

Lu Fengxian's words were still brief.

But next, he handed Luo Zhixin a piece of bamboo made of jade.

This jade bamboo piece looks ordinary.

It's just an information jade slip that can record information.

Luo Zhixin took the jade slip, and poked his mind into it to check the information in the pressure tube.

At first, Luo Zhixin's complexion didn't change at all.

But as he continues to browse.

His complexion also showed shock, joy, and even more joyful emotions.

"The information here, is it true?!!"

Hu Anmin's thoughts withdrew from the jade slip.

Although he is 500% sure, Lu Fengxian is not a person who knows how to joke.

However, he still couldn't help asking one more question.


After getting an accurate reply from Lu Fengxian.

Luo Zhixin took a deep breath.

Then, you turned around and returned to your exclusive seat and sat down.

After a while, Luo Zhixin's mood completely calmed down.

He tightly held the jade slip in his hand.

Said: "With these things, our plan can be advanced again.

"It's up to you to decide, if you need to fight, just send me a letter.

After speaking, Lu Fengxian turned around and wanted to leave.

But he suddenly thought of something.

Turning around, he asked, "I heard that Luo Cheng has broken through to become a demigod?"

Hearing Lu Fengxian's inquiry.

A bit of astonishment appeared on Luo Zhixin's face.

Then, the corners of his mouth rose again.

"Hahaha, it's not easy. After all these years, someone finally caught your eye."

Luo Zhixin knew Lu Fengxian very well.

This 'legendary' Blue Star's No. 1 powerhouse.

(bcbd) has always been eye-over-top.

On the entire Blue Star, no one has ever caught his eyes.

Whether it is the Western Thunder God of War, the Desert God of Death, or the Lord of Whirling, they are completely unable to arouse the slightest interest in Lu Fengxian.

But now, Lu Fengxian took the initiative to pay attention to Luo Cheng.

This proves that Luo Cheng's talent has successfully attracted Lu Fengxian's attention.

Regarding Lu Fengxian's inquiry, Luo Zhixin did not give in.

Instead, he directly told Lu Fengxian the news he had just received from Liu Qingbai.

But who knows.

When Liu Qingbai heard Luo Zhixin's words, she frowned slightly.

"Is it just a match for Liu Qingbai?"

Hearing Lu Fengxian's words, Luo Zhixin's complexion instantly became weird.

What do you mean by "just barely fighting against Liu Qingbai"?

Liu Qingbai is a top demigod powerhouse who has the inheritance of the sword fairy and has comprehended the law of devouring!!

This kind of existence, even the entire Blue Star, is only a few dozen people.

Luo Cheng just broke through to the demigod level, and he was able to draw with Liu Qingbai.

Just like this, Lu Fengxian is still not satisfied?

"When you just broke through to the demigod, you weren't as good as him?"

Luo Zhixin couldn't help but speak.

Hearing Luo Zhixin's words, Lu Fengxian paused, and silently glanced at Luo Zhixin.

I thought for a few breaths.

He said: "He is different from me."

He waved his hand and opened a space portal, turned and left.

Luo Zhixin watched Lu Fengxian leave without any disturbance on his face.

But when all the spatial fluctuations disappeared and it was confirmed that Lu Fengxian had left.

In Luo Zhixin's exclusive room, there was a particularly hearty laughter.

The generals and secretaries waiting outside look at me and I look at you, but they don't know what happened inside the house.

Without Luo Zhixin's summons, they didn't dare to open the door easily to ask.

Naturally, Luo Cheng didn't know what happened in Kyoto.

At this time, he was viewing all the information about the 'Original Secret Realm'.

The original secret realm.

It is a special secret realm in the world of the heavens, which can only be entered by those who have cleared the nine-story Tongtian tower and reached the demigod realm.

There is a building that has not yet fully formed, or in other words, a prototype of the world that is being conceived!

The various laws in it have not yet been perfected.

Everything is in a primordial, chaotic state.

From time to time, there will be threads of broken laws revealed.

Therefore, comprehending the laws inside is many times faster than comprehending the laws outside.

Even, in the original secret realm, there will be some spirits that are completely condensed with law runes, special law original spirits.

In the present world, this kind of original spirit that can directly transmit the origin of the law is simply impossible to find.

However, the original secret realm is not a secret realm that is safe and secure, without danger, and only chance.

In that yet-to-be-formed world.

Occasionally, there will be a kind of "natural gods and demons" conceived by the world!

The strength of this kind of natural gods and demons is very strong, and each natural gods and demons will have very special special abilities.

Even, in the records of the Dragon Country Information Base.

There are also people in the original secret realm who have encountered the natural gods and demons who control the laws of the soul and are comparable to gods.


Many people have been poisoned by this natural god and demon.

Completely fell into the original secret realm.

Attention, it is... completely fallen!


"The original secret realm... It's time to take a look."

"However, before that, you can make a contract with the second void life."


Luo Cheng's eyes flickered slightly.

He still has an unused quota for contracting void life.

But he didn't want to enter the world of the heavens to make a void contract.


Directly in the present world, enter the deep void world!

Although Luo Cheng once opened the channel of the deep void world and summoned Chogas.

But Luo Cheng still wanted to take a deeper look.

Is the deep void world where the blue star is located different from the void world in the battlefield of the heavens?

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